In America...

In America, would I get in trouble for approaching then shooting a burglar in the head point blank after I shoot him and he falls to the ground? Assuming that the fucker can’t shoot back at me anymore

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In most places, yes.

Of course not. Make sure you put his body in a funny pose.

yeah, falls into "reasonable use of force" or "desecrating a body". If you really want to shoot the fucker in the head after he/she dies. Just do it from a distance, the forensics will just look like it was just a regular shot. Make sure there's no surveillance of course

You shoot him until he isn't a threat. If you shoot him, he drops, then rolls around crying for his mother, you can't shoot him again unless he becomes a threat. If you shoot him, he drops, then immediately goes for his waistband to grab something, magdump.

Approaching an incapacitated person, or someone trying to kill you, and shooting them in the head would be murder. That doesn't really change depending on the circumstances.

I believe a Vietnam vet got life in prison for killing two teenage burglars who were in his property, not because he killed them, but because he set up tape recorders, sat in his house for multiple hours muttering about how he was going to kill them, shot one, heard his sister crying out his name in panic, found her, said something about killing her, shot her, waited a few seconds to hear her scream, said "Here's another" or something, shot her again, then said some more shit about killing them.

He tried to argue that the cops weren't responding to his reports of break ins, that didn't work.

This exact thing happened to a guy who tried to rob a pharmacy
>2 nogs try to rob pharmacy
>one is unarmed, he dindu nuffins
>Worker in store draws gun
>unarmed robber goes down
>Worker walks past him
>worker grabs another gun, walks up and executes him with 5 additional shots at close range
>Worker convicted of murder

Yet if the robber would have just laid there and died of his previous gun wounds it would not have been murder. Walking up and executing him when he was no longer a threat made it murder in the eyes of the court.

dead men tell no tales. I doubt they are going convict you if the rest of your story checks out and you execute him saying he was still a threat.

Found it.

>Prosecutors said Smith's plan was set in motion on the morning of the killings, after Smith saw a neighbor whom he believed responsible for prior burglaries drive by. Prosecutors say Smith moved his truck to make it look like no one was home, and then settled into a chair in his basement with a book, energy bars, a bottle of water and two guns.

>Smith also set up a hand-held recorder on a bookshelf, which captured audio of the shootings – key evidence in the prosecution's case. Smith had also installed a surveillance system that recorded images of Brady trying to enter the house.

>The audio, which was played several times in court, captured the sound of glass shattering, then the sounds of Smith shooting Brady three times as he descended the basement stairs. Smith can be heard saying, "You're dead." Prosecutors said Smith put Brady's body on a tarp and dragged him into another room, then sat down, reloaded his weapon and waited.

>About 10 minutes later, Kifer came downstairs. More shots are heard on the recording, then Kifer's screams, with Smith saying, "You're dying." It's followed soon after by another shot, which investigators said Smith described as "a good, clean finishing shot."

The investigation will reveal the paths of the bullets. They will be able to tell if the final shots were done at close range at a downward angle.

If you want to keep shooting him when he is down then do it from across the room so you can at least argue that he was still a threat. Probably easier to defend than walking right up to him and firing straight down at him. You aren't going to approach somebody you still consider a deadly threat.

This. There's a big difference between continuing to shoot the body from your original shooting position and later saying he was still moving and reaching into his clothing and trying to explain to a jury why the ballistics report shows that a bullet was fired into the center of his forehead by someone standing directly over the body.

>the deciding factor in a lawful or unlawful killing is whether you act like a scared bitch (legal) or cool cucumber (illegal.)

God I fucking hate this weakass civilization, cant wait to see it go. Being deliberate and calm makes it illegal to kill someone who would otherwise be legally inviting lethal force.

Yes. and it's happened several times before. That's called murder.

