Matt Carriker (AKA Demolitian Ranch guy) is 30 y.o. boomer, prove me wrong

Matt Carriker (AKA Demolitian Ranch guy) is 30 y.o. boomer, prove me wrong

Attached: boomer.png (357x603, 537K)

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Dude is living the dream

Attached: matt-carriker.png (1024x1024, 595K)

is he a quadroon or an octoroon?

Beats being some dumb faggot shitposting on Jow Forums.

He owns multiple semi automatics and shoots more than once a year

He beats his wife dude but is otherwise a cool guy. If you really want to see his personality watch his profile when reviewing the hipoint pistol. He's got that inkling of Jow Forums in him.

Neither he nor his wife are blonde

Attached: 89430D7D-94D9-47DB-ADC2-475CB38B70C5.jpg (1024x852, 38K)

he owns an ak and a suppressor

Fair enough.


>I don't understand how genetics work

proof, also post pics of his wife

My hair was whiter when i was a kid, it's pretty common thing, their hair will be darker in like 10 years or so

>living the dream
>having kids

thank fuck we have different dreams

Too lazy to save pictures

It is so bad to have different dreams?

>proof of him beating his wife?

He seems like a really wholesome guy. It’s either plebbit character assassination or some other faggotry lyin if you don’t show proof.

>He beats his wife
Attention whores and (You) fags should be banned.

>he beats his wife
They said the same thing about Hickok. Definitely sounds like Plebbit

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...and I found the post modernist democrat/socialist SJW

It's a copy pasta...similar to the whole" I met *Insert Celebrity name here*at the store and tried to say hi and *Insert Celebrity name here* was an aloof asshole and tried to leave without paying.

He’s a daddies money Chad

He's a doctor (veterinarian) from redneck background who likes guns.

Also, time marches on, I subscribed back when he was really young.

He gets his hands dirty working on his ranch, if he was a chad, he'd hire people to do shit.

Chad's don't actually work

>shooting guns on camera
Pick one

t. Childfree cuck

This has lost its meaning.

He's a veterinarian in his other hat

Not for anyone outside of Jow Forums.

If you watch some of his vlog videos you will notice that he is making shit for his own, in a last video he makes bed for guests for example

he has guns, he has something that 75% of Jow Forums doesn't

Ignoring salsa, there is nothing wrong with smacking your wife if she deserves it. Just like there is nothing wrong with your wife smacking you if you did something retarded. Bit of violence now and then is necessary.

Sean Connory, is that you?

>t. Guys raising the milkman’s kids

Attached: 49E3CAC2-26D4-4AE6-83F2-382513675DBD.jpg (380x1024, 101K)

More like 30 year old Chad.

>Fit Veternarian
>Tons of cash, not including youtube revenue
>Great family
>All the guns he wants

He's basically living the Jow Forums dream, at least the ones that don't want to be warriors.

>parents raising their kids to a higher standard living with their money instead of falling for Jewish scams that lead them into debt is a bad thing

>yes, goyim don't have children! They're terrible!
>focus on your bugman career!

No. Violence in a relationship is almost always a bad idea. The first act of violence breaks down the barrier, making it much more likely for you both to get physical in stressful and angry situations where it would otherwise not happen. I'm not some pacifist pussy, but the one person I don't want to hit is my wife.

I had relationships when I was younger where it was sad to remember how we never raised hands to each other during small arguments, then after it happened once it happened every time.

Tl;dr you and your partner are PARTNERS, work together and save the taps for disciplining children

Apparently being smarter, successful and having a shit load of guns is worthy of being made fun of. Someone explain the boomer meme to me.

I like that image a lot.
Mind if I save it?

>he runs a vet clinic
M8 it cost me $50 bucks just to get my dog a shot. Imagine how much you rake in running a clinic
>also now you can imagine/“feel”/sense the smell of a vets office but not actually smell it. You know the smell. Don’t lie.

You make shit money as a vet actually. You basically have to go to school the same amount as you would to be a real doctor, but vets can sometimes barely run their clinics because it's so expensive and people pay not nearly as much when it comes to their pets.

>3 blond kids
>2 brunette parents

Is he a cuck?

He's a veterinarian

Kids hair is lighter when they are younger

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What does this have to do with weapons?

E-celebrity bullshit isn't appreciated here but I like Matt. He's a family man who owns a ranch and has a passion for taking care of animals which is in my book one of the best ways to live life. He also shows a more casual side of gun ownership that is not damaging at all to the image of gun owners but despite this he maintains that all gun legislation is wrong. He isn't Jow Forums but if you wish him bad things you have to be a bitter person.

Well written. He's a good dude, who's doing well. Instead of being envious we should aspire to chase our versions if success.


Feel free to present an actual argument anytime now.

Attached: genetics 101.jpg (699x526, 27K)

>that picture

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Not your personal army, fuckin faggot, fuck off.

>implying two heterozygous parents can't have a homozygous recessive child
>implying kids aren't often born with blond hair and grow up to be brunette
My little brother was blond until age 4, and then came the brown hair.

It originated on Jow Forums but now we know havemt been there to see.

god i wish that was me

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everyone in my family had blonde hair as a kid, most of us have brunette or near brunette hair.

30 yar old boomer meme means successful people? I guess I should mow my lawn tomorrow at 8AM... I was angsty at 16 when I had a job.... I guess getting your first job at 20 something retards the process...

I'm too fucking old for /squats-and-oats/ these days.

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Audibly tying not to laugh at that Benny Jones

>He beats his wife
good fellow

I was like you once. She kept getting bolder and more brazen. Then one day I had enough and smacked her. It's like hitting the reset button . Now she knows exactly where the line is and doesn't cross it.

>56 percenter doesn't understand how hair pigmentation works

It is a weak man who can't keep his woman in check without violence.

This is dead false

>this guy is successful but he's a faggot
>I'm a failure but at least I'm not a faggot

The boomer meme, essentially.

>t. Didn't pass middle school science class

for all the retarded memes Jow Forums has exposed me to, such as ylyl banana ive never understood the "30 year old booma" meme.


pick one, sjw's who claim to be socialists probably never have read Marx.

It's litterally that. The 30 year old boomer has a house, a wife, a job, a plum fucking purple 70's charger. He is by all accounts a massive success.

It's sour grapes.

it was red, and he sold it for a quad four truck

>quad four
ultra four. I'm retarded

I'm talking about the meme.

>attractive wife
>3 children that will grow up to be relatively attractive and have the benefit of growing up in a well-to-do family
>fairly large plot of land for not doing any significant farming/ranching
>independently wealthy enough to buy moderately expensive shit on a whim (cars, fairly extensive truck mods/accessories, firearms, etc.)
>two successful channels (vet ranch, demo ranch) and a backup channel (off the ranch) in case youtube decides to forbid/demonetize gun stuff or vet stuff

I can't really hate on him because, minus the youtube, I would want to do very similar things if I had the money

I've understood it as either being willfully ignorant or over-exaggerating their "glory days"

the boomer meme is going the way of pepe and rage comics

>independently wealthy enough to buy moderately expensive shit on a whim
He married into money. That said, I'm just a jealous cunt, so.

Me and my wife had very light blonde hair when we were children. Both of our sons have it now.


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It's all well, and good until the cops drag you off, while she's yelling "THROW HIS ASS IN JAIL!".

One day she'll get fed up, and cut his pecker off with a butterknife.

Neither do my mom or dad. That didn’t stop my sister and brother from
Having blond hair. My dad as a baby was a little Austrian kid with bright blue eyes and bleach blonde hair but it got darker as he got older and it’s not dirty brown