Ballistic shield with handgun = invincibility home defense combo

Ballistic shield with handgun = invincibility home defense combo

Why do you think the police, especially SWAT team, have it? So they’re hard to kill, genius!

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>Shield operators

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In your heart, you know that you won the round and that's what matters in the end.

Why not just build a house out of ballistic shields?

>being this dense

So buckshot to their exposed arm then?

Or legs

if he’s shooting at you with sustained fire you’re not gonna be able to blow his arm off by buckshotting without dying yourself

Definitely legs. Have good cover, accurate magdump to pelvis area. Once the pointman goes down, the whole stack is in trouble. Keep your aim on pelvis level though since they're likely wearing plates, but the groin flap is soft and 5.56 will zip right through it. A hit in the pelvis will immobilise them, and possibly end up being lethal, pic related.

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>if he’s shooting at you with sustained fire you’re not gonna be able to blow his arm off by buckshotting without dying yourself

what is grenade?

In sustained fire I'm not going to be exposing a whole lot of my body in the first place, which means that whoever is shooting at you with a shield has to be more accurate with a handgun than I am with a shotgun. Pretty unlikely friendo.

People have been using shields against invaders for thousands of years. Don't see why home invaders would be any different. Just watch out for corners and stairs.

fucking 5 year olds
>ballistic shields
>swat teams
molotovs are the answer to all of them

Right, a molotov thrown in your own house. Great to see we still have thin/k/ers posting among us.

you're like little baby

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yeah. thats exactly what I mean.
>wow I cant do the one thing to repel this militarized police force expressly designed to deprive me of life and liberty
>I better just lie down so I can have my nice house and electronics to come back to
>not like the jews are either gonna lock me up for life for being a bad goy or these pigs are gonna put a bullet in me anyways whether I comply or resist

you could whip one up in 3 minutes while they are stacking up at the door

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i think you're right, OP. excuse all the "what iffers" in this thread.

>someone is beating down your door
>set up at choke point
>kneeling or squatting or crouching behind shield
>.357 pointed towards door
>OR even better,
>a fucking AR- or AR pistol
>a lot of shields have cutouts to rest your gun, as well, so accuracy might even be better

even if the other guy is armed, you will get off the first shots that matter. there is an obvious psychological and practical advantage
>good psychologically for yourself
>demoralizing to enemy

mobility is the only negative shit. in a high stakes scenario, i assume most thieves aren't gonna have the operator accuracy and skills to adjust their aim so specifically.

just my two cents---dont have a ballistic shield, never been in a shootout, so feel free to disagree

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*a fucking sbr AR or AR pistol

pardon me

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Have fun suffocating or burning to death with your wife and kids.

i dont think OP was talking about defending from shield-bearing swat teams, just saying that a shields have proven usage and that they would be a good asset for home defense

Attached: 9mm sbc.jpg (5184x3456, 3.39M)

this thread is now dedicated to flamethrowers

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that is ridiculously cool. looks like the piss stream of someone with prostate cancer

splattering fire all over, fuck yeah

I'm surprised more shields don't employ high output LEDs

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so now Im holding my wife and kids hostage.
only have one door for entrance and exit.
and I value my house more than my own life and freedom.
got it.
yeah. sure. I mean thats kinda what a plate carrier is for.
but carrying around a modern shield? that costs thousands of dollars?
maybe if you make your own out of scrap metal with an eye slot cut out. for sure. project. wont hurt to have around.

>plate carrier

forsure. i just like the idea of shield and gun because im a faggot, admittedly

Here, I was also thinking of installing some sort of net in the doorway to defeat grenades and bangs. Thoughts? If I put it close enough, they can't use any or they'd affect themselves.

Holding a shield relegates you to accurate pistol-fire only. That is if you 'train' and don't just cower behind the shield half-assedly pointing your pistol from behind it.

M855 bought from Walmart will penetrate your weak shield and your weak aim.

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This is why they flashbang through bedroom windows, igniting baby lashanda on fire.

That's difficult to accomplish when I'm on the 7th floor. Not impossible, mind you, just difficult. And if they want to bang the living room, there's a balcony on the way, which is enclosed.