If you do it from a few feet away you could still claim you were approaching him be he made an attempt to attack you or grab his weapon. Powder burns indicating point blank, less than a foot away, shots is what you want to avoid.
>You aren't going to approach somebody you still consider a deadly threat.
No I unless they "feign" incapacitation until you get close enough to attack. OP could say he was going to try to administer aid or was walking past when he was attacked by his downed foe.

friend of my uncle was a dumbass who tried this, shot at some burglars then reloaded and shot one that was down. If surveillance can't prove you did then forensics can, don't try it.

No, the difference between murder and self defense is whether or not you wanted to kill them in the first place. Waiting for them to break in so you can trap them and call the police, then being forced to shoot due to one of them pulling a knife isn't murder, it's self defense. Waiting for them to break in so you can kill them, as you have stated on a tape right before doing it, is murder.

Declaring intent got that tripfag idiot 15 years in prison. Baneposting and using "the N word" when talking about niggers protesting the cops was enough for the jury to see that shooting as murder, even though he had fled from the niggers chasing him for several blocks. It's all about intent.

>looking for opportunities to kill someone

Get some fucking help.

>Declaring intent got that tripfag idiot 15 years in prison. Baneposting and using "the N word" when talking about niggers protesting the cops was enough for the jury to see that shooting as murder, even though he had fled from the niggers chasing him for several blocks. It's all about intent.
holy shit, story pls?

But he deserved to die. All criminals deserve death.

A real man is a killer.

which case are you referring to with the baneposting?

The tripfag. SaigaMarine or something.

Whether or not this is true, once a shitbag is down and not capable of fighting, for example when he's winged in the head and unconscious he's no longer capable of threatening your life and therefor he becomes the legal system's problem. The scumbag is no longer your responsibility or problem and thus you no longer have the right to arbitrarily execute him without trial. Whether or not you think it's fair that is how the law works in the vast majority of places in the US.

Oh that happened during one of the BLM protests. Totally forgot about that holy shit it's been like 3 years.

This is so much bullshit. I don't know why he recorded, he should have just made some shit up. "I was so afraid! I hadn't slept well in weeks because the police do nothing about these break-ins!"

Hello newfriends

>Mr. Big is only okay when authorities do it.

I agree. And it is odd to think that he was already shot in the head and probably would have died from that wound regardless.
>shoot him in the head
>he dies
>shoot him in the head
>probably already dead
>shoot him some more
>convicted of murder

Either way hes fucking dead so what is so different?

I don't even think he was prosecuted, he wasn't there the night of the shooting, but was present for some other shit days before.
It was the other tripfag, black powder ranger, who went to prison.

It totally depends on the state for at least the initial encounter. States that have a 'stand your ground' or 'castle doctrine' 'essentially' state that you have the right to stand up and protect yourself, loved ones, and property. Other pussy states have a 'duty to retreat' clause that states that you literally 'legally' have to run away to safety while mean ole burger / rapist tries to do his dirty deed, and ONLY if they continue on you, do you have the right to use a 'level' of force appropriate to the encounter. This means you probably can't get away with shooting an unarmed burglar in the head if they step foot onto your property. in a 'duty to retreat' state.

Assuming you are NOT in a 'DTR' state, and have a right to defend yourself and property, there is still a lot of individual factors. If the person was armed, and brandishing a weapon, coming at you in a menacing way, then shooting them may be considered justified. If an unarmed person comes through your door, and you have a conversation with them, and then kill them. thats a murder that you just did. The family can also take you to court on a wrongful death suit, mainly for money, so you could easily bankrupt yourself trying to not have to pay thousands to hundreds of millions of dollars.

If you are going to go up to them 'Hollywood' style and point blank them in the head, then that will ABSOLUTELY be considered murder unless you have a REALLY good attorney and the other side is absolute shit. unless you can prove that he had a weapon and was still a threat, and you were walking over to check on him.

There was a case a little while ago where a guy set up a trap for burglars in his house, what he didn't know was the alarm he had either recorded, or it dialed 911 and they could hear what was going on. He spent several minutes tormenting them, it was a young guy and girl, you could tell that he 'enjoyed' killing them, and he got life for it.

This is why I practice controlled pairs. For the best legally defensive position, you need to make sure the extra shots are in the redguard before he actually hits the ground.

