Things people say

>I don't think the founding fathers had semi automatic assault rifles in mind when they drafted the constitution

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Other urls found in this thread:

>You know that you're much more likely to have a gun turned on you by a criminal than to use it yourself, right?

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>I'm a lifelong hunter and I'm a veteran who shot kids for Israel
>therefore I have the right to say you have no business owning a weapon of war
>you need to think of the children

>Don't be crazy do you think people should be allowed to own nukes?

>you own a gun? What, do you have a small penis?

>Super old .22 Marlin with it's original wood finish?
>Fuck no, paint the entire thing matte black
God damnit Dad you're better than this

Watching this video made me feel physically ill

Statists gonna state. If I ever run into one of these shills, I'll tell them that they might as well have been fighting for Vladimir Putin, just to shit on the "service" they hide behind.

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>I don't think


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Time to resume work on my gun control bingo chart.

I'm getting cramps in my neck from this shit.

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>Why do you need...
>High capacity "clips"
>Compensating for something?
>"Hi-powered Rifle"
>Military-grade WMD
>Mentions UK and Australia
>Nobody wants to take your guns away
>I support the 2A but...
>You want nukes too?
>Only police + mil should possess arms
>Gun show loop hole
>"Assault features"
>Real men don't need guns
>You can't hunt with ____
>Common-sense legislation
>Weapons of war don't belong on our streets
>Resist tyranny? You can't fight tanks and drones with your guns!
>You're more likely to have your gun used against >you or accidentally shoot yourself :^)

Two left to add.

>I believe in the second amendment but...
Haha these fuckin zogbots lmao.

Your stuff isn’t worth killing over

"I would just let the robber kill me"

>you're more likely to shoot yourself than an aggressor, because I think you're a dumb redneck and can't be trusted with a gun...

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>pog/wook shows up in the first two seconds

disregarded, hang all veterans that go against the oath they committed to

The other day my coworker said that gun owners have a lower iq than th rest of the population

>no punctuation

That's what makes my blood boil about grabbers. They assume that you're dumb if you're not perpetually dickriding Uncle Sham.

The Veteran hero worshipping days are coming to an end. Hopefully it becomes a badge of dishonor, which basically states "I shot kids for the big banks". Then we do what Japan did and rework the military to a low key national defense force, but we keep our current gun laws.


‘We live in a society...’

Don't see many weaboos round these parts. Hello. clueless.

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>comments disabled

Every. Time.

How to counter this tho? Is it an actual stat or cherry picked or something

Fun fact: The US was mostly isolationist, until Europe couldn't go a couple decades without starting a World War. We should've given Europe to the Commies and waited until they overextended themselves with invasion to the US.

the base of that argument is factually true but misleading and facetious to the extent that it's a meaningless argument.

people who own firearms ARE more likely to have their guns turned upon them than people who don't own firearms, simply because noguns don't have a gun to be used against them. much like how people who don't own a car are less likely to cause a car accident, or the way that people who have sex are more likely to catch an STD than someone who is celibate.

It's technically true, but so intellectually dishonest it should be an easy argument to poke holes in.

I would pile in untold verbal abuse if I heard vets talking like this. They should’ve hung for treason

Goddamn I cannot count. Five left to add*

Thanks Jow Forumsnons.

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Game version (fresh OC)

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So the real stat compares rate at which gun owners' guns are turned on themselves vs non gun owners' guns are turned on themselves?

It seems to be completely different tho, looks like it's comparing the rate at which gun owners' guns are turned on themselves vs gun owners' guns being used by themselves as self defense. Do we have stats available for this second comparison as a counter?

No worry, it is done. I completed it for you.


>your rights are a threat to liberty

Why yes I do and I'd appreciate it if you'd stop sexually harassing me, or I'll be forced to ask HR to step in this situation where you are talking about my penis.

Here is my WIP draft.

Yours is gud though.

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>you own a gun? You must be a psychopath waiting to snap

>Super old .22 Marlin with it's original wood finish
I have one of these, 15 shot tube. It gunks like a motherfucker

You have to be 18 to post here, edgelord.

