alright Jow Forums
looking into 3d printing mags
found a 75 round drum I can print, before I waste time and money on it, I feel like somethings missing, is it the snail trail around the case to keep the bullets straight or what?
pic related

Attached: ar15_drum_5.jpg (2390x1498, 1.05M)

It's to lift them up from the inner circle towards the outer and, finally, towards the magazine lip.

was wondering if anything is missing cause if not I'm printing this bitch

Or to phrase it differently - imagine it *wasn't* there - what would happen when it disappeared?

WITH the ramp, the first bullet can't move because it's held pushed from behind by the yellow gear, and from in front by the ramp that tries to move it up, out of the magazine - but is held back by the magazine lips so it also cannot fly out. And because it cannot move, the yellow gear cannot turn.

Without the ramp, when the gear tries to turn, the first bullet isn't forced up against the lips, it can just turn with the gear, so the spring immediately unwinds, turning the gear around 75 places but leaving all the bullets in the magazine - they haven't been lifted out by the ramp.

>was wondering if anything is missing cause if not I'm printing this bitch

Oh, I misread you, I thought you were asking if you could leave out the ramp

Honestly I would tell you "Nigger just print the thing." So what if something *is* missing? You'll find out and fix it in the next print.

Everybody deserves their own 75 round assault clipazine.

it's going to be an unreliable POS, but go ahead and print it just for fun.

why is this exciting?
You can buy them.
Unless you're in a gay place in which case printing is probably more illegal and more fun to prosecute now.

testing out new filament I bought and nozzle figure its a good test for the printer
printing out of ABS so hopefully it wont be too unreliable, mainly just a test

if anyone prints, I am going to test ABS and PLA
100% infill, .25 layer height

will report back since I just noticed the snail trail in the back. thread will probably be archived by then.
Will complete the print and document the adventure up to test firing.


good luck friendo

I took time to set up all the files
holy shit
this is gonna take a hot minute.