>Either way hes fucking dead so what is so different?
Why would you shoot somebody who's on the ground posing no threat to you repeatedly? There's only one answer, brainlet.

Because there is still a 'chance' that he may be saved, and you are defending your person, from a threat. By the law, (depending on Duty to Retreat or Castle Doctrine / Stand Your Ground), you are allowed to defend yourself until the threat has been lifted.

Even if it can be proven that the person was dead, and you after the fact shoot the body several times out of releasing anger / tension, or your just fucking retarded. you can at the minimum be charged with desecration of a corpse, not as massive as a murder, but still something that can take away your freedom.

Understandably most 'normal' people wouldn't be in their typical state of mind if they had to shoot another person. What can be considered a 'normal' thought process is someone wanting to maintain or preserve the human condition. Then regardless of the government case, you may have to deal with a civil suit of the family coming after you or your estate.

Just with all the bullshit that has to be gone through, I REAAAAALLLY hope that I never ever have to deal with a bugler or have to shoot someone.

We do have a semi crooked system though, if you don't kill them, they have a right to sue you for 'damages' regardless of them committing an illegal act, and some of these scumbags HAVE ACTUALLY WON their cases.

Or if you use non lethal on them (beanbag 12 gauge, rubber bullets, etc.), they can say 'ohhh i have pain, i'm suffering because of him and again.. you have to pay them for the rest of their life

>will I get in trouble for using deadly force against an individual that isn’t neccesarily threatening me with deadly force and will I get in trouble if I continue using deadly force while he is incapacitated and unable to do anything?

Of fucking course not! What makes you think this?
>can I shoot someone for looking at me wrong or callihgnme an name???

this is how retard you sound like, opee

Regardless of what you fags thing that was 100% a vigilante killing described just now. He lured them in, put one on a fucking tarp and drug him away and then waited some more. He should have called the cops after the first one. Disregarding the moral questions of luring a person, even a criminal, he at the very least should have called the cops immediately after the first killing.

Also who says "You're dead!" and "You're dying!" - this just reeks of some boomer, charles-bronson-deathwish 'revenge' fantasy.

Legally speaking, this was a premeditated vigilante style murder, regardless of how you 'feel' about it. We can't just go around letting our emotions control us.

I always wondered if I would get in trouble for a situation like this in Commiefornia
>dindu American takes my wallet at gun point or even knife point
>Basketball American turns and begins running away once he gets what he wants
>as he runs I take out my cc and mag dump into the urban youth’s back

Would this get me in trouble? He’s not really a threat since he’s leaving but he robbed me

>Would this get me in trouble?

So you’re a racist that literally shoots someone who is no longer a threat to you? Seems legit, fuck niggers lololol

Everyone ITT needs to stop posting dumb shit and google “AOJ Massad Ayoob” and read Andrew F. Branca’s book “The Law of Self Defense”.

Then again, reading about legal knowledge from true experts in the field and let alone reading is gay. Shitposting about dumb fuck revenege fantasies and extremely what-if scenarios are a productive way to understand self defense law instead of understanding the underlying principles of what makes a justified shoot a justified shoot?

>just because you’re legally allowed to shoot someone, doesn’t mean it’s a smart idea to

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I wonder this too, because apparently you can use a firearm to stop a felony in progress but you do live in commiefornia so probably not.

Tennessee v. Garner covers you if you're a cop. Violent fleeing felon.

I would certainly hope no one would disagree with you on that. The whole case was just fucked... The kids who broke in aren't saints (broke into a house duh...) but they certainly didn't deserve what happened to them. He completely fucking snapped with those kids.

What color is your skin and how much did you donate to the police charity fund last year?

>in commiefornia
not sure
>anywhere else
it can be argued that he's still a danger to anyone nearby that the bad guy can encounter

This depends wildly on state. Some have a fleeing felon rule but it is typically based on the individual posing a serious risk to the public at large. For that matter as far as im aware the vast majority of states only have fleeing felon rules for LEOs or those acting under the orders of LEOs or as temporarily ordained LEOS(ex a posse under a sherrif). For instance a car thief would be out of the question, a mugger would likely be very murky, but somebody who just stabbed/shot a person to death in your local mall and is walking away with the knife in hand would likely be fair game.

