California Firearms Safety Certificate /CSFSG/

so im a califag and absolutely at a loss with the myriad of cancerous laws that inhibit my right to own a firearm. I was checking out the local FUDD shop and was told i need to pay to take a test , to be able to buy a firearm, what is this fucking bullshit? looking at the questions it doesnt seem that hard, and is relatively common sense. I am going to guess most states do not have such bullshit

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Just accept it and become noguns. I’m tired of you fags coming from Cali to my state complaining about everything then slowly polluting our community. You’re worse than a southern black.

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I hope more come, because fuck you

Cali refugees welcome, but only if you are hasguns

Yes, it's bullshit. It's easy as fuck though, you can miss 7 of the 30 questions and still pass.

Pretty much this. You are a retard if you can't pass this.

Unconstitutional laws shall not be obeyed

im not trying to buy a gun illegally... although i share the sentiment...

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thats what i heard also, however i went to a store and it said there were exemptions for active duty and reserve as well as fromer LEOs and honorably discharged veterans ( a sign said so literally ri,ght next to the fuckin guns) however when i went to ask about it at the front desk before i left, i wa told there are no exemptions and everyone has to take it ( keep in mind this is a giant sporting goods store that happened to have a decent gun selection for commiefornia)

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If you didn't see this coming a year ago and get an out of state storage location you did it to yourself.

Oh no you actually have to show your competent in the basic functions of a firearm to own one? What a evil unconstitutional law.

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Yes, it is unconstitutional you fucking driveling low-grade moron.


It's retarded buy simple. It asks basic questions like "can a bullet go through dry wall?" and "If the safety is on, you can dry fire without worry: true or false?"

Some places will just outright do it with you which makes me laugh.

We already have such a test called a 4473. So bite my red hot glowing ass.

the only way to fail is being illiterate or retarded. just pay the fee chalk it up to some bullshit to get your money and move on with the purchase.

Let it out dude. It must fucking suck being a Califag

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Random thought. Mostly unrelated.

But how much of a killing could there be made for some one with an FFL setting up just on the other side of the line from Cali?

You are complaining about the liberal assholes who are ruining California and want to ruin the whole country.
Stop bitching at the Cali 2A supporters.

No shop here will sell without it, jackass.

Do you have to take a test to exercise your 1st amendment rights?

Like Yuma, AZ or Laughlin, NV?
Not much since you have to have local state ID.

hello nevergunz

Fellow califag here, you pay like 25 bucks to take a test anyone with a functioning brain can ace and you get a little certificate saying you know how to gun goodly. Said certificate is good for 5 years, after which I assume you'd just take the test again and renew it. Its annoying and dumb but its the least of your problems when it comes to getting guns in commiefornia.

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