Operator movies

I need movie suggestion

Attached: 600px-Sicario-G36C-1.jpg (600x255, 43K)

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Come on k, please don't disappoint me

Do they need to be American Operators?


No, they don't. In that case, I recommend the Tropa de Elite series. BOPE is pretty hardcore, dude.

Yeah, I've heard of BOPE. Thanks bro

Very high quality tv series, especially the 2d season.

Attached: navy-six.jpg (940x510, 111K)

>Watching TV about war criminals that have almost no place in JSOC anymore because their operations have been reduced to almost zero because of their conduct

top kek

>brainlet can't deduce Six isn't about Marsoc

Way of the Gun.


Attached: Way of the Gun.jpg (824x464, 67K)