Have fun getting a prosecutor to see things the same way as you if there's a racial disparity let alone media or public backlash. He may just press charges so that he can say that he "did something" and can point a finger at the judge or state law.

let me shoot this nigger and potentially
>engage in a very costly legal battle
>ruin my social life as job opportunities get shut down on me
>accidentally hit an innocent bystander
>lose the legal battle and get imprisoned
>win the legal battle but get notoriety like Zimmerman
>win the criminal case but get sued in a civil case
>get fucked psychologically such as having frequent nightmares even if okay with shooting them
>all for a fucking wallet that has about $14 in cash and plastic cards

Sometimes, you need to re-think who’s a nigger. Nigger. If you are being held at gunpoint and take an opportunity to draw your gun when you recognize that opening in order to save your life from someone who is an active threat, go for it.

Motherfuckers need to seriously check yourselves. Setting yourselves up for failure and it’s sad desu

>B-but its wrong because its meeean n stuff! They didnt deserve it they was gud kids n sheeit, they dindu nuffin!

T. Garglers of Flopping Horse Cock

>Get some fucking help.
Stop breaking into houses, nigger - then we won't need any help.

>boomer war vet
literally the worst possible combination

would the amount of money change things, say you were walking out of the bank and got nabbed in the parking lot worth thousands , this shit is horrifying bc what do you do, you could stop it but its probably not right desu.

>would the amount of money change things, say you were walking out of the bank and got nabbed in the parking lot worth thousand

There’s more secure ways to move around such amounts of money. Situational awareness also plays a key role.

The idea I’m pushing is the difference between shooting someone fleeing even if they did victimize you and someone actively holding you up with a weapon.

See the recent video ASP posted on Youtube with the guy in Miami who was murdered at the ATM.

>murdered at the ATM.
This is why I only do drivethrough ATM. If I must do it on foot it is a very public one like inside a supermarket where there are like 30 witnesses around.

Fuck those ATMs where you are just exposed on the street and any crackhead can see you and knows you just got cash.

>The idea I’m pushing is the difference between shooting someone fleeing even if they did victimize you and someone actively holding you up with a weapon.
seriously what a fucked up situation to be in youre worried about your life and property and say you deem it not worth dying over you give in and hope you dont get gutted afterwards bc the guy doesnt want you calling the cops, that guy is a real jerk. but I do see the difference now in what you said active vs having already been victimized and they are taking off.

>This is why I only do drivethrough ATM.

I don’t like drivethroughs, even if you have your car on drive while holding the brakes down as you do your shit, being in a vehicle is a relatively vulnerable position as opposed to being on foot.

I’ll probably just stop using outdoor ATM’s for this very reason. I already feel somewhat vulnerable using an outdoor ATM, a murder in my city like this is a good enough clue for me to stop.

Unrelated but one thing I’ve done for a while is stand away from my vehicle either to the front or back when waiting pumping gas instead of being boxed in by the fuel pump, the fuel nozzle itself, side of the vehicle and any other shit in the area.

I understand that it makes you more vulnerable in some ways being in a car, but if somebody is going to come up on me in my truck while I'm at the ATM they better be ready to die historic on the Fury Road.

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>natural rights


>OP could say he was going to try to administer aid
Doesn't sound like a good idea. "Why were you trying to help him if you just shot him? Did you not mean to shoot him? If you meant to kill him, why would you then try to save him? Are you a trained paramedic licensed to help shooting victims?"
Key word being "victim." His lawyer can turn it around on you and make it sound like he's the victim, not you. After all, why would you claim to try to help a man who intended you harm?

Yes, you're best magdumping while he's still standing. Dead burglars tell no tales, and cannot sue you for their hospital bills.

