Home defense tips?

18 year old staying at home until sunday, parents are out of town. lots of break ins in my city as of late, mostly the cause of our mayor busing in homeless crackheads on public transportation from neighboring cities. might sound dumb but i had a dream last night that i was held up in my home by a spic with a double barreled shotgun; i have deja vu quite frequently, and thats why i'm keeping the great equalizer next to my desk at all times. should the situation arise where i am forced to defend myself and my little sister, how can i go about neutralizing a threat in the swiftest way possible? pic related; remington 870 with 12 gauge buckshot

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Well, in the event of a home invasion, don't go confront anyone. Get your gun, get to your sister, put your backs in a corner, gun facing the door. Don't make a sound. Make sure you're in a spot where you can see the door opening before they can see you. When the door opens, open fire.

If you have to shoot, make sure you positively ID your target first. You don't want to shoot "home invaders" that are really your folks coming home early in the middle of the night.

>be verbal
>shoot if necessary

Keep some pornographic material next to the gun. Then when you hear someone breaking in, quickly take off all your clothes and look at the porn until you get a chub. Then charge downstairs completely nude with the gun in one hand and masturbating furiously in the other hand shouting: "God for Harry, England and St. George!"

That usually does the trick

It would help to shout out IDENTIFY YOURSELF once you get into position. They won't be able to pinpoint your specific location, just the general area. This will prevent shooting someone you shouldn't shoot.

Or you know, turn the lights on.

>*foot shuffle* It's me, Jerome. I'm here in your home. I broke the window glass so that I can come in your ass.

He literally just said in case it's someone you know, retard.

>Being this mad at whats clearly a joke on behalf of another person's post

Calm down, Autismo.

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1. have a home defense plan
2. camp a fatal funnel
3. control the lighting of said fatal funnel
4. have some type of cover

those are the major ones.

Listen here you little geerqueer mallninja tacticool faggot, we're talking real business here. NO JOKES ALLOWED.

This is my first time on Jow Forums, even after browsing this site for many years. But damn, I gotta say this is peak fucked up I’ve seen these past 20 mins. I’m 21 rn, but imagining my 18 y/o self with some heavy ass shotgun besides me all day just because I had some weird dream. US gun law only increases distrust among already violent communities. I live in a bad part of a big EU city, where shootings do happen, and I’ve never even felt the need to carry something small like a knife around me. The US are more dangerous than any fucking 3rd world country.


My city has had one homicide(justified) in the last 30yrs.

??? What?

>obvious troll
>"lmao the US is more dangerous than a third world country"
>no it isnt'
Learn to read, europoor.

nice art work op

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You mean your city has 1 homicide(justified) in the last 30 years? And you wanna base that on the entire USA? I’m sorry you live in boring ass Spokane or some lame ass town where nothing happens. I can also name 5 cities in my country that have had 0 homicides in the last 1000 years. You’re actually retarded kiddo. The chance of getting shot in America is way higher than for example 95% of African countries. anyway I’m on Jow Forums. Didn’t think I would get 1 person to agree with me. Reminder this is the lowest IQ board

Me and my roomies had this problem for a while. We only had 9mm so getting shot in the middle of the night wasn't a big deal, but Daryl bought a Kimber and we knew we had to get serious about the situation. Now we just leave lv. III plate carriers at the door on an old hat rack for guests, and we just wear ours all the time.

Kid is noided because his mommy and daddy are out of town for the first time in his life and they let him hold on to the shotgun. There were probably 5 break ins in the past 6 months in his city of ~150,000 people, in which bored 16 years olds on summer vacation broke into blatantly unoccupied homes and stole jewelry and pills.
Don't look into it too much Achmed.

call 911
put the phone down near yourself
yell a lot at the intruder
obviously hold position at fatal funnel with no rear approach
check target before firing
get some #6 shot as it is still lethal at at 30ft but less likely to be lethal beyond a wall

>And you wanna base that on the entire USA?
Basing the safety off the 97% of the country that isn't urban off the top homicide rate cities is even more retarded.
>The chance of getting shot in America is way higher than for example 95% of African countries
>goal posts move further and further from "The US are more dangerous than any fucking 3rd world country."
>country with homicide rate of 5 is more dangerous than countries with a homicide rate of 60+
You're literally retarded, europoor.

Finally, someone with some sense. It’s Ahmed btw, it’s Rasheed. Insh’allah my man. or something

lmao keep posting faggot


You should talk to the operator to a certain degree. Even if it's from a house line, some times their shit is messed up and they don't know where the fuck you are. So its good to inform them where you are. Telling them which room your in helps too, this way if they approach that door, they know not to just burst in.

don't take this BS advice

you know who has access to your home. Put a light on your gun and if you're lucky enough to hear the bad guy then you go straight to him and end his shit

I'm contemplating digging ten foot deep pits on the inside of my house in front of every door and window that leads in from the outside.

Y/N? Thoughts? Length\girth?

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When I was 18 and my parents left me with the weekend I'd invite all kinds of degenerates over to party. Good times. Beer, liquor, drugs, pussy.
Have fun hiding under mommy's bed clutching a shotgun, you fucking palsy.

>has a 12g with buckshot within arms reach
>how can i go about neutralizing a threat in the swiftest way possible?
Looks like that question has already answered itself

sure, he might be worked up for nothing
I don't think my house will ever catch on fire
I don't think I'll ever get a flat tire
but it sure would be nice to know what to do if it does happen

thanks for the advice anons, will be heeded carefully whether shitposting or not

lol choice commentary


One thing to consider is getting some rubber slugs/shot.
If the first two rounds off are less than lethal the cops will be much more forgiving.

>Pablo is high as a kite on cocaine.

>He doesn't feel anything.

>usually does the trick

What happens if it doesn't?

>t. domesticated euroserfcattle
it's cute how you think your opinions are anything anyone in america ever cares about