Tfw SHTF and you're given the 10/22

>tfw SHTF and you're given the 10/22
good or bad?

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just file away the sear

>can kill small game
>can kill medium game if you mag dump center mass
>can be used for self defense by sniping peoples ankles

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0 recoil, with a string and plenty of mags you've got yourself a handy lightweight machinegun

other people with bigger guns are around to protect you but you get to shoot people's ankles

I do know weak people who I'd arm with a 10/22 before an AR

no, bad idea
it doesn't become full auto
the hammer follows the bolt and it just shuts down

but for that breif moment you have the power of god in your hands before your trigger assembly disintegrates.

could do a lot worse
10/22 doesn't have a lot of punch but 22lr will be lethal with shot placement
it's reliable, easy to maintain, and you can carry a shit ton of ammo

except it doesn't go full auto at all
if you file the sear, the hammer will just follow the bolt and will have no force when it comes in contact with the firing pin

just use the shoestring technique

>used for less than lethal crowd control
>Greater chance you het the green light to light up some arabs
Sign me up desu

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Gimme a brick of ammo and I’ll do H&I all day long.

Shit, I've been thinking I would give everyone near me the long guns (5 including rifles and shotguns) and I'd keep my handguns on me a 10mm and .22 with the .22 being the focus. Carrying a long gun all day (much less a heavier long gun like a battle rifle) is for the birds, having handguns strapped to your hip has always been a trait of the officer class. A light rifle like a 10/22 would be great especially with an optic and nice fast ammo. If I recall correctly IDF snipers use .22 rifle for crowd control. You can even fabricate a suppressor for a .22 much easier than larger rounds so that's a plus if you are even the slightest bit handy.

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Not gunna lie, a full auto 10/22 would be pretty alright for personal self defense.

You line up center mass and one trigger pull is like 10 rounds into 6 inches of space... that guy is dead. He's not dead ? Shoot more angry bees at him.

Yeah, but .223 isn't good at killing people.

>rifle round
>bad at killing people
Ok guy, sure thing

>Long Rifle
I'm sure the rugers have 16-18.5" barrels


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it IS good at killing
what it's bad at is stopping
5.56mm have been known to pass right through an assailant that gets to stab you before he dies

Sentry elimination or otherwise stealthily eliminating key targets quickly and quietly with very well placed shots under 100m? GOOD.

Active combat? BAD.

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I think it would be fine a counter riot weapon.

Israel agrees.