HMG STG-44 Thread

Hey Jow Forums,

Tell me about this thing. I have gathered there was some hubbub about it being in development hell forever and isn't exactly like the original, but how true to life is it? Is it just different as a result of it's semi-automatic only nature, or is it just incorrectly made.

Drop knowledge bombs on me.

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Do your own research. I swear we have these threads every day where someone uses Jow Forums as a search engine.

The ONLY thing they have in common is that they are vaguely shaped the same. That is, they have roughly the same silhouette.


stop shilling this, Ian

that's fine the original is a pretty trash gun by modern standards. If they successfully make a similar non-trash version then cool. Don't buy it if you don't want one.

So you can change the gun to try to make it cheaper to make and a bit more up to modern standards, but then it isn't an Stg-44 any more, and suddenly you need to compete with every AR and AK and SCAR and so on out there simply on how good your rifle is while still being shackled by trying to have something in common with the old Stg.

Or you can try to get the business side to work with a target audience consisting of a very small number of enthusiasts and a gun design that's rational when you're making huge numbers of them.

Their actions are the same piston driven claw actuated tilting bolt.


The "modern take" is a cop out to get to make it easier to make and market. Look at someone like smg guns, thier fg clones are SO FUCKING CLOSE to the og without being nfa cucked, but it costs the expected sheckles. It's like a 4 grand piece. Same with those bar clones, excellently made, as originally designed with machined reciever and autism. But you pay the price.

They're trying to have both the market of people who want a stg but can't afford a real deal. And black rifle shooters who want something else than an ak and ar.

I don't know how effective that's been, but they've been delaying for like what 3 years now?

They should have either made a modernized stg or a true to the original replica with all its flaws.

They elected to not replicate some parts of it, like some of the retarded stamping, and the FCG that was inexplicably consisting of over 100 parts.

I can see why they did that, and I can also see why some people don't like that.

I wonder if it hadn't just been easier to make a modernized clone of the Sturmgewehr 45(m)?

Vaguely similar aesthetics, but a much better gun.

>you mean the AK

Have these fucking things even shipped out yet? I swear they've been delayed for over a year or something

>Drop knowledge bombs on me.
The inbreds behind it should be chemically castrated, because their decision to take a plan that involved simply making a replica of a smarmy WWII nazi gat into a cringy winkwinknudgenudge effort to also include options for tacticool variants and in every caliber under the sun has to be one of the stupidest things I've seen in the gun action in a while. The market for this shit just wants a gun that looks like a STG, but no, let's make it take fucking AR magazines so the entire magwell has to be redone and also offer picrelated because LMAO US GUN GUYS AMIRIGHT?

Fucking retards, maybe it'd have been out by now if they just stuck to the goddamned script.

Attached: 0521161007.jpg (1500x993, 336K)

>They're trying to have both the market of people who want a stg but can't afford a real dea
That market is a shitload smaller than they realize. The number of casual gun historians that are willing to overlook obvious alterations but still willing to doll out over $1500 for a notreplica that has to use polymer magazines has to be more niche than the market willing to pay serious cash for an actual replica.

I wish those things had telescopic covers over those exposed springs

We'll never get this thing, the Standard Manufacturing SKO BULL, or the Lithgow ATRAX. Just accept it.

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These things suffer from feature creep. What's the point of making it compatible with three different mag types and also having it be compatible with ak/ar furniture? They're trying to appeal to two different groups of buyers but they're appealing to no one and they can't even get a product out the door after years of delays.

iirc when Ian interviewed them, they claimed they couldn't make an exact replica because they couldn't read the original German blueprints for some reason. Seems kind of silly when there are actual WWII STG-44s in the United States they could have used for measurements rather than trying to reinvent the wheel by turning it into another gimmicky AR/AK hybrid thing nobody wants.

The non trash version of the StG44 was the StG45 that became the G3. I have an HK91 already so why would I buy this piece of shit?

Pic from definitely related.

StG 45 has no real relation to the StG44 other than role.
Considering the blueprints had been scanned and uploaded by Russians over a decade ago and numerous people have made 3d models based on them I find it hard to believe they couldn't read enough to copy.

>StG 45 has no real relation to the StG44 other than role.
It's more closely related than the abortion HMG is making.

It was made to fufill the same role and used the same ammo/magazine to keep costs down. It is about as closely related as an AR.

Now you're just arguing to argue. Closely related as an AR? So the gun that shares some traits/parts/ammo is as closely related as a gun that shares no traits/parts/ammo?

You're just being silly.

