Is everyone here just full of shit?

It seems like no one ever knows what the fuck they're doing, and everyone who seems like they know what the fuck they're doing is actually just LARPing. I'd say that your autistic dreams of a civil war or World War 3 or whatever form of SHTF you dream of is idiotic, but to be quite frank even the military members on this board seem to not know what the hell they're doing. I used to think that war was a battle of wits between two skilled forces playing out their hands on the battlefield, but now it seems like it's just a bunch of morons taken from the gutters of society and throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks.

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who would hurt an awoo :(

Oh man, its almost aa if were a bunch of different people with different backgrounds on a mongolian horse deoderant form, rather than an elite group of super-secret internet operators

They are Americans OP. They aren't the brightest people. They are either the blue haired people who constantly clamour for socialism or the other people who constantly talk about freedom and guns and state rights. The rest of the non western world laughs at Americans for their stupidity.

General rule for visiting American soldiers is that if their rank is below Major, don't talk to it or provoke it.


ur a fag lol

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no one anywhere really knows what they are doing or why. Let that sink in. Now panic.

around americans never relax

>The rest of the non western world laughs at Americans for their stupidity.

Untrue, I think burgers are great , they are fucking great people especially Texans. What fucking army are you in?

And yet, we are the most powerful nation on this earth.
How's it feel to be ruled by what you consider to be retarded?
Now go pick up that can, shithole.

>implying grunts are reason for success

how does it feel to bend your knee at Israel

>greatest american minds decide to zerg rush everyone else since ww2 by mass producing tanks, carriers and planes
>go trillions into debt
>doesn't matter, world power
>the average american soldier believes he is responsible for the greatness of his country
>goes around littering and spitting and being a huge pain in the ass
>starts fights everywhere
>steal shit

A bigger, meaner Awoo.

Protip: Liking "awoos" is a sign of too much estrogen. (see pic related). I would hurt one, because I would boil the fleshy ear and melt it down into a tea and drink it like a chinese person for health benefits.

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Day/k/are is full of shit, even more so during summer.

The only time you should browse Jow Forums is at night.

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>why is a forum of noguns and redditors a mess?
Gee, we'll never know. Funny enough though, the people that recognize the scope of the incoming violence are right, the sun shines on a dog's asshole every now and again.

nah, only civilians believe that about soldiers. Soldiers are the most disillusioned IDGAF people on the face of the earth. they don't litter and fight people because they think they're superior. they litter and fight people because they don't care anymore.

>night Jow Forums doesn't argue the same pedantic shit about everything
Are you new?

How does it feel to know that we can wave our dicks at the UN using Israel as an excuse for decades and then casually force our "jew overlords" and "saudi overlords" to kiss like the little puppets they are.

Looks like someone's gotta put that big Awoo in her place.

Are plastic bottles going to be the new soi? What's the insult going to be for those people? Bottleboys?

Yes. How the fuck have you not figured this shit out by the time you are 20?

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Whiter than you Mohammed.

I am 20 though...

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Well then you learned today faggot.
Here is a lesson that'll save you a lot of misery and trouble...... get out while you still can.

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>every non white country is a muslim country

Dude are you 13? Because that was when I had my first disillusionment like you're having right now about the world around you.

Just wait until you get your existential crises.

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>liking cute things makes you a basedboy

I'll take your bait cause It's 2:30 in the morning and I'm bored. I can understand most of the shit in that image but Awoos are great. Human beings are attracted to an aesthetic to cuteness by instinct. It's why wed don't go around canabalising other people's children.

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t. 30 year old boomer

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Only beta losers and the uneducated face crisis in learning about the world. You contribute nothing to it and then get upset when the world calls you out for it.

Who's the artist for the image? Can't find anything on reverse search.

Lurk moar. It becomes apparent pretty quick who knows their shit and who knows jack shit. I can see how it would be hard to discern at first.