
>"user, I served in the military and grew up hunting, so you should listen to me when I say you need to turn in your guns like a good little serf"
Jow Forums's response?

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I don't appeal to your authority

>I served in the military
great, a peacetime welfare leech


>Implying anyone on Jow Forums actually hangs out with faggots like this even ironically

Either you were a desk jockey or you shot kids for Israel. Either way, I'm not impressed. If you swore an oath to defend the Constitution, then right now you might as well have been fighting for Putin or Kim Jong-Un. Up yours, no thank you for your non-service

said no special forces vet ever

sorry but I could frankly care less about your military service. you got into an organization that frankly 90% of young Americans these days can get into for extra good welfare gibs. being in the military doesn't make you a genius by any metric nor an expert with firearms, at most you probably have had basic weapons training with no more than a rifle a handgun and maybe a couple of MG's. you probably barely saw combat even.

Ok story time guys.
I’m Commiefornian and served in our National Guard when I was 21. Well after a few years I was assigned to San Francisco. But before I left, my commanding officer gave me a heads up.

Apparently there was a history of Commiefornians anally raping Commiefornians. It began when our special forces went to the San Francisco airport to conduct drills with the local faggots. After it was over (the locals, dressed like the village people, got unnecessarily physics during as well), our Commiefornian lads decided to go sun bathing in the nice weather. Well the Commiefornians noticed, came over and started flirting with our guys... sort of caressing them and holding their body parts inappropriately. We thought it was a cultural mis understanding but that night, a bunch of flamers dressed like the village people busted into the Commiefornians Barracks and anally raped every single soldier amid cries and shits and more. The scene was appalling the next morning when the Jewish commisars told them to continue with drills. It is not public because of the shame but the San Franciscans claimed we sent them boys instead of girls ... they said our not effeminate man-like boys were basically fair game for a pozzing and laughed it off. This is why Commiefornia is full of AIDS.

True story.

Iraq really did fuck us over as a country. People only join the military for the gibs, not to defend nation or freedom

>I served in the military and grew up hunting, so you should listen to me when I say you need to turn in your guns
So the country you served for you're now choosing to betray by advocating taking away the rights of it's citizens? So you're a traitor now?

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> user, all I'm saying is I don't think psychopathic downies should be allowed light machine gu-
> alright then, you look after them

>president does something retarded
>nobody wants to join the military
>nobody wants to be allies with the US any more
>takes decades to recover
>then some other moron does something retarded

It's the circle of life.

Except Tim Kennedy

> People only join the military for gibs
what fucking desk job did you have in the Army?

well then lets ass rape him
no homo though

I agree 300% homo for me though

Europeans are so pathetic

Go back to your safe space before you get triggered.


ok, you rape him and I'll provide the duck tape

Says the one who got triggered by a joke

Not that guy but kill yourself

Which parts were supposed to be humorous?

It's an overblown example of how Jow Forums reacts to anyone who doesn't believe we should all have an arsenal of McNukes. I'm sorry if that made you assmad.

Alright .... he'll probably kill both of us.

>so what kind of desk was it, mahogany? Metal? Plus it says "shall not be infringed" right in the amendment, so military or not you are trying to infringe upon the rights given to me as a citizen of this country. You are quite literally turning traitor Mr. Veteran. Do you want to be a traitor, or try to uphold the values and rights you supposedly swore to protect in the service?

Don't try and make jokes anymore you lack the IQ.

> Jow Forums's response?
"Good to know, bro. Here, take this and get yourself a hot meal. You got a shelter or a place yo sleep I can give you a ride to?"

>>"user, I served in the military and grew up hunting, so you should listen to me when I say you need to turn in your guns like a good little serf"
I did too; fuck you, I'm keeping my ARs.

Whatever you say, kiddo.

I'll get help
when a man needs raping you get as much help as you need

Kill yourself

How common is this among veterans? I genuinely can't tell if the grabber vets are a real thing or astroturfed.

Nobody says this still in freedom land

> I'll tell him to kill himself in my big boy voice, that'll show him!

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Google Tammy Duckworth. Or pretty much any other vet who becomes a democrat.

>nobody says this
They certainly think it and act like it desu

>People only join the military for the gibs
Everyone I knew in high school who enlisted did it because they wanted to remove terrorist, and everyone who did ROTC or Academy did it because they genuinely wanted to go in as an officer.

Kill yourself

Kill yourself

>safe space
Imagine thinking in buzzwords and prejoratives instead of having actual arguments. You're about on the same level as shitlibs who call everything racist and sexist

>A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
>A well regulated militia
Funny how your type always miss out the first four words. It's almost as if the amendment is saying the opposite of 'let every nutter have whatever he wants for no reason'

That's not the context of well regulated in that regard.

In no way does the amendment suggest that you have to be in a militia to have your right. It's giving one of many possible reasons why that right should be protected.
Here's an equivalent sentence
>A well-balanced breakfast being necessary to a good day, the right of the people to buy and eat eggs shall not be infringed.

Now, would such a law mean that you can only eat eggs for breakfast?

> the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
brainlet, weak b8 as well

You have to be 18 to post here.

