What is the spookiest gun?

What is the spookiest gun?

Attached: spooky.jpg (500x500, 13K)

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Olympic Arms OA98, it's even skellingtonised! WoOoOo!

>Made out of ground and cold hammer forged children's bones
>Doesn't fire bullets just fast ages whoever you aim it at into a skeleton
>Emits 100+ different intermingled screams when you pull the trigger
>Whispers terrible things to me all night from the gun safe
>Made a native American man cross the country to plead with me to bury it. And then made him bleed to death out of his eyes while muffled laughter came from the gun safe
>According to the whispers it has never not existed
>Not stanag compatible

You have no power here, wandering spirit. Begone!

Attached: EA6EBAC3-1BAD-4495-B327-F9A144434AA8.gif (240x200, 674K)

Attached: Non-Discernible Bio-Inoculator.jpg (600x360, 55K)

>not stanag compatible
Oh lawd, im laffin.

Attached: Welrod Mk II.jpg (1024x680, 145K)

>not stanag compatible

Attached: rYPqX3H.jpg (640x640, 22K)

Cuz spooks use it. Got it. If we're being literal than I nominate hipoints cuz spooks (nigs) use em.

Ghost guns obviously

The news said ghost guns are going to rape are children to death and make school shootings hourly occurrences and lead to ISIS taking over the white house. As a mother, I am scared. No one needs a gun ever for anything.

the one that falls out of an FBI agent's pants and accidentally goes off and kills your mother tonight if you don't reply to this post

Attached: wojakbane.jpg (604x694, 44K)


>not stanag compatible

Attached: 1532699810355.jpg (453x604, 65K)

Next time OP use a less spooky image. It's very jarring.

vz2008 haunted

what if she's a masochist?

Attached: 1533284444389.gif (367x370, 1.72M)

the microwave shit is pretty spooky

>microwave shit is pretty spooky
Do you mean when you microwave white dog shit to bring it back to life?

top kek

>not stanag compatible

Attached: 1528303978015.jpg (800x789, 117K)


Attached: ghostintheshell.png (1176x1272, 244K)

M102 Howitzer

Obviously not. Why would you think that?

Attached: 9F6C8A5D-1933-4328-980D-7160B9A885FB.jpg (738x314, 22K)


Attached: banenosurvivors.jpg (477x724, 245K)

Underrated as fuck

Attached: 1kyH5xI.png (793x794, 602K)

u wot

I'm getting some serious Metro flashbacks from that image, user.

>not stanag compatible
Jesus Christ user, that’s all you had to type.


Attached: 20170828_185519.jpg (3264x2448, 2.66M)

you're a spooky guy

That looks rather uncompfy to fire

I see what you did there

Attached: stupid_sexy_major.gif (720x480, 2.46M)

vz58 rifles are historically the spookiest guns

Attached: spooky.webm (640x424, 241K)

Why does he wear the mask?

hes a bdsm player

Fucking baneposters

It's made just to be a cheap single shot .50, it's actually decently accurate

Where did that forced meme come from?

I remember this gun

Attached: cronenburg gun.jpg (470x317, 26K)

zero idea, I think it's basically one guy forcing it
but as a vz owner since 2009, I've seen it since it began

Of course it's a David cronenberg it couldn't not be.

What is the spookiest g̶u̶n̶ aircraft?

Big spooky is the spookiest spooky prove me wrong.

Attached: AC130U.jpg (1200x812, 363K)

You seen the video where the bolt blows up and impales his arm? It was the Vulcan 50, not really sure I trust the cheap ones.


Well there's your problem.
The fact is that the company was so fucking terrible at building guns and great at building deathtraps,
that they've renamed their company several times (Hesse, Blackthorne, and Vulcan are all the same awful company.)
They are fucking scum of the earth.

Love the big spookster. The FLIR videos from the 20mm cannon are good laffs.

U models have a 25mm, 40mm and 105mm. The 20s were on H's

it could just be because I'm around them too much but I don't think there's anything inherently scary about a gun. it's about the user. I don't think that a longsword would be scary, unless it's being wielded by an actual knight. then it's "jesus christ, this violent monk is gonna slaughter my ass like a pig in the name of the holy land"


>not stanag compatible

Attached: 1532972477614.jpg (400x400, 38K)

He probably means the directed energy nuisance weapons like those involved in the consulate thing a little while back where people were getting brain damaged.

There's a whole host of stuff like that. The Stasi used to have a van with a radiation gun in the back that they'd use to try to give you cancer from the street. The Russians were notorious for similar tricks to the point that certain heads of state wouldn't visit Russia without a radiation detector in their pocket. But of course the US would never use something like that, and the proof is that you'll be locked up and drugged into a stupor if you say that they do.

Re: just microwave stuff though, I've seen some of what we can do on the private side of things (like remote sensory induction for next-gen VR shit) and it's completely fucking bonkers, so the militarised versions must be even more insane.
Based on how the Americans are refusing to acknowledge technology that I've seen demonstrated IRL, I feel like these embassy events are someone trying to goad the US into admitting something.

>M102 Howitzer

>locked up and drugged into a stupor if you say that they do.
Don't threaten me with a good time

It looks like something a cenobite would carry.

By this logic all guns are spooky as fuck

This one's for mama

>Americans are refusing to acknowledge technology that I've seen demonstrated IRL,
This. America is super tight lipped about their technology

>I feel like these embassy events are someone trying to goad the US into admitting something.

In a way this is what happened since the response was a weeks-long propaganda campaign of coordinated talking heads saying "dur hurr how can they spy on you through your kitchen microwave".

You wouldn't blatantly muddy the waters by trying to smokescreen what was even meant by the word "microwave" if you had a clean conscience.


you're a big guy


Attached: [email protected] (1000x1000, 64K)

dude holy fuck, you're such an obvious shill its not even funny. Stop posting ur shit website


i spent like ten minutes trying to remember what acronym the x-files used for government-built UFOs but i give up

anyway, those.

VZ2008 had trigger gremlin which basically led to a dead trigger as part of semi auto conversion. VZ58 had patent on the solution by adding a tab and 2008 ended up solving it with an 11 pound trigger

By this point there were jokes about the parts kits being were haunted by CZechs

top fuggn kek