Why is everyone so fucking liberal all of the sudden? I just wanna keep my funs i understand if they dont wanna have them, but why take away mine? ITS TRIGGERIMG MY AUTISM

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Other urls found in this thread:

trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=all&geo=US&q=gun control

If it makes you feel better, the whole 'March for Our Lives' thing was almost entirely media astroturfing. In the real world, support for gun control is actually decreasing.

trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=all&geo=US&q=gun control

Compare the spike in interest in gun control after Sandy Hook to the recent push for it. If elementary school children being killed wasn't enough to win people over to the anti-gun side, then an condescending bald lesbian and her preppy friends don't stand much of a chance.

Well thats nice to hear, i just hope that the "vocal minority, dont worry goyim" thing is true

Any time someone says “dont worry” and “goyim” in the same sentence you should worry.

>you should worry
I am worried enough to make this post

People think that the anti-gun faction is a growing threat, when it's actually the opposite. It's the last dying remnant of the boomer mentality towards firearms. In the 60s, 70s and 80s most people were only on board with people owning shotguns and hunting rifles. Ronald Reagan expressed this attitude:


The past few decades are where we have shifted public opinion in favour of the 'scary black assault weapons'.

So i dont have to worry about losing my guns or doing a final stand if i dont live in commiefornia or jew york?

If there was a future ban on semi-autos (which is the most extreme, worst case scenario), then I can guarantee there will be some kind of compromise where they will be grandfathered in. This isn't Australia, people aren't going to just surrender their guns here and the shitlibs know that.

Don't get comfy. news.gallup.com/poll/1645/guns.aspx
Not trying to discourage or blackpill anyone, but trying to be realistic. I do not think normies are on our side. Remember to write your congressmen and vote.

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Well they basically took away all automatic weapons already, so a semi auto ban doesnt sound far fetched

>Be liberal
>Except for gunz

I just can't pick a lane. Shit sucks. Let men marry male guns.

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That's the thing, gun control is by far the biggest vote loser for the democrats. I'd go as far as to say that they would have won in 2016 if it wasn't for the gun owner vote

The only good kind of liberal

'More strict' could mean anything though. It could mean anything from universal background checks and banning bump stocks to full-on prohibition. The public supports (what I would consider to be) moderate gun control, but nothing like the British or Australian system.

Your liberal future pic related

Attached: Screenshot_20180801-173115.png (1080x1920, 250K)

Except they didnt. They grandfathered them all in.

>Trump has burned up this much good will for gun owners
So much winning. Between this and the upcoming ban on bumpstocks via stretching the definition of "machine gun" in a ridiculous way that the Trump administration is pushing, I'm convinced that Hillary would have actually been better for guns. At least we'd be able to rely on the Republican congress to actually oppose any attacks on guns that she would try.


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I dont mind gun owning liberals so long as they dont vote in anti-gun politicians. This applies to conservatives as well.

>people aren't toeing the Republican party line on everything, this must mean they're all anti gun
This is your brain on idpol.

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>Why is everyone so fucking liberal all of the sudden?
realizing that Trump is stupid doesn't make you liberal

This desu, the biggest win/change to push for is making it acceptable for liberals to be pro-gun again, instead of making guns seem like a right-wing issue. I know a bunch of liberals who are secretly pro-gun but afraid to speak up because of media/twitter mobs, but half of that is just ignorant kids who can be won over.
There is no side but the pro-gun side, and Ian is his prophet.

I wish there were a political party that supported both protecting the environment and gun rights. But the second I see someone with an environmentalist track record they immediately start talking about how 30-rounders are the Antichrist. Can't a guy shoot his funs and enjoy nature without the political spectrum shitting itself in confusion?

That’s what you get for mocking us in California, now California is coming to you

Liberal in California here, if other liberals realized that self defense and owning guns is the right of the people to protect lives, maybe they'll flip. But I suspect this has more to do with the disarmament of the American people for future possible invaders. I just can't unsee how protecting lives with a gun is bad or how "assault" rifles are even a thing. If John wants to pretend to be an operator while hurting no one, what's the problem? If teachers had guns school shootings would be a thing of the past. They might complain and say well kids might pick up the gun and shoot someone accidentally. Well if I remember correctly we had science classes as kids and we fucked around with dangerous shit but no one was hurt, why? Because we knew what the fuck we were doing. Also don't like the immigration policy of open borders. We need to take care of our citizens first and our homeless first including the vets before we bring in more wetbacks who did nothing for this country.

You're a populist bud

>I suspect this has more to do with the disarmament of the American people
100%. Liberals need to be reminded that guns are what protects everyone, including and especially minorities, from oppression.

Maybe that's why I voted for Trump...

