What weapon has taken the most Engl*sh lives?

What weapon has taken the most Engl*sh lives?
I'm thinking either the Model 1777 Musket or the MG-08.

Attached: Perfidious Albion.jpg (496x679, 120K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Reverse colonialism.

Tropical disease.


This is Jow Forums so I'm talking about weapons.

Although the fact the subhuman fucks are going extinct does fill me with glee. I'm a right wing American but I totally support England's left in hopes they get wiped out forever.

We have a winner. /thread

I said weapons. See

Kek, never thought of it that way.

Kitchen Knife.

Poo covered sharped sticks. They have a long history of pissing off savages. Bless the savages.

Attached: 451c955b65235a8b64de786beac72c28.jpg (979x1519, 59K)

>Her own citizenry

Attached: 1531246414915.jpg (374x767, 62K)

Shut the fuck up. You're not an American "right winger" you're just a dumb sperg or a kike.
The British people face the same struggle we do only it's 20x worse for them. Thank god it looks like they're finally starting to wake up with the Free Tommy Robinson protests and all.

Probably some German Artillery piece

Attached: congratsurretarded.jpg (235x223, 8K)

Pretty sure its a combination of several WW1 german artillery calibers

Attached: Banassaulttires.jpg (598x845, 128K)

8 cm Granatwerfer 34 or more likely some artillery piece

you know, I've seen this a lot but this is the first time I've noticed that car stereo.



you know how we know you are moron? The guy admitted to contempt of court after breaching reporting restrictions.

Probably the sword. Just in the battle of Watling St. 80,000 Britons were killed by the Romans.

jewish lies is still #1
soon to be surpassed by hydrochloric acid attack in another few decades

>What weapon has taken the most Engl*sh lives?
Whatever it is that English cops carry.







>the Lord of justice in the UK has looked at the case and seen the trial the put him in jail is unjust.
>naww mate he broke the law lol
You were correct two months ago.

Whatever bombs the Nazis used, probably.
Or whatever artillery the Germans used in World War One.

Everyone who supports banning guns deserves to go extinct

I hope all brits choke on the cocks of their enemies and die die die die

t. delusional

Fuck off

>>the Lord of justice in the UK has looked at the case and seen the trial the put him in jail is unjust.

Sure he has, I'm sure you learned that from a Facebook screenshot huh

>What weapon has taken the most Engl*sh lives?


Commie brainlet detected


The imperialists must die.
My only hope is thier own stupidity kills themselves off before the infection spreads

>paki taquitos

>I'm 12 years old: the post

>imperialism is a bad thing
Fuck off commie

Communism = Imperialism and Imperialism = Communism

I think I actually lost brain cells reading this

Attached: bd8.png (1190x906, 178K)

The typewriter and printing press

Not all brits support gun laws.