Martial arts

What martial arts are you doing Jow Forums? I know that most Jow Forumsommandos do not bother much with what a normie would term martial arts. After all, is not a gun stronger than a fist? However, this attitude is stupid. Guns are held in fists. If you want to be a great fighting Jow Forumsommando you must learn martial arts to a level which would impress even a normie.

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Gun Kata is stronger.

No gi ji Jitsu


Never heard of it.

Why is hand-to-hand combat often called "martial arts" in English?

Martial means war, which makes sense, but war has evolved much farther than using sharp or blunt weapons, let alone fists.

Think about it: gorilla warfare has been around for the past hundred of years or more. Gorilla warfare may have hand-to-hand combat incorporated into it, but usually it involves using guns in hit and run tactics nowadays.

The Native Americans of long ago are great examples of gorilla fighters. It took an extra century practically to kill them off, even with, initially at least, superior weapons. At the battle of Little Big Horn, Custer and his men were slaughtered because the Native Americans had, not only numbers, but better rifles too. That's kind of on a tangent though because that really wasn't gorilla warfare in my opinion.

Gorilla fighters even exist today in Africa. They can be found throughout Africa on raids destroying villages, raping women, and killing children. Often times, it is hard to find footage of these gorilla fighters because they are so sly. They have been portrayed in media though. Here is an example from memories of a survivor of a gorilla attack:


Anyways, back on the main topic, I think that the phrase "martial arts" is misused because gorilla fighters who use ranged weapons exist today. The armies that do exist today do not, in large part use, Muay Thai fighters who use elbows and fists, not the legions of Rome (they were in large part successful because they had each soldier carry multiple pilum into battle who mostly used shield and gladius, nor the masterfully crafted katana of the samurai which, like many of their noodles, have been folded thousands of times.

TL;DR: If you hear someone speak of "martial arts" so highly when they are specifically speaking about hand-to-hand combat please remind them of the things in this post.

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Ok nerd

The way I've always heard it is kickboxing for when you're not on the ground, wrestling to get to the ground, then jiu jitsu for when you're on the ground. That being said I only train jiu jitsu because I know a few takedowns from wrestling and I've had enough head injuries that I can't afford to train in kickboxing.

Pistol whippin' and bitch slappin'

Ahh, a man of culture.

Basically kickboxing, but we wear shoes when we fight.


6/10, you almost nabbed me.

7/10 I'd say, it was actually informative.

How can you use martial arts if I disable your hand, though?


lol good one

Attached: while you were partying, i studied the scarf.jpg (694x393, 85K)

Ah yes, the mightiest of weapons!

Attached: Lisalisa_body_c94_scarf.png (291x479, 339K)

But how is that any different than guns, or nuke wars?

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Guns are held in hands. Nukes aren't.

I learn Systema because the hammer fist and the Slavic scratch are the only two moves you need.

Marksmanship. It's a martial art.

Mexican judo [spoiler] ju do know i got a gun ese[/spoilersdon'tworkonk]

Nigga have you not seen Starship Troopers?

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I actually haven't. I really need to correct that mistake.

Yes, cancel your plans this weekend and watch it.

Yeah it's a good time.

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To die?

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Shit, better load my gun.

Martial arts is for fitness.

Lastly maybe giving you a upper hand,as you pull it out of your ass in a quick situation. Mite be usefull for disarms.

Jujitsu = disarms, silent kills.

Also kali is cool, learn how to fight with any object. Learn how to use a knife as a last ditch weapon.

Bottom line.
Some dude in africa has a AK and doesn't care about your kung fu.
Superior weapons first.


with kung fu hustle,you don't need normie gun.

Kali and Krav Maga. Very good for street fights when combined

Im a traditionalist. Old school ching-ching pow for me. Most of those techniques are demonstration stunts I dont need to impress the judges. The street aint the mat son.

I went to a systema class and they were doing this. The guy wasn't even teaching people moves, he was just like okay, play with these scarves and try to do something. I'm almost positive it was just a scammer ripping people off.

That's an orangutan.

Fuck me, that was good.

It is?

Yeah that was a scammer.

Systema itself is a scam, thus anyone teaching it is by definition a scammer.

The class was hilariously bad. It was like those youtube videos where everyone is bouncing around and the instructor is just waving at them.