>see, if I take part of the sentence out of context it supports my argument

Kill yourself

You can't say out loud "i just wanted the gibs" because people chimp out. I guarantee you the majority of people who joined for free shit made up some excuse like "i wanted to serve my country" etc

That was only established in a court case in 2008 (District of Columbia v. Heller). That's a 232 year gap between the writing of the document and that being the (narrowly-decided) interpretation being officially reached.

And just because that's what the supreme court decided doesn't mean it's what the founders would have intended, or is even morally right. Just look at Plessy vs. Ferguson and Roe vs. Wade for examples of the Supreme Court being on the wrong side of history.

You're truly a Republican intellectual, aren't you?

>see, if I take part of the sentence out of context it supports my argument

>I served in the military
So you are the one the founding fathers were thinking of us shooting when they wrote the 2A.

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Using terms you can understand

>The right of the people to bear arms actually means 'only highly restricted milita can own guns'

kill yourself

Kill yourself....please?


Have you ever wondered why America is the only nation on Earth with a constitutional right to bear arms? Most nations had something similar to the second amendment at some point, before they had standing armies. But once they did, the need for civilian militias disappeared, so that aspect of the constitution would be removed.

America is the only nation on Earth that worships its founding document as a golden calf. It's a form of idolatry and it just makes everyone else on the planet laugh at you for being autistic.

Everyone else on the planet can kick rocks. America tells europeans to pay 1% of their GDP for their own defense and everyone bitches. We should just stop defending anyone else's ships in the ocean or doing anything else for you faggots considering all you do is laugh at us from your studio apartments because you can only afford to own a bicycle and if you buy a skinner knife the SWAT team will kill your extended family that you live with.

>just allow Big Brother to stomp your teeth in because everyone else is doing it and you cannot fight the empire

They laugh and yet they can do no better. I wonder why?

Plebbit is down the hall and to the left, you onions faggot.

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>America tells europeans to pay 1% of their GDP for their own defense and everyone bitches
Most EU citizens don't like NATO, it's a tool of American imperialism. Quite frankly we'd all be happier if you all packed your bags and fucked off home. We don't want your military bases in our countries.

>and if you buy a skinner knife the SWAT team will kill your extended family that you live with.
Because banning the sale of knives to under 18s and making it illegal to brandish them in public is so horrible and unreasonable. You people really are retarded, aren't you?

>just allow Big Brother to stomp your teeth in because everyone else is doing it and you cannot fight the empire
Are you able to provide an example of this alleged 'tyranny'?

>They laugh and yet they can do no better. I wonder why?
Really? Because I would define having universal healthcare and protection of workers' rights as 'doing better'

>Just look at Plessy vs. Ferguson and Roe vs. Wade for examples of the Supreme Court being on the wrong side of history.

Yeah, it's real sad that they've committed high treason and betrayed the Forefathers' dream by declaring niggers to be human and fetus' as non-human.

>muh healthcare
Are we a relatively small homogenous country rich in natural resources that can easily foot the bill for our small amount of citizens? No? K den shut the fuck up. With the mass influx of refugees to those european countries I put good money on them nixing their healthcare system within the decade.

I did my 6 years and I still go hunting, so screw your opinion.

>Quite frankly we'd all be happier if you all packed your bags and fucked off home. We don't want your military bases in our countries.

Confirmed for a shitposter only pretending to be European

Heck the last time some obese American tourists went and formed a protest outside Ramstein AB telling the USA to leave Europe forever the local German citizens actually formed a counter-protest begging America to stay and keep protecting Europe from Russia.

>betrayed the Forefathers' dream by declaring niggers to be human
'I skimread the first paragraph of the wikipedia article on Plessy vs. Ferguson so I know what I'm talking about'

It literally established the concept of 'separate but equal', as in Jim Crow and segregation

Right, and the people afterwards who struck it down and allowed smelly bald monkeys to mingle with human children are traitors that deserved death.

>We laugh at America for revering a document that has enabled their country to become the worlds most powerful political, military, and economic force on the planet in under two centuries
Yeah, we know you faggots are retarded, you don't need to come here and remind us.

>I would define having universal healthcare and protection of workers' rights as 'doing better'
You silly euros think those are major problems for the average American. Anybody who isn't absolutely poor can get good healthcare and we have unions.Also companies know if they don't have good working environs good people are going to avoid those places and their profits are going to slide.
Don't worry your little head about all that. Just let the government control everything they're infallible right? They don't have personal agendas to push right? Hundreds of millions didn't die because the state controls everything right?

is samefagging common practice now, even among 12 y/o 4channers?

>Are we a relatively small homogenous country rich in natural resources that can easily foot the bill for our small amount of citizens?
The UK has over 60 million people, France over 65 million, Germany over 80 million. Those aren't small populations by any means.

>With the mass influx of refugees to those european countries
Yet another dog-whistle for racism

>Heck the last time some obese American tourists went and formed a protest outside Ramstein AB telling the USA to leave Europe forever the local German citizens actually formed a counter-protest begging America to stay and keep protecting Europe from Russia.
Generally right-wingers support America and NATO because 'muh Russia', while the left oppose it

>Are you able to provide an example of this alleged 'tyranny'?
Now I KNOW you're shitposting.