Meh. Maybe they shouldn’t have tried breaking into his house and it all could’ve been avoided. Play stupid games win stupid prizes

>I’m sorry officers I couldn’t hear him screaming as I was too busy fearing for my life

this one still bothers me. he had a right to carry, a right to free speech, he was chased by an angry mob trying to hurt him and even attempted retreat. He only fired after they wouldn't relent. And he is in jail. Total miscarriage of justice, even if he was an asshole.

Oh shit. My sister just loves the ID channel and there is this show that they play the actual tapes of interviews and cop calls and evidence and shit. It was an episode about this fucking nutjob. He covers all the rooms in his house with tape recorders, than wanders around talking to himself about how much he wants to kill these kids. Gets nabbed by the cops after he does and I DINDU NUFFIN SELF DEFENSE. Then when the cops ask him about the tapes he says something stupid like "I was on the phone with someone, I was just joking with them, gaw."

The tapes themselves were pretty fucking creepy. It was like he was having a full blown conversation with someone on the phone but there were no logs of calls on his home or cellphone and shit.

>why would you claim to try to help a man who intended you harm?
"My higher moral standard forces me to help a now-incapacitated attacker."

Very poor verdict. Bodes ill for the entire country.

not if I am on the jury

>repeatedly text and post about how you're going to go bait niggers into attacking you at a BLM protest so you can shoot them
>go to a BLM protest and start baiting niggers
>when niggers get aggressive lure them away from your current position
>past the local police station staffed with cops and offering safety
>to a relatively secluded area with few witnesses and no cameras
>open fire "in fear for your life" on a crowd of unarmed niggers who were "coming right for me"
Really requires bigthonk to understand why the prosecutor didn't believe that it was self defense.

Alot of people agree with this but just find it edgy

Scarsella, modern hero of the white man

For anyone who wants a comprehensive summary of this case:

This guy, Scarsella, was a tripfag on Jow Forums named BlackPowderRanger. He and some other tripfag named Saigamarine (who later turned witness for the prosecution in order to save his own skin...) videotaped themselves going to a BLM protest, where they spewed stupid memes and did their best to irl troll the people they talked to on camera. Obviously, the people they were trolling found out about this and were not too happy about it. As such, when Scarsella decided to visit the BLM protest again four days later in order to troll them again on videotape, his traitorous buttbuddy Saigamarine probably sensed there would be trouble and decided to stay home. He was right. They ended up in an altercation with a large group of protesters that ended in a situation where Scarsella shot into a crowd and claimed self-defense.

Unfortunately for him, his activities on the internet came back to bite him in the ass massively. Aside from the video he made with Saigamarine from the first trip, where they talked about how they were attending the protests in order to incite the protesters, he had literally years worth of texts and posts talking about how he thought black people were subhumans who should be exterminated and how he wanted to engineer a situation where he could shoot them and get away with it. That being said, this was hardly the only reason why he was convicted. Here's the complete trial transcript (it's in 10 parts):

Some highlights from the trial transcript include
>Saigamarine had to explain to the court what terms like "dindu," "loli," "cultural enrichment," and "making the fire rise" mean.
>Scarsella somehow managed to get into West Point and then got himself kicked out of West Point, when modern West Point is so permissive that even fucking idiots like that communist bastard Rapone can graduate
>One of Scarsella's fellow defendants took the stand over the advice of his attorney. Said attorney actually made a statement about this that went onto the court record so he wouldn't be accused of incompetence regarding his client's sheer stupidity
>This fellow defendant decided the best way he could use his time on the stand was to brag about Scarsella's marksmanship with a handgun under stress
>Scarsella and co. were unable to articulate a reason why they ran AWAY from help when the protest was taking place literally right outside a police station with police officers surveilling the situation 24/7
>Every single witness for the defense was extremely weak. Nearly all of them admitted to being under the influence of alcohol or marijuana at the time the incident took place, and their stories should have easily become inconsistent under cross-examination by an attorney that isn't a public defender
>One of Scarsella's friends, who was a police officer, was fired when the 1488 shit he talked about all the time with Scarsella came to light

The best part of this whole incident, however, happened after Scarsella was convicted. During his sentencing hearing, he read a statement to the court where he claimed that his mistaken actions were caused by his white privilege, begged the judge for probation, and had to be reminded by his public defender to say "Thank you" to the court after finishing his spiel.

