Creepy Jow Forums shit pics thread

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Other urls found in this thread:

Umm this a blue board??

>"You'd come across dead Japanese, some hit by flame-throwers, eyes boiled out, lips burned away, white teeth grinning, uniforms burned off and sometimes the first layer of skin, too, so the muscles would show as in an anatomical sketch. Penis sticking up like a black candle stub. Napalm boiled the blood, causing an erection, some said."
Good God, thankfully the flamethrower is no longer in use. Though drone attacks and the overuse of bombing often have the same effect.

Attached: Napalm.jpg (1000x669, 88K)

>asks for something
>can't even give the thread a starting mini-dump
typical phone posting kids that expect everyone to do all the work for them

thats a child

Napalm sticks to kids

>Future fucking kamakazi. Come dark, I'll piss on everyone of them stinking dead japs.

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Man it sure is prime summer time for faggots, huh?

They’re all VC when the bombs explode

Man, I sure miss the days when China was in a civil war during the 20th century. Warlord era China best China

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it may not be Jow Forums but this pic is creepy as fuck given the context.

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hence why its in this thread

There was that other time when the media portrayed the execuetion of this communist spy as some innocent urban citizen. Live combat footage was a mistake

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Post story user

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goggle is fren

Any of yall ever wondered what it would looked like on camera instead of flir?

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if you insist so dearly OP

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japan airlines flight 123
>747s rear pressure bulkhead explodes due to bad repair
>rudder is pretty much taken off and all hydraulics are down
>plane depressurizes and pilots have to use engine power and flaps to keep it aloft for 20 munites
>eventually oxygen masks start running out so they have to decend
>some guy takes picture inside of the plane
>pilots manage to keep it flying for another hour minutes despite being a hopeless effort
>eventually they hit a mountain with the pilots last words being "there is nothing we can do now"
>US finds wreckage and offers to help by japan gov turns them away in favor of their own rescue team
>japan rescue team has to turn back and wait until morning where as the US would have been able to get to them
>only 3 people left by morning but they say there were more screams that died out during the night

Who remembers that one time when the US had to put down and censored a revolt against its own colony in order to prevent the UN from grabbing attention and confiscate control of the decolonization process?

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Got im

There's nothing creepy about war


yeah, fuck planes.

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Puerto Rico

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The power of a well planned IED rigging

I was under the impression that dude was a murder and was killing locals at night.

Takes one to know one, dweeb.


But that crash was due to ground crew error, pilot error, and the pilots being inexperienced in snowy conditions

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Been looking for this one for years. IIRC the SAA got word of the planned movements of like a hundred or so moderate beheaders. They rigged the trail they were going to travel with explosives and the terrorists got BTFO. I remember the media going apeshit with how barbaric assad was for using IEDs and shit. There were pics of the aftermath where the media tried painting it as assad killing unarmed civilians because the bodies had no guns on them despite other pics of the same scene shows piles of guns that were rounded up.

Really wish i had sauce on this - its going back to like the first year or two of the war, back when SAA was getting raped. This event in part showed how the SAA wasnt completely incompetent and was able to make use of the meager resources they had available. If anyone has sauce on this event please do share, google brings up nothing besides the usual “assad gasses/barrel bombs the last bakery/hospital in aleppo” bs

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would you ever fuck off with sucking assads cock you gremlin

>causing an erection

It sure did for me

>instinctively falls into the puddle but too panicked to do anything but keep trying to get away from the fire

why don't they use napalm for guys with ED?

>Right arm skeletonized


its still kinda bad given how the passengers were all trapped in the plane as it sank into the river because their seats failed.

