Digital Woodland best camo.
Digital Woodland
Grandpa dressed better
Marines are gay and retarded
Did a Marine fuck your girlfriend?
No he fucked my boyfriend
woodland woodland was peak aesthetic.
Why is the US moving away from digital in the new decade?
canada is scraping CADPAT for memecam
did someone say memecam?
Flawless victory
from far away it looks like flektarn from a few feet away
good job camo science
is that a gorka?
Paratrooper uniform. Looks similar to gorka.
MARPAT is digital Rhodesian Brushstroke, so yeah...
>Digital Woodland best camo.
Only on cammies. Absolutely retarded looking on guns or gear. I hate all that moto shit you see at the PX covered in marpat
>Marines are gay and retarded
Trust me, I know
t. muhreen
the 3 dudes in the back have nicer camo
What kind of camo are the guys in the back wearing?
No, he ate all my crayons
NKamo, Norway Guys.
honestly i like desert camies
Nah that shit looks dumb. Idk why retards like glowing green ninja camo in dissidues forests where half the foliage is dead, or reeds
Thanks, boss.
those barracks cuts are absolutely heinous