Links of the audio of this below; please struggle to contain your sides.

Audio of Scarsella requesting that the judge be lenient:
Audio of Scarsella getting BTFO by the judge immediately afterwards:


This is also worth a read. It's an archive of Scarsella's texts that ended up being used by the prosecution to demonstrate mens rea.

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"your shits gay and ur goin to jail fag"
t. judge

just magdump him to begin with to make sure he dies

How'd they find the posts he made?

archive lmao

I know there's an archive but how did they manage to connect him to his trip? Was it something he used publicly?

Probably in his texts or testimony from his friends, given he went with his fellow tripfags there would have been a record of communication.

Just be smart about it and don't make it look like an execution.

>had to explain to the court what terms like "dindu," "loli," "cultural enrichment," and "making the fire rise" mean.
>had to explain loli

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No but the trick is you have to shoot him with every single bullet in the magazine. It is kind of fucky but if you were "in fear for your life" and panic mag dump you're off the hook. If you put two in his heart and one in the head from 10ft you are a murderer with clear intent.

>Tfw rural, live alone with good distance between me and my neighbors
>Tfw I don’t even plan on calling the cops, just heaving the corpse in a river or burying it under a pipeline
I don’t feel like dealing with my country’s shitty legal system.

Don't put it in a river or under a pipeline, are you trying to get it found? Fuck, just drive off an unmarked road a couple of miles and sprinkle some septic treatment on the corpse.

Japanese term for a female with a flat chest, i dont see how that could possibly be held against anyone

Kek, nobody digs under pipelines out here. The septic solution is a good touch. But out here there’s a billion old oil sites. Prime for hiding bodies.

One of my biggest fears is that one day I will have to shoot a brown person in self-defense and I will get charged for murder because the cops found a racist meme saved on my laptop or phone. Both are encrypted and I don't see any reason why the cops would need access to my electronics in a self-defense shooting case, but the idea still freaks me out.

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literally as long as you dont say something to your friends along the lines of "im gonna pretend I'm not at home to trap a nigger burglar in my house and blow his brains out" you're not in any trouble. It's not illegal to be racist.

also that tripfag was a fucking dumbass for saying on-camera he was going to the rally to bait the noggs there into attacking him.

>He lured them in,
That's the one thing that would make this illegal. Which he didn't. Then it's a case of how bad the tapes made him look in court, which really make him come across as an insane man who really shouldn't have access to a firearm. Had he kept his anger private he would have done no wrong.

You and me both.
>niggers physically attack you
>run several blocks away
>they're still chasing you
>not self defense
Utter retard detected.
In your world, is it premeditated murder if I claim "I own a gun and will shoot anyone who attempts to kill me or my loved ones"?

>some other tripfag named Saigamarine (who later turned witness for the prosecution in order to save his own skin
He deserves to be lynched for his crimes. What a hardcore faggot.

You know, I take everything back. Based on the actions he took, he did nothing wrong.
But I'm happy this pussy ass nigga got fucked. What a little bitch.

And people actually claim that "intent" isn't considered in American Justice.

>Yet if the robber would have just laid there and died of his previous gun wounds it would not have been murder.

If I remember the Jerome Ersland case correctly, the coroner's report suggested the kid may have lived. Ersland went away because he straight up executed someone.

>Burglar breaks in
>I's a good christian, thou shall not kill
>shoot burglar in the leg or somewhere else to incapacitate him
>burglar recovers in hospital, hires lawyer and sues every last hard earned penny off of you

>I feared for my life, I feared for my families lives, I thought he was going to kill us. repeat. My ears were ringing and everything was a blur. I wish he had never broken into my home. I didn't want any of this.


He can't do that.

Bible says dealing a lethal blow to a burglar is not a sin.