Jamal just kicked your door in and he lookin' to get in yo butt hole.
He's 4ft from you and sprinting!
What are you using as a weapon?
Can you defend yourself?
Jamal just kicked your door in and he lookin' to get in yo butt hole.
He's 4ft from you and sprinting!
What are you using as a weapon?
Can you defend yourself?
Considering this sits on the desk besides me with a round in the chamber, yeah.
>norchinko m97
>5 rounds of SB 12 pellet buck
Welcome to slam city m8
Steel caps to the teeth. I make him pay for the door.
1st: ew
2nd: do you at least lock it up when you leave the house?
I have about 350 weapons within six feet and 500+ within 12 feet. Jamal is very unlucky tonight.
That looks like a piece of shit.
Fuck off plebbit
>you are reddit because you called me out
I hope some dindu steals your shitty gat
>Jamal Demario Lequan III just kicked in a steelbacked door with two deadbolt locks
I'm not sure what would be viable weapon here that wouldnt kill me too
If you want an AR so bad, why don't you just get a fucking AR instead of pretending?
wrong house mother fucker
Have a knife and a scope on my desk.
I got this specifically because I don't want an AR?
I had one previously, got bored with it, sold it, and used the money to get this. I like it quite a bit more desu.
>just kicked in my door
>4ft from me
Gotta pick one. I got a long ass hallway. Doesn't matter anyway; I got so many books, he'll never get anywhere near me. Failing that; a shillelagh ought to fuck him up.
If he kicked down my door there's little I can do about since I'm at work
>Jamal just kicked your door in and he lookin' to get in yo butt hole.
let em in
how did he kick down a door with 2 dobermans hanging from his ass?
>atf stares in infringement
Reminder that the XXX doesn't monitor threads, they just wait for someone to say their name or post one of their "meme" pictures and it is automatically flagged to them
Reminder that no gubbermen agency ever monitors this taiwanese scubativing website unless illegal shit is posted and they get called to attention
I don't think Ja'marrice would have the mental capacity to cringe to death when seeing that
Post shillelagh, no shillelaghes
Oh, I see that the failed abortion likes to have an abortion as a gun
>spam aft pics in every thread
>looks at every thread
>forced to ignore all pics now
Everybody chill the fuck out. This is just our roleplay date night. Everything is going according to plan. We're all okay.
Synthetic or natural?
Implying that any moderately in shape man could fuck up some skinny ass negro looking for an easy mark. Bum rush that motherfucker with bare hands and just kick his ass until he runs off.
Don't even bother. Anyone who does that to a Lee-Enfield deserves an assraping.
Have you tried putting it in your ass?
is this what i think it is
Don't think you're getting to them first.
bang bang
oh no
Wrong trench motherfucker.
sexy as fuck gif
Who makes that shovel?
Gerber, and then I put an edge on it with a dremel and a file.
>buying a gerber shovel for $20 when you could get a lighter surplus folding shovel for $10
Got it as a present. Will probably buy a surplus shovel as well later. But why would I want lighter? I don't carry it for long hikes and the heft is nice.
Come at me
I'd chuck my laptop at his face and grab my shotgun
>M&P2 loaded with +p+ hardly 6 inches away from hand on desk.
Bad times ahead.
You underestimate the boredom of alphabet agencies.
Size reference
Vepr 7.62x39 loaded with 30 rounds of Hornady SST.
Yea, he's dead.
>Jamal just kicked your door in and he lookin' to get in yo butt hole.
I haven't gotten dick in a while, just let him.
i have a glock right next to me
bend over but tell him he has to eat my ass first.
I don't understand that image
Cat image at the top was in the Vault 7 leaked CIA meme folder. Searching the file name responded with a brony RP site
Fuck off glow in the dark nigger
>skagit county
Whoever screencapped that is a fellow WA kommando
Baseball bat and my training longsword, jamal is going down
have fun getting shot in the face
I kinda like it
What the devil?
no hollowpoints?
Cat has my back.
That's a nice Jow Forumsitty, give him a pet for me.
I just don't have any right now. I've been going around to every fucking store looking for speer golddots. I just have a bunch of mixed steel case, blazer brass, and some gay ass ARX defensive rounds that i got for free when i bought my gun. I went plinking recently and just left the mags loaded with bullshit.
Done, she is happily soaking up the sun from the window.
I'm Canadian, so we don't have your freedom, but I was trying to buy anything other than fmj target rounds. I explained to the fudd behind the counter I had a pcc of legal length and wanted to shoot small game with it. His comment was "you can't use 9mm on small game, the bullets ricochet." Going to have to cross the border and get some from a freedom store
Eh, I'd probably just let him. I mean I'm not really sexually attracted to dudes but I should probably give it a whirl to see what I'm missing.
Enjoy your AIDS.
Made of D2 steel
What gun is that?
Ain't nobody got time for that
>He's 4ft from you and sprinting!
>What are you using as a weapon?
Wall behind me... I'll move a little to the side and let him smash his head to the wall.
for some stupid reason, there's a wooden toy gun on my desk.
I don't even remember buying it.
Is that a t9fucking1 upper that got bubba'd into being a side charger?
Honestly other than the stock and 45 degree selector and 20 round mag I like that gun.
Side charging is more fun than t-handle bitchmoade.
Wait I'm retarded the rail isn't quite right what the fuck is that.
Come at me Nignog
>F/A G17 with a slav light eternally set to PARTY HARD strobe mode
Finally, we get to see what Pocket BRRRRRT does to a human torso.
I don't see anything bannable here. Can you point it out?
no i don't think you would be able to see it
It's the end for you desu
Begone nigglet
the only thing keeping them alive is indecisiveness.
Jow Forums incarnation
I'm in my bedroom which is much more than 4 feet away from the front door. I have plenty of time to lean over and grab my handgun
nothin personnel, motehrfucker
Pull out my gangsta af gat and blast that nigga
Then proceed to call up my homies and fuck up that niggas hood by doing continuous drivebys for a few hours
>Pic related is my Gangsta gat