Be the Philippine Navy

>Be the Philippine Navy
>Be one of the most underequiped navies in Asia.
>Three flip's get taken hostage
>Tard President thinks it's a great idea to send a 'frigate' to rescue the hostages.
>One problem
>Said frigate is actually a former US Coast Guard Cutter
>It doesn't even have a CIWS or missiles or any ability what so ever to strike targets far inland.
>Even if we include the single AW-109 onboard, it's still piss poor for sustained CAS
>It can carry only 6 rockets and two .50 hmgs.
>The task force will be up against 'bandits' who are likely equipped with Manpads, RPGs, and possibly shore based missile systems thanks to Gaddafi's fall
>Overall, the taskforce is underequiped, undergunned and do not even have any intelligence assets in Libya to project force that well.

Honestly, wtf are they thinking.

Attached: FB_IMG_1533405326664.jpg (720x699, 72K)

Dont the Flips get a new frigate soon from China?

i doubt it. That would put their extensive US aid at risk.

wtf were they thinking? Flexing on pirates. Then diesel and food prices flexed on them.

No, that's Sri Lanka who's going to get them. The flips only got two very small coastal patrol boats which can't even travel that far.

Shows how much you know lad, Duert has been leaning chink for a while now

We don't even like Chinks in the Flipland. People are actively mocking the guy on social media again for making an obvious PR stunt. If anything it's going to be both a national and international emberrassment since alot of things will go wrong.

I thought the pinoys were all stronk now

>can't even afford fucking food and fuel for the rescue team
w e w


thei cant even get their tiny dicks up, thats why all their women get shagged by the white man!

Isn't he bros with Trump? Should be alright.