Did you see all the 17-18 year olds on march for our lives? Literally 95 percent of high schoolers hate gun culture. In a few years republican party will be no more.

Most of them were there because they could get out of class or were literally forced/bribed to go to those stupid things. Many didn't take it seriously in the slightest, and Hoggs' megalomania is gonna have a rough time once he becomes fully irrelevant. Not to say there aren't a bunch of them who (unfortunately) aren't big on guns, but the whole march for our lives thing and the ugly lesbian person screeching was literal media manipulation and nothing more.
>in a few years the republican party will be no more
Good, I hope them and the Democrat Party burn in the deepest, most firey area in Hitler's giant Easy Bake oven.

unfortnately real laws are being passed a bunch of states raised the age to 21

i think a survey showed most of the marcher were boomers.
also my highschool had like 3 people walk out i felt almost sad for them

I'd like to see two new parties form up.
Everything from recreational nukes to weedLAMO this party is about government deregulation and isolationist polices, might piss off religious people as well as anti gunners and environmentalists.
Hard right, but are strict constitutionlists that focus on the well-being of Americans, with emphasis on taxing large corporations, having a strong military and police force, and massive deportations of illegals.

>upcoming ban on bumpstocks via stretching the definition of "machine gun" in a ridiculous way
Literally not going to happen. The bumpstock ban boogaloo was literally a near perfect example of paying lipservice to your opposition and then ignoring them.

>last data point was collected right at the start of 2018, right when the parkland shooting happened.

>i-it's just paying lipservice, t-they aren't actually going to do it
Then why is the is the ATF actually going through the necessary legal process to enact the ban, and started doing so after the issue had already left the spotlight and people outside of gun owners stopped paying attention?

>Then why is the is the ATF actually going through the necessary legal process to enact the ban,
They're not. They already apporved bumpstocks as "not machineguns" twice before.

>thinking you'll be able to own funs in the United States of Latin America

One state, florida, and the law is being challenged in court by the NRA.

Meanwhile Trumps comments on bumpstocks and his "Take the guns first, due process second" got bumpstocks banned in my state, got the required age for buying rifles increased to 21, and gun confiscation ERPOs passed in my state. All under a Republican governor. Fuck off

its because they know you kids dont vote

You don't sound like a liberal, except for that remark about caring for hobos.

Oh, you're that falsflaging retard from florida who's trying to get everyone to vote Democrat in the next election. Sorry Trump couldn't control your cuck governor.

Trump didn't make Rick Scott cuck to the jews, he did that all on his own.

One of the ATF's early actions after Trump became president was to reclassify wipes for suppressors as "suppressor parts", which made them not legally user serviceable after their ~1 magazine service life and therefore requires you to bring your suppressor to a licensed dealer to have the wipes replaced after every magazine, reversing decades of precedent. What makes you think previous rulings mean anything anymore?

>Sorry Trump couldn't control your cuck governor.
>Trump didn't make Rick Scott cuck to the jews, he did that all on his own.
Except my Governor literally did what Trump asked, you fucking moron.
Trump said "Take the guns first, use due process second" which my Governor then acted on by passing those laws. You also talk about Jews, but Trump said these things in a meeting with Feinstein and is one of the most pro-Israel presidents we've had. By all means vote Republican in the general election, as I will too. Primary elections are where these issues should be addressed, so don't try to damage control and paint me as something I'm not.

That doesn’t mean get complacent. Stay up to date on the gun control debate; keep an eye on your elected representatives, be very vocal when they do something you don’t like. And vote.

Because it's been nearly a year snd nothing has happened. It was lipservive, bro. Calm your tits. Politics is a lot more complex than shouting "WRONG" at your opponents over and over again.

But what do you mean by liberal, OP? Do you mean mainline Democrats(who are basically center right since they still serve the interest of big government while only paying lip service and pretending to care about the common people), or progressive Democrats, or american flavored libertarians, or libertarians, or social liberals, or economic liberals, or any flavor of anarchist, or marxists leninists, or actual communists, or socialists, or anyone you don't agree with?
Because that word has been used to label a very large and ideologically diverse group of people who may or may not love guns as much as we do.

>Politics is a lot more complex than shouting "WRONG" at your opponents over and over again.
You're projecting. He provided an example
>one of the ATF's early actions after Trump became president was to reclassify wipes for suppressors as "suppressor parts"
>reversing decades of precedent. What makes you think previous rulings mean anything anymore?
which you were unable to rebut and your response has been basically the equivalent of shouting WRONG

They've already started confiscating guns from individuals in Florida just over 460 people is what I read. If this country decides to stop being America and wants to be Soviet union 2.0 i fully support asymmetrical warfare on police. Tools of the state who support such an agenda are just as bad as British sympathizers in 1776. If they send me a letter I'll treat it as God and George Washington directing me to go to war with the state. There won't be any suicidal attacks, just isolated raids and arson of law enforcement's houses. I'm pretty comfy right now but I'm no stranger to hard work and sweat and pain, imagine all the bored crazy individuals just waiting for permission to act like the violent characters they worship on TV or in vidya. Gun confiscation can never take off in large numbers because it's a fight the state is guaranteed to lose and lose hard.