>a (formerly) homogeneous population a quarter of the size of the U.S. is the same as the U.S.
Wew laddeh

What the fuck is wrong with racism?

>Every single organism on the planet learns to recognize the physical traits of other organisms that are a threat to them and prejudice against them for survival

>Humans are expected to just say "lol fuck it" and allow the hostile organism to act as it pleases because it hurts their fee-fees.

>Are you able to provide an example of this alleged 'tyranny'?
In fact, I am:
>87-yo British man kills an intruder with the intruder's own weapon. Old man gets arrested: theguardian.com/uk-news/2018/apr/04/man-arrested-fatal-stabbing-suspected-burglar-london
>Black Army veteran arrested for not turning in guns because reasons:
>Gulf of Tonkin, started the Vietnam War based on a lie
>MK Ultra
>Operation Mockingbird (FBI allowed to use the press as its mouthpiece)
>Project Shamrock
>Pentagon Papers
>Tuskegee Syphilis Experiments
>Flamethrowers burned down the Branch Davidians' complex
>Iraq War started on a lie
>Five Eyes and PRISM program
There is not a single thing trustworthy about the United States Government. They should have as little power as possible.
>when they kill kids without provocation, it's "collateral damage"
>when a civilian does it, it's "violent crime"
The way I see the only gun-toting psychopaths we need to worry about are the ones who claim authority, ownership, and dominion over the very lives of We the People. 90% of government employees are Kim Jong-Un wannabes.

So you aren't able to, then?

320 million people isn't that much of a step up from 80 million. And the number of people in a country isn't a barrier to universal healthcare, as long as tax evasion isn't widespread then it's irrelevant.

Kill yourself

I don't agree with the UK's self-defence laws, but that's a separate issue from gun ownership. If gun laws were laxer then that situation would have been even worse, because the burglar would have just shot him. Instead of being in prison he'd be dead.

>320 million is the same as 80 million
Really, uh, showing your maths teacher some love here arent you?

Things really wouldn't be so bad here if we weren't forced to live alongside niggers.

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Why does the size of the population matter, exactly?

The amount of money spent on hospital visits. More people = more visits. Simple math.

>the burglar would have just shot him
>implying the burglar is expecting the old man to be home and have a gun on hand
Actually, it has everything to do with gun ownership. When people do not own guns, the State is free to assrape you for whatever it wants, without consequence. Including arresting you for defending yourself.

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But if those people are all paying tax then that makes up for it?

>>well regulated militia
>hurr why you no say?
10 U.S. Code § 246 - Militia: composition and classes:
(a) The militia of the United States consists of all able-bodied males at least 17 years of age and, except as provided in section 313 of title 32, under 45 years of age who are, or who have made a declaration of intention to become, citizens of the United States and of female citizens of the United States who are members of the National Guard.
(b) The classes of the militia are—
(1) the organized militia, which consists of the National Guard and the Naval Militia; and
(2) the unorganized militia, which consists of the members of the militia who are not members of the National Guard or the Naval Militia.

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>quoting a woman who hated welfare but relied on it for the last ten years of her life

>killing the messenger

It is not 1:1. The larger and less homogeneous the country the greater disparity between tax payers and non tax payers. Which means a bigger pull on SS and welfare programs as well.

>Yet another dog-whistle for racism
Just another pilpul tactic to avoid the issue that taking on 80 IQ darkies by the boatload reduces the quality a nation can afford for social services like education and medicine.

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You know that you can just repeal obsolete legislation, right? I mean, that's what we do in civilised countries. The 'militia' as a concept is grounded in 18th and 19th century military thinking, and has no relevance in the modern world.

Just be honest and admit it, you're just looking for an excuse to own whatever you like. You're willing to use outdated legislation because you can twist it to fit your own ends.

>America is the only nation on Earth that worships its founding document as a golden calf. It's a form of idolatry and it just makes everyone else on the planet laugh at you for being autistic.
Because America is founded on the principle of self-ownership and individual liberty. The rest of the world sees the individual as expendable government property, to be disposed of at the whims of the Powers that Be.
Rights are not gifts from Gubbmint. Rights are what you are entitled to as a human being.

The average nigger and spic already uses more money in government services than they contribute via taxes during their lifetime. Whitey will end up footing the bill for everything. You can see how this will be problematic as the white population becomes a smaller and smaller percentage.

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The problem with the Internet is that it gives the scum of the earth a platform where they can spew their bile unchallenged. I pine for the days when neo-nazis like you used to have their skulls cracked open in street fights.

>and has no relevance in the modern world.
Say you, a modern man who has only lived in peace all his life. Strike down what is needed for harsh times, why don't you, and see where it leads us when the cycle comes back again.
Whatever I fucking want is absolutely irrelevant as I'm neither American, nor do I live in the US, nor do I plan to immigrate there.
Don't fucking argue semantics if you are unwilling to look at the intent behind legislation.

While I appreciate that you served our country and I'm thankful for your service I'm not going to give up my human rights because you disagree with me

God gave me the right to bear arms not the government