There are a few ARs in 8mm Kurz and it fufills the exact same role.
The only part the StG 45 shared in common with the StG44 was the magazine, and even then the 45 was designed around the 10 round volkssturm magazine for ease of testing and availability.

how do you know this wasnt the original intended design adn the exampel on the bottom is a late war compromise due to reduced manufacturing resources and need for rapid deployment? maybe the top reproduction is how the nazis actually wanted to build it? maybe it came from original prototype blueprints? any sources on your bashing or are you just gonna end your 1 post in silence?

>There are a few ARs in 8mm Kurz and it fufills the exact same role.
>B-because someone in the modern era made an AR in 8mm Kurz that means they're the same!
>and even then the 45 was designed around the 10 round volkssturm magazine for ease of testing and availability.
Literally what? The Volksturm used 30 round StG44 magazines too because 30 rounders were made in the millions. Just because Mauser cut down some mags to 10 rounds to fit into test firing mounts doesn't mean the gun was designed for them.

>maybe it came from original prototype blueprints?
You mean the blueprints that HMG said they couldn't and didn't use?

i dont know anything about the production of this gun thats why i was asking for clarification

You are aware there were multiple volkssturm weapons?
The first and most common had a 10 round magazine

You mean the rifle that was chambered in 7.92x57? You're saying the 7.92x33 chambered StG45 was designed around magazines for the 7.92x57 G43?

The point was to make an STG-44, not some prototype thereof or papiergewehr. The lower there is how the original did look, so being true to life means looking like that. But sure, let's see what the makers themselves have to say about it.

>By far the change we made that gives the most push back is the fire control housing. There are obvious differences in the external features of the original housing vs ours. /.../ There are plenty who would ask “well why can’t you still put the features in”. Could we have? Yes, but with sheet metal extra features requires potentially extra dies. There is a great chance we would have had to add in 2-3 additional forming ops for the housings, which means 2-3 more die sets, which is not cheap.

Prototype? Originally intended variant? Nope, they just couldn't deliver a proper copy at the target price point, so they changed shit around to make it cheaper.

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Bunch of detail nazi autists that have never worked in manufacturing in here. HMG was pants on head retarded to keep acting like the gun was just a few weeks from being shipped for like three years now, but you guys act like you can just measure and copy a gun and it'll work.

>Bunch of detail nazi autists that have never worked in manufacturing in here.
>If I keep repeating HMG talking points I'll win!

>There is a great chance we would have had to add in 2-3 additional forming ops for the housings
>There's a chance
They didn't even explore the option of making it correctly to say for certain it would have cost extra. They're just guessing it would have.

Attached: 2018-08-03_21.06.24.jpg (1080x1080, 203K)

are the kikes and HMG still having trouble making these? have they even hit market after what 4 years?

Are you aware of how stupidly expensive stamping dies are, just to "see if it'd cost more"?
The consumer would end up paying for the dies, whether they worked out or not

You don't have to buy the dies to know if you'll need them dummy.

Here is when the mag mold was done. Reminder the mag issue is made up

Attached: 2018-08-03_21.13.07.jpg (1080x1080, 167K)

Explain to me how that's the case.
>we'll just design a gun to look a certain way
>hope it works, lmao
Fucking tard

or ya know hire competent engineers who will tell you what you need before you start trying to produce something?

The problem is that on its own, this is a gun built around an old and largely obsolete design, a first generation assault rifle in a world filled with rifles that are highly refined version of later generation assault rifles. Being true to the original in order to borrow the historical significance is its saving grace, but that means you rather do need to be true to the original. If you cna't do that at a price that's low enough to sell but still leaves you decent margins then your business idea is stillborn. And as they aimed at a niched market with a rifle designed for large scale production and has then had serious issues both sticking to schedule and communicating with the customers... Yeah, it ain't Ford, Disney and Jobs running the show here.

Tool and die nigger here. I can't see why they would need more than the number of dies they already have for the lower to have cosmetic features. They already added embosses into the lower as cosmetic features (i don't know if it actually is being used for strength which is what those features are supposed to be for)

All those features embossed for strength (i assume) in the original, look like 1 stamping operation. That's how we do it, look at a bbq tray or something. The die cuts, presses and embosses those trays in 1 go. There's no need for more than 1 die. And those trays are generally stainless 16 gauge. An AK receiver is usually less than 16 gauge.

Shit, a piston AR that looks cosmetically like an STG? I'd buy that.

Attached: 2018-08-03_21.19.25.jpg (1080x1080, 191K)

What the hell is going on?

"Soon" :)))))))))))))))))

Attached: HMG Cetme L-LC.png (1010x800, 280K)

They are actually still active on facebook with this development process
Here is a post from today

Attached: HMG works is still alive on this thing.png (494x1085, 685K)

They're retards who fucked up the design and can't get out with the product in years

Its safe to say they "jumped the gun" in the promotional part.
Its very obvious they are not done with development.