Trump didn't order the ATF to reclassify supressors, that was an ongoing case that started during the obama administration.

Godspeed, you craazy bastard.

>Why is everyone so fucking liberal all of the sudden? I just wanna keep my funs i understand if they dont wanna have them, but why take away mine?

I have a dream.

A dream that being liberal will once again describes those who believe in the liberalism ideology, instead of the politician turncoats who claim to be as such to gain good boy points in public opinion despite their beliefs going against all liberalism stand for.
But the damage is done, all the liberals actually shed that festering mantle, some went to rename themselves "moderate", sadly the turncoats have also been jumping on the moderate train lately.

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t. liberal who is "totally pro-gun guys but supports common sense gun control laws"

Because you fucking Jow Forumsfags aren't the only weapons nuts.

Hilariously, ludicrously, insanely wrong. Shoo shoo Shareblue.

>Because it's been nearly a year snd nothing has happened
It takes time for regulations to be changed. The comment period for the ruling reclassifying bumpstocks as machineguns opened about 4 months ago and ended just over 1 month ago. The ATF still has yet to give their final answer as to whether the new ruling will actually go into action or not.

He still did nothing to stop it and didn't even comment on it when it happened.

Honestly, as long as liberal gun owners keep voting for and electing the typical anti-gun liberal politician, they’re just as much an enemy as the person who is full blown leftist ban every gun. Fuckers in California are “liberal gun owners” and look at our situation. We’re no better off because of people like Remember to shoot traitors before enemies

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I'm an anarcho-syndicalist, senpai. You'll have to pry my guns from my cold dead gun control hating hands.

>The ATF still has yet to give their final answer as to whether the new ruling will actually go into action or not.
The ruling will be "No, they're still not machine guns, just like the last two times we reviewed them". Anything else would instantly invite a flurry of lawsuit from literally anyone who can read the law because the law simply does not consider such devices to be machineguns no matter which way you read it.

The second Amendment will be gone in 30 years.

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>hispanics and blacks actually passing a constitutional amendment
>asians ever making up a significant enough proportion of the population to matter

>I'm convinced that Hillary would have actually been better for guns
You are legit retarded then. No federal legislation or bans have been enacted by Trump yet. Yeah he isn't 100% pro gun, but letting Hillary get 2 supreme court nominations? Ginsburg has major health issues and it's rumored Sotomayor has some complications as well. Worst case scenario Hillary gets 4 supreme court nominations. Hillary is straight up evil and her husband was the one who enacted the infamous AWB. US elections are binary, it was Trump and Hillary, and thank God we got Trump.

Trump didn't do shit other than talk all faggy, the fucking skeletor looking faggot you elected is the one who passed the law.

Similar things were said about Brazil. Look what it turned into.

You're right. What the Republican president says has absolutely no bearing on what Republican party members do. The Overton Window also isn't a thing.

>No federal legislation
Unless you're counting Fix NICS.

>or bans
Unless you're counting some of the not so friendly rulings that the ATF has issued since he became president.

>but letting Hillary get 2 supreme court nominations?
The Republicans were already planning on blocking her and having non stop investigations into anything and everything she did, so that's a non issue. We already saw how effective they were at preventing anything from getting done during Obama's presidency, especially since one of those Supreme Court nominations for Trump was due to the Republicans refusing to let Obama appoint another justice.

>Sotomayor has some complications as well
Sauce? Also, Hillary replacing an Obama appointed judge who was defective and broke inside what would be considered a reasonable warranty period for more expensive purchases really doesn't strike me as an issue to worry too much about.

This right here. Fuck the Liberal/Leftist gun owners, they continuously vote in their politicians who have anti-gun stance all because they like their progressive social faggotry. Gun rights above all else.

Oh no it's autistic. Anarcho-anything is a literal non-ideology that can't/won't exist unless an atom bomb is dropped on every major metropolitan area and we return to the stobe age. Even then you'll get blown out by the most savage of the savages. Why do you think your ideology has always been hijacked by more effective ones?
I will never understand how absolutely dense Latin-Americans are. Latin American governments prove why democracy doesnt work with dumb people and that big promising government does nothing good for third worlders other than starve you and beat you to death. This is why my grandfather told me to not mark Hispanic on any government forms.

