Got a piece of 5160 and ground it down into what I'm calling a "bush blade." I do a lot of wilderness survival stuff...

Got a piece of 5160 and ground it down into what I'm calling a "bush blade." I do a lot of wilderness survival stuff, and I wanted something that could function as a machete, but had the aesthetics of a sword.

I went with 5160 since it's a machete-suitable steel, and I've made some blade with it before in a past job.

Any suggestion on how I should finish it in terms of handle and such?

Attached: bushblade.jpg (1456x2588, 354K)

gladius, don't be gay

Parkerize the blade with your piss. Will give you more minicrits against abbos

Attached: Sniper_with_the_Trophy_Belt_TF2.png (719x697, 331K)

I gave it an edge on the back side, but just for the last bit, so I can baton it through kindling an such.

As an aside, it's been quite a few years since I posted here. I remember there being a good bladesmithing culture, though.

Not the intended purpose, and not the correct steel for that.


Go with something local, or suited to your location. Are you planning on a hand guard of any sort, or a pommel or flare at the base of the handle for better swinging?

buy one of those shitty trench knife knockoffs and reuse the handle for fun

Attached: us-army-model-1918-trench-knife.jpg (640x230, 86K)


Attached: lXKCHHp.jpg (934x860, 45K)

Insert it into your anus.
Then post pics

The blade profile looks like shit.

I mean, let's see your shit.

The tentative plan is a short bronze cross-guard, and cocobolo burl slabs across the tang.

so you just made a less effective machete basically?
slap some wood scales on it and call it a day.

Less effective how? What alternate steel or profile would you recommend?

>barfcom tier tripfag name
First of all go back, second, don’t forget to heat treat the blade before you finish it after you leave.

The steel is fine, but the profile makes no sense for a machete. There's a reason they don't make machetes with the "aesthetics of a sword". Form follows function.

Is there anyone still on this board who actually knows what they're talking about, and has useful feedback? There's only been one reply that wasn't stupid shit.

>trip fags are cancer
>moldy labia

You seem upset that you made a blogpost about your larping sword and we're not all in awe.
I make and sell knives on etsy for a living, what do you want to know?

Have you ever worked with 5160? Also, I'd be curious to see some of your work, if you don't mind.

I used this trip here before the phrase was widely known. I'm using it now just in case anyone from back then is still around here.


what a shit tier job, christ OP i shit out a machete twice as well made last weekend while 3/4 through a bottle of jack

I've never worked with 5160, but I know it's a pretty normal machete steel. I don't have many pictures on my phone, but here's a friction folder I made for a customer a last year

Attached: IMG_3136.jpg (308x381, 37K)

Nice. What's the wood on that?


I'm not positive, but I'm pretty sure it's hickory. I actually asked on woodworkingtalk for help IDing it and no one could really say for certain what it was.

Regardless, you work looks good, man! That's very nice.

A few weeks ago I moved on after 7 years of metal fab, and got into culinary stuff. I went from shaping hickory to smoking stuff over hickory. :)

HAH i dont need to post photos because im not a self concious tripfag who feels the need to blogpost his shitty work on Jow Forums HAHAHAH

Yeah, I'm sure that's what it is.

>Molon Labia

this is your name now.

Been that for a while, actually. That was one of the first responses when I originally used it.

Aww sorry buddy are you upset nobody wants to jerk your photo off? Here is one of my better jobs. Don't sweat it buddy :-)

Attached: 29Jul18-10210230214516.jpg (576x288, 29K)

Before any more trolls be mean to me, at least appreciate the effort it takes

Attached: 3120c98da4ae45750fa515c377b15e82.jpg (564x564, 38K)

Bumping with some more of my work, selling some on etsy if you need the link

Attached: TAKTHEM.jpg (4128x2322, 2.93M)

This design i call "fang"

Attached: UVKHksW.jpg (2656x1494, 655K)

Please tell me you're joking...? You're trolling, right?

I vote micarta grip scales and a guard that comes down slightly in front of your fingers. Parkerize that bitch and you got an okay hog knife.

that looks like shit user

Google image search Seax that’s sort of what that looks like. It will still work as a utility knife, I used a 4” coldsteel tilite stiletto for years as my edc and it worked fine.

I made one similar it was okay I understand the design and why you
Wanted it

Attached: B67451BF-3E28-4E6D-8737-124B19993E04.jpg (3264x2448, 2.51M)

OP, you have a dangerous design flaw here.

the point where your handle/tang meets the blade, has sharp, acute angles.

that creates what's called a "stress raiser" - stresses are focused on those points, and causes crack propagation. Even in a 5160 or EN45 spec steel with a higher silicon content, those stress raisers will result in failure at that point.

what you need to do is radius those corners, to make a rounded shoulder, like the red lines in this drawing. Doing so, even if its just a 1/8th inch radius filed in with a chainsaw file, will significantly increase the lifespan of the blade.

Attached: stressraiser.jpg (1456x2588, 527K)

I know Goddard hates raised fullers, but are they really a critical design flaw?

>raised fullers

I would be inclined to do an inigo montoya "I do not think that means what you think it means" meme there.

Fullers are the channels or grooves along a blade.

what I'm talking about as a design flaw are stress raisers in the re-entrant angle between tang, and blade.

pic related, the middle one of these three sections has the grooves/channels, which are called fullers.

Attached: section volume.jpg (479x447, 31K)

OP might be a fag, but damn if you don't take it up the ass too

tf2 fag still around.. I miss the old days.

Op, a seax style handle would serve both your aesthetic and function. Hell, that's basically what you're making, blade profile notwithstanding

How'd you grind it?


Attached: GS6TR6R[1].jpg (469x457, 20K)

it kinda makes me sad that the game just isnt fun for me anymore. used to be great

Jesus christ dude, you're going hiking into the deep brush? Get yourself a machete and a hiking stick. Literally the only two things you need. You don't anything that looks like a sword, it'll weigh too much. You're putting waaaayyyyy too much time and effort into something that is supposed to get pretty banged up if you actually use it. I used to go hiking with a machete from fucking home depot of all places and it worked just fine. I think you're over estimating it's use. It's supposed to be replaceable.

OP you better put a crossguard on there if you plan on sticking it into anything. say goodbye to your flexor tendons if you don't

that looks like doodoo. lmao, no offence. I've never made anything remotely cool/good in my entire life. that handle is dog shit though.

I cringe when I see sharp, pointy objects without finger protection on them. that's an accident waiting to happen.

I like it but thats too thin to split wood machete style. Looks more like a bayonet

They're still around but most smiths hang out on /diy/ now. Jow Forums is more interested in having the right to make weapons than the actual process of making them.