What do modern regional powers like Australia use their special operations for?

Australia seems like it has the regional stability and military capability to assist their special operations abroad but what exactly do they do?

>They are friendly with all their neighbors.

>They aren't a great power like France, UK, or Russia with many foreign bases and multiple enemies.

>Unlike the US, they are not involved in global military engagements.

Are they just used for domestic requirements?

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Its so the US special forces can take vacations and call it "training"

Theyre used as a convienient US ally in the indian ocean for whatever strategic demands are needed

After 2009, contemporary Australian forces are no longer in Iraq. Australian special operations command only has ~2000 active personnel (I'm assuming that also includes support?)


but seriously, what do they do?

Training that's all they do

Chunder and shit, I dunno, I dont like jellyfish anyway!

I can't tell if you're joking or not. Seriously, what do they do?

Training for the possibility they will need to fight, wtf do you think they do? They're training to be prepared for the day their skills will be needed so they run counter terrorism and hostage rescue drills.

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Attached: scooby whiff.gif (500x375, 903K)

aww shit I have that same headlamp
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