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What else have the last seventeen years been about? Nah fuck that what has the last seven years been about since Osama and Saddam were killed?

No, and neither do they. It should be considered conjecture.

Why do people keep getting surprised to find out that Islam isn't split between "peaceful moderates" and "fringe radicals?"

If you kill one Islamic warlord without firebombing every last man, woman, and child cockroach along with them, they'll just breed a new one to take their place.

And until someone on the Earth remembers how to rage real war instead of leaving survivors alive to breed new terrorists, we'll never leave the Middle East.

>start this war for the sole purpose of retaliation
>now going out of our way to rebuild a shithole that never wants to be rebuilt in the first place

I don't want it rebuilt it either. I want my commanders to pull their heads out of their ass, stop sucking civilian and Communist cock, and start acting like actual military commanders that bomb Arab huts back to the Stone Age, slaughter every last one, and salt the earth left behind.

You don't understand military all.

>being a grammar/spell nazi on 4chin
Just kill yourself redit

No the closest avaliable stat says between 500,000 and 2 million justified cases of firearm use occurs in the US.

Not necessarily shooting for self defense, but stuff like brandishing. Although shootings are included in the stat.

It's knives tho.

>m4 assault rifle
m4 is a carbine

the US has had internal debate about whether to be isolationist or interventionist all the fucking time, going all the way back to Jefferson and Adams yelling at each other trying to figure out what to do about Napoleon

>50BMG is so powerful it'll rip your arm off if it passes by
>AR15's are useless for hunting
>AR15's will rip a deer to utter shreds while hunting
>45 is so powerful that it'll stop a man in one bullet
>22 is so weak that it will just bounce around in your skull with a headshot
>You can just go to the store and buy a full-auto
>You can just go to the store and buy a suppressor
>You can't just buy a bazooka or a tank in the US
>Gunshow loophole, fuck this entirely
>AK74's are made so that they accept AR15 bullets but not the other way around
>Just fire a double-barrel into the air to scare off intruders
>5.56 tumbles in the air making it more dangerous
>12ga spreads out so far that it's perfect for someone who can't shoot
>Only people in the military can be marksmen

>Co-worker finds out I have a few guns
>I hope you're planning on sparing me if you snap
Fucking psychopaths, I swear man.

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most of the time they'll dishonestly fuck with the numbers by including suicides

fact is that the US has really low violent crime, and most of what it has is avoidable if you aren't part of the drug trade, and so the overwhelming majority of gun deaths are suicides. also the suicide rate is up, particularly among white males, for reasons that probably need to be explained in Jow Forums rather than here

so, uh, don't kill yourself and you'll probably be fine

go home, reddit

You could turn this argument, or most any they launch at you with something more ethos-based. Liberals hate logic so only having a portion of it in your argument makes things go farther or else they'll know they can't make any case against gun ownership and will just go to "SHOULD A 5 YEAR OLD BE ABLE TO BUY NUKES?"

Just bring up that people who are against gun ownership, in any amount are racist. Greatest thing of all time to get them stuttering. Bring up how many non-suicide firearm deaths are caused by white non-hispanics vs blacks and then their total percentage of the population and just tell them they hate black people and the ones that aren't felons and need something to defend themselves because police aren't as snappy as in their no-crime rich suburbs and that they just want innocent blacks to get killed because they hate them.

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>You can just go to the store and buy a suppressor
Technically you can, but you wont be allowed to take it home with you

I think this used to be entirely true, and probably still is true for a lot of the older establishment politicians, but isn't accurate for younger liberals and Democrat politicians anymore.

Ok story time guys.
I’m Commiefornian and served in our National Guard when I was 21. Well after a few years I was assigned to San Francisco. But before I left, my commanding officer gave me a heads up.

Apparently there was a history of Commiefornians anally raping Commiefornians. It began when our special forces went to the San Francisco airport to conduct drills with the local faggots. After it was over (the locals, dressed like the village people, got unnecessarily physics during as well), our Commiefornian lads decided to go sun bathing in the nice weather. Well the Commiefornians noticed, came over and started flirting with our guys... sort of caressing them and holding their body parts inappropriately. We thought it was a cultural mis understanding but that night, a bunch of flamers dressed like the village people busted into the Commiefornians Barracks and anally raped every single soldier amid cries and shits and more. The scene was appalling the next morning when the Jewish commissars told them to continue with drills. It is not public because of the shame but the San Franciscans claimed we sent them boys instead of girls ... they said our not effeminate man-like boys were basically fair game for a pozzing and laughed it off. This is why Commiefornia is full of AIDS.

