A place for poorfags and cheap Jow Forumsommandos to gather. Talk about deals, give bad advice, compare nuggets bought before 2012.
>/arg/ pls no bully
Thinking about a shockwave for my next fun. Worth it, or is it a worthless wallhanger?
Poorfag general
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No, do it, its fun as fuck once you figure out how to aim it properly
I got one of those on my poverty AR build, but I haven't taken it to the range yet. Is it decent? Paid $35 for it.
The standard new poorfag gun is the Maverick 88. Good quality, and it can be found new for $200 plus or minus $25 or so. The days when milsurp was a good choice for poors just looking for a cheap blaster are gone and never coming back, so don't bother with that. As for the Shockwave, it's genuinely useful in limited situations like a vehicle/backpack/camping gun or home defense in a place like New York state, where handguns are severely restricted but gun laws haven't caught up with the Shockwave, so it's still legal, making it the most compact home defense gun you can easily own there. If you want it for practical reasons, the 20 gauge version is probably a better choice, because it's more controllable and will beat up your hand less. Also, practice with them, a lot, because you need to get your technique down in order to hit anything. That said, most people who do buy them get them as range toys.
Lol no, zero gets fucked with after a long session of anything more powerful than .22lr, and definitley gets fucked with when i run the 3" magnum deer slugs. Its mostly on there as a place holder until i get a better optic or set of sights, then its going back on my plinker
Hey that's my gun.
Don't save my pictures you sick fucks.
Don’t post things you wouldn’t be ok with people saving you queer
Get your own guns you fuckin poorfag
All my guns are poorfag guns.
Bersa Thunder
H&R Pardner Break Action 12 Gauge
Poverty Pony Stripped Lower waiting to one day be put into an AR
My most expensive gun is my 10/22
Are shockwaves or the Remington Tac-14s better?