That's it.
I don't even know where the fuck to begin... Why do people like you find dead bodies something to joke about? You think because you get to sit in your warm homes on a computer that you can just joke about horrible things like this? What the actual fuck is wrong with you guys? This is very fucked up, yet crazy assfucks like you are posting dead things like it's nothing. Sick fucks, doing this shit does fucking nothing. So you want to come on an imageboard to be an asshole about things like this? Let me tell you guys, you are all fucking weak. You would never be useful to the world with such behavior you present. Honestly why do people like you guys even exist? I bet you don't even know about half of what people have gone through from then till now when they have someone they've known die. You are all such disgusting bullies. Isn't it bad enough that people go through hardships of their loved ones? Seriously what do you guys really find funny about this? Stupid fuckers I'm so angry right now that I wish I can fucking punch my computer screen so that my fist can get a good hit on that asshole face of yours, OP, Sick fucks. Seriously, just fucking grow up and actually act properly about death. Stupid fuck, keep eating those cheetoes that you stain on your shirts every day.

shame on you OP for making this thread. at least, this guy is civilized enough to point it out.


If this isn't copypasta,bravo.
Allow me to retort.
>Death means nothing because it's inconceivable
>Death is terrifying and grave because you can't place it in it's proper context because of lack of experience
(Where you're at)
> Death means nothing because it's our common fate, death can come at any time, there are worse things than death, and death with a purpose is the best you can do.

this is the real world, if it was the other way around when they come for you, will they stop and say "that user had a family and loved ones" no, they'll throw you in the pile with all the rest

Like this user Said, killing and dying are a part of this world whether you want to partake in it or not. A strong person can still mourn those who died and sympathize for the grieving, but still not let death control their lives. Killing and dying is necessary, the world says so. So are you going to let it disturb you and make you feel weak or are you going to accept it and embrace it?

Summer af

and since this is an image board I need to post a meme reaction image

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>Napalm boiled the blood, causing an erection

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Yeah exactly a commie

Anyone have those webms of soldiers charging into a nuclear blast? It was a training exercise of some sort.



japs are manlets

It was just nuclear testing before we knew of the effects
What a funny thought though
>(vintage documentary voice) near the mid 20th century, US armed forces began preparing their soldiers in the event of thermonuclear war with simple training exercises, in which they would march directly into the blast detonated by a uranium ore bomb - seemingly unphased and unafraid
>the soldiers marched in waves, each aiming their rifle into the back of their fellow infantry as a deterrent for any would-be deserters

you civvies know nothing about despair and pain. please cease. go back to your plain ordinary life. blissful ignorance is not so bad.

Well the thing is I kinda get turned on by women being shot and killed in combat. Just imagining them staggering and whimpering from the pain, slumped against a tree or something, alone in the cold forest in a fierce firefight with blood going all down their legs and hands. Death has always given me a kind of boner ever since I was young, I didn't like watching movies with battles because when people died their death screams would give me a huge erection. I used to dryhump the ground when i was a kid playing "dead" during war games and when i got older and had a sexual awakening I realized I enjoyed thinking about female soldiers getting killed, or executed, imagining them quivering in fear and utterly helpless as their death approaches

Nice pasta


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He was a commie, he was also a serial killer.

did he died


>pound me too
These thots arent very bright, are they?


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He murdered the wives & children of South Vietnamese officials & officers. The night before this picture he murdered the god-children of the guy shooting him.

Guy on the right and guy behind him look like a Virgin v Chad meme

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I had the same thought since the beginning of the thread, yet here I am still scrolling through...

End yourself if you fall for this ancient pasta.

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Was he really kill? Maybe his tummy just got upset.

This is even more fucked when you learn the logic behind it’s use.

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an cannon fodder?

It was execution method called “blowing from the gun”
It was for Muslim and Hindi fagits. They used that method of execution to deny them proper funeral rites; a punishment that would extend beyond their physical being and deny them a peaceful afterlife.

Wasn't this the one where nobody could even keep it flying during 30minutes when doing simulation of the crash afterwards, just making the pilots even cooler ?


Damn this takes me back.

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Russians beheading two Muslims in retaliation of a video of Chechens beheading a Russian soldier

This is it post crash
(not same user)

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Found it

Oh fug...

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>Crew+Passangers: 524
>Dead: 520
fuck me

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>no gaijin,we don't need your help,it would embarass the emperor
>our team don't have experience,we must wait until morning
>only 3 survived,mission success.
it's that fucking shinto.

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