True story.

I'm a lifelong hunter and a vet who killed objectively bad people and I say you're a pussy.

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I should have seen this coming after last night

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*le smiling libertarian sphere*


take care of your raifus and they'll take care of you

I never noticed those things used A2 grips until just now.

I am a blind ass faggot.

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>local female democratic zogbot running for congress
>I didn't fight in the marines in order for the gun lobby to flood our streets with weapons I used in the mUHRENS

I'll keep that in mind, might have to practice speaking loudler though.

>grandma is far left anti-gun to the core
>says all this shit if you let her
>knows I have guns
>we just don't talk about guns at all, she doesn't bring them up and neither do I because we'll just fight about it
It's a mixed feel.

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Welcome to adulthood, user.

>if I had a gun I would act out my hyper violent fantasies
>that's why people shouldn't have guns

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>I have no self control and I'm perfect so that means no one else does either
Yeah that's usually the liberal mindset.

No, the younger ones are commies who want war, but don't want you to be able to defend yourself.

I knew this would happen.

You know what you must do. Day of the pillow when?

>Hundreds of thousands of vets are proud gun owners
>Like ten say "ayy lmao guns are bad tho"
>They're the ones who the grabbers listen to
I'm angry.

>t. "I was gonna serve but I can't stand being bossed around all the time I would have just punched the drill instructor"

>The US was mostly isolationist, until Europe couldn't go a couple decades without starting a World War
Google Henry Cabot Lodge my man. Then realize it went back a lot further back than him.

>"b-but can you even build a flintlock pistol?"

I don't need to. They can be legally acquired without background check or filling out a 4473.

>"Huh, what's a fourty-four seventy-"

Have a nice day.

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Why can't they shut their traitorous mouths and be the ones to die for our country, oh wait, they would actually have to see combat for that to happen

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Yo if you finish that shit spread it on Jow Forums for the lulz

you forgot the guy who acts like his opinion has more value because he was in the military

and the guy that's like "you don't NEED a gun"

...typed the teenager sitting in his mothers basement, caught between seething rage and abject terror at the thought of not getting all the toys he felt entitled to once he hit 18.
Few things makes a total gun ban seem as good an idea as Jow Forums trying to argue against gun control.

>>I don't think the founding fathers had semi automatic assault rifles in mind when they drafted the constitution
back in the day the non semi automatics we're the semi automatics


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>I want a gun to defend myself, but I'm going with a 22lr so I don't kill anyone. I just want to wound them.

I've hard people say this in real life.

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>there are 393,000,000 guns in the United States compared to 327,000,000 people
>Nearly 93,000,000 people own guns
>~30,000 gun deaths per year in the U.S.
>65% of those deaths are by suicide which would never be prevented by gun laws
>15% are by law enforcement and defensive gun use
>3% are accidental discharge deaths

This leaves 5100 other murders or homicides committed with a gun.

When compared to the population, existing gun control laws are 99.998% effective.

If we can save that .002%, it would be worth it - repeal the 2nd amendment now!

We should have just taken all of fucking Europe at the end of WWII
>nuke Moscow, Stalingrad and all major targets in Commieland
>divide Europe into provincial territories under US control, firebomb and nuke opposition
>Let Britbongs have colonization rights in Africa in exchange for loyalty
>spread into the Sandbox, start killing muzzies a decades early.

Worldwide hegemony.

Retards and commies aren't people OP.

>How many more Mass shootings?
>You can change an amendment

Got a guy fired for saying this once. Eat shit leftist zero tolerance work place policies in a rift to work state

>made it to 0:35 and I already want to kill myself.
Funny how all those actors are either niggers or look like kikes

>5100 are homicides
Now let’s break it down to who is doing the shooting.