What do modern regional powers like Australia use their special operations for?

Australia seems like it has the regional stability and military capability to assist their special operations abroad but what exactly do they do?

>They are friendly with all their neighbors.

>They aren't a great power like France, UK, or Russia with many foreign bases and multiple enemies.

>Unlike the US, they are not involved in global military engagements.

Are they just used for domestic requirements?

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Its so the US special forces can take vacations and call it "training"

Theyre used as a convienient US ally in the indian ocean for whatever strategic demands are needed

After 2009, contemporary Australian forces are no longer in Iraq. Australian special operations command only has ~2000 active personnel (I'm assuming that also includes support?)


but seriously, what do they do?

Training that's all they do

Chunder and shit, I dunno, I dont like jellyfish anyway!

I can't tell if you're joking or not. Seriously, what do they do?

Training for the possibility they will need to fight, wtf do you think they do? They're training to be prepared for the day their skills will be needed so they run counter terrorism and hostage rescue drills.

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aww shit I have that same headlamp
time to kms

the fuck ya say bout me headlamp cunt?

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Protection of citizens abroad? Maybe?

> tfw I will never get to lick her butt hole as she fires that glorious crew served weapon

> tfw I'll never be AG to a qt 3.14 blondie

Why are we still here? Just to suffer?

>Unlike the US, they are not involved in global military engagements

They are in Afghanistan.

China pretty much uses their special mooks in law enforcement, insurgent pacification in Xinjiang, and capturing criminals that cross borders. Its pretty telling that its best Special Forces unit is a fucking police unit (but then again the People's Armed Police is part of the military).

Also training African countries friendly to China.

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>>Unlike the US, they are not involved in global military engagements.

this is what you use 3% GDP on defence for, Eurofat

ADF SF has a training team in Iraq supporting Iraqi SF and Peshmerga.
>en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Okra SOTG
There's another training activity in Phillipines.
A sqn is alsays oncall for TAG-West and overseas Special Recovery.
There were a few guys in the joint SF support det in Kabul run by 22SAS.
Plus random shit - crosstraining with Thais Malaya etc, so there's always a trip somewhere.

And that keeps all THREE squadrons occupied, because there are only 3, right....

>3% of your GDP to support less than 2500 soldiers
Jesus Christ. I knew everyone was poor compared to the US, but that is pathetic.


we have a large technologically advanced air force for our size, a decent navy, and a bunch of high tech support operations. the army is basically a meme, we "protect" our northern border with a bunch of aboriginals eating sticks

>country with 50 tanks

why did you guys even purchase tanks? they can't be operated in australia. you guys literally have to ship them around to different parts of australia because they can't cross the roads.

I don't get Americans


you don't have to get us to serve us, boy


The regional power in that part of the Pacific is not Australia, but Malaysia


The only time 'Malaysia' and 'power' get used in the same sentence is with:
>urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Power Bottom
Hell, m80, even your next PM is a convicted sodomite.
> hold up how far it went up the ass

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good question
we are a client state, and so have to provide token support for US actions.

However we are in china orbit as well.

One day china may fund the abos to have a revenge war, and use NT as a beach head to land troops.

China newspaper made some noises about that recently

However Australia is big and hot, it would not be easy to invade

the number of bogans is legion, and tough mother fuckers.

It would be a costly war

also the US would probably not like it as we are a good base of operations, nor would japan be impressed by such and expansion or any of the other nations between china and australia

Australia has about 1/3 the world uranium alot of coal, enough to turn in to petrol and keep oil supplied for 100's of years for the whole world, iron and other minerals.

We need nuke armed nuke subs about 5 or 7 then no one would invade ever or attack. since the F111 was decommissioned we have no delivery system that anyone is worried about.

F-18 lack range imho to be useful.

Brisbane sydney and melb could be easily taken,

anything west of the blue mountains good luck....with that

the desert etc...bush etc, tropics.....well there a good part of Australia you could nuke and it would probably be an improvement....you know like give us an inland sea!!!!

I read that in the next 10 years the US is considering moving up to 100,000 US soldiers to Australia. The current US bases in Australia are shared between the Australians and the US but they want permanent bases. Do you think this is something the Australian people would accept? There would be a lot of rape that occasionally occurs with the deployed soldiers

In the current foreseeable future, if China gets too retarded and wants to fight Australia, I don't think the USA would let you cunts down.

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the battle of Brisbane is where you can see a precursor to your question

as long as its race segregated rape idk.

ozis will likely capture bad actors

That is interesting. I never knew that this had already occurred. If you are Australian, how do most Australians feel about being spied on by "pine gap" and the US? Or is that something that people in Australia don't talk about

>What do modern regional powers like Australia use their special operations for?
psyop against their uppity Muslim blow myself up population jihads and hard-core Chinese nationalist enclaves. The big todger whitey men with socks on their head will get you with the device that goes beep

t. vatnik who has no father so put Putin in his place but still still secretly a homosexual nashi degenerate using his English language skills to avoid the rough boys

Ever heard of Five Eyes? Since nations cant legally spy of their own citizens they let other members do it and freely trade the information.

Its scummy.

Interesting that when they raided the last PM over all the millions he ripped out of IMDB the media made a point of noting they confiscated - cash jewellery and DESIGNER HANDBAGS....
Now, why would that be a significant find, when they could have mentioned luxury furniture or expensive watches etc etc?
> tfw Malaysian media is too ashamed to publicly admit their ex-PM is a disgusting transvestite, so they can only drop hints.

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This is why we have safety briefs private


They operate tanks so in the event that they ever have to acquire more for whatever reason, they will know how to use them. They just bought them so they can keep their skills up in tank warfare.

I'm not too sure if that makes sense. Australia spent 600 million on those tanks but only has a defense budget of 34.6 billion. From what I have read, the majority seem to no longer be in operation?

Prepare for another EMU invasion

>Implying anyone would want to invade Australia

It's not a preparation it's already happening m80