More like 4 years.

Attached: 4chan revolution.png (1409x584, 76K)

Hey fuck you man I grew up super liberal, and have softened on it as I've grow older. I'm vehemently pro gun, and try to correct liberals stupid bullshit about guns.

Unless you've tried to tactfully correct people's opinions without resorting to Fox news platitudes. You really have no fucking right to bitch about liberals.

Why did no other Republican put forth this bullshit? Trump can say whatever he wants, at the end of the day it was Rick Scott's decision.

>The Republicans were already planning on blocking her and having non stop investigations
This is the dumbest shit I have read all day. You realize the Republicans are split and are currently using the 50/50 nuclear option? If the Democrats had the vice presidency than they would be doing the same thing. The supreme court was by far the biggest issue this election and to put it at risk for 8 years is insane.

Sotomayor had diabetic complications and was visited by paramedics in in January this year. It's uncertain about the severity but she has not been doing that well. She also collapsed and had an extremely bad shoulder injury from the short fall in April of year. She is in her later 60's and gets hurt pretty easily.




>3rd worlders come from shithole country
>3rd worlders vote for policies that lead their country into shithole status
It the cycle dosen't end does it?

Post pictures of /k related shit, technically your post is not /k related

>Unless you've tried to tactfully correct people's opinions without resorting to Fox news platitudes. You really have no fucking right to bitch about liberals.
Waste of time, 9mm applied directly to the forehead is the only feasible course of action

It really does not. I advise everyone to show minimal sympathy for Venezuelans. They complain so much about the situation in their country but are quick to vote leftist when they get here. More so the Venezuelan people are complacent and dont do shit until the beer runs out or their welfare is threatened. My mother was raised in Venezuelan (not of Venezuelan descent) and her friends back in that shithole tell her all the time that support for the government persists even amongst people who constantly bitch and complain about lack of food and commodities.

CA is about to pass one too

The majority of my friend's went to the rallies in their respective blue states and they were all fairly impressive in size. But that's nice to hear.

>Wyoming at the top of the list

All us WAfags are worried I1639 is going to pass which will do the same. Especially since the signatures it got in the first place are unequivocally fake.

>Haha, we already lost, no use fighting fellow gun owners haha.

>The supreme court was by far the biggest issue this election and to put it at risk for 8 years is insane.

No, instead we just gave it to a guy who'll appoint more of the same kinds of justices who've done jack shit for gun rights in the last few decades of conservative domination and have consistently fucked over American citizens when corporations, even foreign ones, stood to benefit.

What exactly does he think resisting is without full scale confiscation? Going around killing innocent cops and federal workers? Yeah, that'll show em.
Salt mines like are so ignorant they confuse their ever-expanding black hole for a brain with an ever-expanding consciousness.

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It's in vogue atm and people are dipshits. I was a retard liberal until i moved to Niggerville for school and I got my wake up call seeing what cities are like when liberal dickheads run the show. No thanks. When the day comes we will line them up against the wall.

>"""liberal""" gun owners
They'll stab us in the back at any chance they get. Don't believe their lies.

He says that like he's done so much

In my experience it's only for various combinations of the following reasons:
>desire to punish and oppress an outgroup they don't like and who they don't consider human
>to look good in front of their friends
>to avoid being publicly shamed by others

Except for the obvious hyper-SJW's I find that a lot of these liberals, particularly in a white coar work setting are only "liberal" for the sake of appearances. Case in point, the CEO of the last shithole startup I worked for always said he wanted more "diversity" in the company at meetings, but behind closed doors he was making sexist remarks to our few female employees like
>"what are you planning to do, give him a handjob in exchange for a sale?"

And at one happy hour:
>"I can't wait for artificial intelligence so we can finally replace womens' intelligence with actual intelligence"

Shortly before I quit for other reasons, I told my mother, who regularly attends things like womens' marches and she just excused his behavior away with exactly the shit, word for word, that the #MeToo people complained about, like "it's just guy talk".

Comes to show they don't believe in any of the ideals they claim to one bit. I don't know if I'm just getting older and more bitter but really it's hard not to feel disgusted and cynical of everyone.

Liberals are so tolerant they hate you for not being tolerant enough

Take it from me user, I know a guy who I thought was just a normie tier democrat but once I analyzed what he was saying I realized he was pretty much full blown commie under the guise of a "moderate lefty". Most leftys fucking hate your guts if you don't bow down to Stalin

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You are the picture of mental health. Make sure to buy as many guns as you can to show everyone how stable you are.

>Be liberal
>Except I'm liberal
Fun Fact: If you're antigun you aren't fucking liberal
If you're a liberal you want to maximize the freedoms of everyone not just whatever shit makes you personally comfortable.