Who wins in a war between colombia and venezuela since it seems they will go to war soon

Who wins in a war between colombia and venezuela since it seems they will go to war soon.

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it's war, nobody wins

my dick

>they will go to war soon
According to who?

Isn't Colombia too busy trying to demobilize the remaining commies in Colombia to deal with the commies in Venezuela?

some starving venezuelans sticked some C4 on a fucking toy drone and tried to CIA nigger Maduro today, he blames colombia.

I'll go with the country that people are buying food in.

Anyone that isn't a creatura goblino

Easier boat access to all that sweet white powder.

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Colombia, if only because if any war happens, they will get US support out the ass

> Not convincing the starving masses to just eat the Colombians


They wouldn't make it to the borders after colombians stop smuggling gas to them.

Your mistake is assuming Venezuela is in any way capable of affording to mobilize its military for a war


>war between colombia and venezuela
Why though, unless Envigado is that desperate for more target practice. Is Venezuela even capable of anything military related anymore?
You mean FARC? They had an official peace deal a while back, almost all of the organization pretty much disbanded.

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As I understand it, the process of actually demobilizing FARC and AUC is going to be a massive pain in the ass and take a while.

Hopefully they take all of the ex-FARC guys who can't hack it in civilian life and send them across the border into Venezuela to foment a capitalist revolution.

As a colombian, and fuck, even a leftist colombian at that, don't trust a single goddamn word anyone from the FARC or the ELN says. They're animals and thugs to a man.

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>Decisive Victory!!!

Of course it's going to be a pain in the ass, you'll always have your radicals and they have a bunch of shit stashed away innajungle, the FARC practically had their own mini nation in those jungles.
I never would, but there does seem to be at least some truth. How long have they been duking it out for? Since the '60s at least, and god knows how many are getting tired of all of that shit for little actual gain aside from cocaine money.

I do since I will get to buy an 18 y/o dutiful latin wife through the mail.



if they team up together and fight back against the IMF, the DEA and the CIA, they may gain somehting

>Who wins in a war between colombia and venezuela

The Cartels

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>Who wins in a war between colombia and venezuela since it seems they will go to war soon.
America, since it will get all their really smart refugees fleeing the conflict.

We already do. There's literally nothing stopping immigration from either country. Colombian/Venezuelan neighborhoods here are usually among the more affluent to boot.

Venezuelans are too busy starving to death to fight in a war.
Holodomor 2: Venezualan Boogaloo

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Quit trying to be deep, especially if you're posting from a country that revolved against the crown