If the nazis were actually a country abundant with resources, they had many allies...

If the nazis were actually a country abundant with resources, they had many allies, their entire leadership was different, their entire ethos was different, they existed on a different planet with geography meaning they couldn't be flanked and their enemies had the same technology level has the Roman's do you think they could have won the war?

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>If the nazis were actually a country abundant with resources
They were
>they had many allies
They did
>their entire ethos was different
Then how the fuck are they Nazis?

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they wouldve won if they didnt get betrayed by their scientists who went on to invent the nuke for today's russian bots.

>ITT: Examples of Hubris.

> If their entire leadership was different, their entire ethos was different

So not Nazis

> If they existed on a different planet with geography meaning they couldn't be flanked and their enemies had the same technology level has the Roman's do you think they could have won the war?

You're fucking retarded, OP

>If an entire nation from ww2 were to fight against the ancient world, could they win?

Yes, and the fact you had to ask such a stupid question means you probably would have been one of the mentally feeble who they exterminated.

Hitler just did everything he could to stay totally irrelevant to the war effort.

Is that staying the same, too?

Or like, are they still going to like do wizard shit in a big room with swords and robes on like a fucking stupid metal band?

>Just asking so I can narrow down my assessment.

10/10 thread OP they totally could've

So, United States of America? Sure, a war or two could've been won. A disco rat that splits mortar between steam pumps looking at is so much for, can you dig it?

Okay I'll bite. Just for fun. We are all armchair generals anyway.

Your alternative senario would have to start right after WW1, in the first days after the armies of the Kaizer returned home. Those were days of intense turmoil, with the end of aristocracy and economy collaps and all sorts of militias roaming the streets seeking out scraps with each other. French communists were stropping along the streets of the Ruhr area by the thousands, the Versailles treaty was kicking the guts off the German industry and there were coup attempts.

We all know which party got the upper hand; one bunch of ex-army veterans with ambitions. But it could have gone otherwise. If. say, England had spent some energy and money on discreetly supporting one of the saner and more inclusive political groups could have won that struggle. If the allies had followed that up with a slightly more lenient economic policy toward them, Germany could have become a peaceful country. Perhaps there would still have been a war over some shit eventually, but with sane leadership German engineering would not have been a continuous SHTF contigency. Basically the Allies treated postww1 Germany like they treated Afghanistan; "let's fuck things up completely, ruin everything established and wait for a new wonderful world to happen'.

The alternative world Wehrmacht might not have been all that different from the actual one. Most of the General Staff came to seniority without the NSDAP's help and many of its tactics were based on WW1 experiences. It is tempting to say that tank strategies and technologies would have been the same; after WW1 the whole world was working on tank warfare.

The SS however, might never exist in this alternative world. Perhaps some more paramilitary and less ambitious force would have taken its place.

The Luftwaffe would have been an entirely different beast without Goering. With an Albert Speer or a Von Braun to lead the development and Kesselring on top, things could have gotten maybe less imaginitive but a lot more efficient.

Going to have to level with you pal this is a shit post thread about naziboos trying to find some alt history scenario where Germany wins you really didn't have to do all this

That was pretty obvious from the start. But shit can be a good fertilizer none the less.

Another scenario might be one where the 3rd Reich had stopped its direct expansion after reclaiming the Ruhr areas and the Anschluss with Austra and bided its time until Stalin invaded Poland. There were a lot of pro-German polacks as in much of the rest of the world, and a strike into Poland against the communist scourge would likely have proven very popular worldwide. It would have given them the war they really wanted, their losses to Russian bombing would have been negligible and they would not have needed to lock up hundreds of thousands of soldiers in western europe.

And it would automatically have allied Germany with England and France who were already in a miniature alliance with Poland.

Oh yeah, because Nazis are the only ones who did that.

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>Basically the Allies treated postww1 Germany like they treated Afghanistan; "let's fuck things up completely, ruin everything established and wait for a new wonderful world to happen'.
>give germans mild economic reparations for the damage they inflicted in belgium and northern france, then reduce them when the germans complain
>let them keep their eastern conquests
>don't balkanize germany
>let them rearm
the entente was incredibly lenient towards defeated germany, it's their own fault they got so fucked up

the british and french alliances with poland were targeted towards germany though, they might not have helped against the soviets

>the entente was incredibly lenient towards defeated germany

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compare the treaty of versailles to brest-litovsk

Just because it was less draconian than Brest Litovsk, does not mean that it gets to be considered lenient. Lenient in comparison, but definitely not lenient just when judged by its own virtues

I think the real interesting thing would have been if pic related had lived into the 40’s, he got along well with Hitler who had a ton of respect for him. Imagine Poland and Germany teaming up to wreck Commie shit, without Allied interference. It’s not that far fetched if he had lived longer.

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You fell for the bait hard