Commifornia Confiscations

So is it actually happening? Can any cali-fags confirm that California is doing door to door checks to see if your guns are following the law? Also, supposedly a muzzle break or compensator is considered a flash hider because it reduces the flash of the rifle and people are being charge with violating firearms laws because of it.

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And I linked the wrong video. Fuck me....

I don't want believe it but I wouldn't be surprised if it were true...

Well, if they knock on your door and don't have a specific warrant, don't let them in. If they try to enter anyhow, shoot them. Better to go in glory than to be neutered.

>Born too late to explore the Earth
>Born too early to explore the universe
>Born just in time to see the Turner Diaries become reality

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registration leads to confiscation

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We also need to be writing letters and telling friends about "emergency protection removal orders," ie, legalized swatting. These are reality in many states and raids have already happened.

bump for interest

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It's fucking nothing.

>cops going door to door demanding to see your guns or you're under arrest

I too feel like this is just over blown bs and trying to get donation going. But at the same time I know Californians are dumb enough to try to confiscate things they don't like.

This. If ANYTHING the CADOJ is out checking up on retards who submitted photos of their rifle without a bullet button

agreed, it ain't shit. it's know-nothing fags rehashing months old news.

Califag here. I want to believe this is what is already known but blown out of proportion.

But at the same time, I think there could be some truth to this since CA has become emboldened with their aggressive anti-gun policies.

>Living in commiefornia
You deserve whatever you get if you didn't leave that shit state years ago

If I leave California I'm going to vote hard blue just to spite fuckers like you

Man fuck that. Why give a damn about some retarded banter that you would vote against your interest. We got enough of those faggots voting that way already.

>implying that your votes mean anything

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they got the numbers now
half of LEO's are paco jiminez and mario salivar
jews run this state and they can just smell the blood in the water

20 years from now all books will be published in hebrew and the 3rd temple of solomon will be rebuilt after the war with Iran

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All I know is what I saw in the video, and that was the first I was hearing of them actually going door to door. So seeing as I didnt know anything about the topic, I asked about it in hopes of learning more. Had I looked it up on google, the information I would get on the subject would be skewed one way or another.


>Land of the free
>Home of the brave

lol just start a revolution already

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Land of the fee, home of the slave?

But combined with 49,999 other Californians it might

What is it that compels the Californian to be a complete parasite wherever he goes?

We are your brothers behind enemy lines. We're still here and we're fighting, but we're outnumbered. We need the support of the nation, but instead we get treated like the common enemy we're fighting against.

You didn’t pull the trigger when it started and you won’t be around to pull it when it ends. We don’t want cowards.

>first they came for the Californians, but I was not a Californian so I said nothing.

Because fuck Californians. Here in Tennessee we have a MDA cunt candidate running for gov, with as many Cali fucks here in Nashville she might get it. But hell, pot shots at power poles and transformers will cripple trashville. I’ve got shit buried all across the state. I welcome the collapse

I love how everyone blames California for all their liberal problems. I doubt that it's as many Californians ruining your state as you think. Liberalism is a disease spread via telecommunication. Stamp it out now or follow us to hell.

hmm kill the internet and kill the urbanmaxistfeelings culture. I am on board

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