Purse pistol

sexiest option for purse carry for the women with discerning taste?

Attached: p64 radom mak.jpg (495x374, 28K)

Attached: walther.jpg (650x459, 49K)

Attached: oooooooh.jpg (675x517, 79K)

J frame S&W

this is the top contender so far

Attached: j frame.jpg (588x411, 27K)

Attached: tumblr_ni5aoocpjr1t9gay8o1_1280.jpg (1280x1280, 605K)

what model user?

nice k snub

Comrade, I am afraid this is not my image. Please accept my apology,

Attached: tumblr_no1ei9iG9i1rfnw5zo1_1280.jpg (1024x765, 377K)

>horny daddy