The PTR 91 is the best $1000 rifle.
The PTR 91 is the best $1000 rifle
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Best by what metrics?
Best out of the box .308
deez nutts nigguh
I like mine. Dude sold it to me real cheap and it came with a claw mount. Just got a scope yesterday, can't wait to test it.
I want this huge af over my headboard to protect my virginity.
$3 mags right now. Reliable as fuck too. does layaway so even better.
i love shooting mine, and since it shoots best with steel ammo is relatively cheap. but damn that trigger makes it hard to shoot well, but that is part of the reason why its so satisfying to shoot good groups
>most Jow Forums post of the day
And with only 35 minutes to spare.
>2-3 moa
>sucks to mount optic
>boat anchor
not a bad rifle for $6-700 but the prices right are ridiculous, ar10 is superior in every way
Explain why that is
what is the difference between the C308 and the PTR 91?
Arent they literally the exact same rifle?
kind of wish the Namibian wide handguards with vent cuts were not as rare/expensive, it needs some heat ventilation
Jew'd FAL clone, just get an FAL faggot and stop pretending.
I couldve had one for $700 but I got an AR instead just like everybody with a brain does. Anything other than an AR is for hipster faggot douchebags.
>Anything other than an AR is for hipster faggot douchebags.
Said no person who actual like guns ever.
The G3 pattern rifle is nothing like an FAL. Pick another bait and try again.
PTR is much nicer. I own a c308, I got it over the PTR since I didn't want to fuck with a claw mount, c308 hasn't a railed welded on the top. I have no regrets, shit works perfectly, but it's fucking rough. Lots of welds that weren't even smoothed over, like goddamn I could have done a better job on the finish in my garage, literally.
As for reliability, I haven't had a single issue. I've read bad things from people online but it mostly seems like people shit talking Century with nothing to back it up, which I get. Century made a ton of shit products, but PTR made more parts than they normally do on these guys. I've had zero issues on mine at all, but I guess it is still Century.
Overall I've got no issues and I don't regret the purchase at all. I would do it over again.
>just as good
How do you look down the sights?
Is it supposed to look like this?
the open top "1" is for close shooting. Use "2".
Yeah use ''2'' on your PTR or other G3 clones, it doesn't affect where to aim when looking through it. Also on the PTR 91 what the hell does the E mean?
but you can get it for less than 1000?
vepr 308 blows it out of the water. even after the ban it's still under $1000
lol what?
mid-high $800 for the non welded rail models and $900 for the welded rail ones. There's also plenty of used from people who didn't really like the PTR after getting it.
how much are the mags?
Single in German. i.e. semi auto.
*blocks your path*
>with nothing to back it up
>literally countless people talking about how the RAS47 and C39v2 has a laundry list of problems
>one of which is walking out of headspace within 1000 rounds
For christs sake some RAS47 walked out of headspace, detonated, and blew the dust cover into the shooters eye, giving him a nice shiner
Dont make century tell you twice
My PTR is basically this but it has a welded on picatiny rail. Metal SEF lower, widebois handguard, bipod, and a trigger job. Now I just need a red dot site but I have a line on one that I like.
factory ones are expensive and hard to get. USA made csspecs 10 and 20 rounders are $40. But they're very nice mags
PTR isn't made by Century Faggot. They're made by P T R.
They've had other issues as well. My first WASR had the ejector cut to short and it wouldn't eject. They replaced the rifle for me because fixing it was too much trouble. Just read into problems with their builds before you buy so you know what to inspect for.
You can feel a difference if that means anything. Having shot both at the range as rentals the ptr feels nicer to in the hand and on the shoulder. Shouldn't be that way since it's the same round but I don't know. I also shot more accurate with the ptr but that could just be because I had a better day at the range with it. Also the finish is nicer on the ptr and you can get them with the nice welded rail as long as you order it that way. Also the new ones seem to come with a metal lower rather than the plastic lower the older ones had.
The dude I replied to specifically said "it seems like most people shit talking Century with nothing to back it up" You selective reading retard.
fuck you I still win
Guy on /akg/ sent his wasr in because it's receiver was warped.
They sent him back a ras47 because it was cheaper than fixing it.
Another dude on /akg/ had the latch on his wasr so tight it couldn't lock a mag. So he sent it in. Not only did they not fix the problem (the "new" latch was tighter than before) but they sent it back with a latch that was ENTIRELY rusted and corroded.
Fuck Century.
Unsurprising. I bought this WASR 15 years ago through Aimsurplus and I shipped the rifle back to them first, they might have bitched at Century for a replacement. I remember aim surpluses sustomer service being really good about handling the issue.
Anyone know where to find wide handguards online? The few places I found that stock them have been out of stock for like a month except for HK parts who wants like 2.5x what others want.
>Are PTRs the best rifle for 1k?
As far as BRs go, quite possibly. You can get an AR-10 for the same money but it won't be as solid and it will be more picky with ammunition.
The only real drawbacks with the G3 system are the ergonomics and weight. Other than that they are cheap, balls reliable, will function with horrible ammo, reasonably accurate, neglect resistant and will last as long as anything else.
There's more to rifles than BRs though. There are valid reasons why a 5.56 rifle can be objectively better for certain roles. So you can't really argue that a PTR 91 is the best rifle if the user wants something intermediate.
For another example, it wouldn't be the best hunting rifle if the user wanted something light or if they were going to go hunt in an area where the rifle is limited to a manually-operated system, or perhaps they're hunting varmints with intent to consume and don't want the power of .308 to blow them to smithereens.
For bench accuracy a 1k AR-10 build will probably be better. It would also be better for competition shooting due to the lighter weight and better control layout.
For general purpose use a PTR-91 may still be better because it is more rugged and flexible with poor ammunition, but that depends on the end user's needs and preferences.
PTR is a nicer rifle because you get a paddle release (which really helps with the iffy ergonomics problems) and it uses new parts for everything important so you don't have to worry about bolt gap or some worn out part causing malfunctions. As an example some Youtuber ran into a broken firing pin issue that caused his C308 to slam-fire when dropping the charging handle to chamber a cartridge. That could possibly happen with a PTR, but only after thousands of rounds since their firing pin would be new production.
The FAL is a completely different rifle and in some ways inferior. It's got good controls but has aged just as badly as the M14.
I remember vepr 308 for $700-800 new and NOT off gunbroker.
I feel old.
>Not the M77PS
The notch is for low light or rapid acquisition, use the other settings for accuracy.
If you do decide to buy a PTR be warned that the RTGparts bayonet adapters won't fit the German bayonets that are common in the US.
They sold me a Danish one and when I sent it back they said it's a NATO standard adapter and they don't have any different ones.
On the PTR, number 2 is for 200 yds, but also works for 50 because of the way the bullet arcs
I don't have a bayonet on my PTR, but after wide handguard, bipod, optics, leather strap, the rifle is coming in at 15lbs. At that weight, I'd rather just swing the sonvabitch as a blunt weapon.
>aged just as badly as the m14
you shut your whore mouth. I'm not
but the FAL is lightyears ahead of that fucking heavy, unreliable, finnicky piece of shit. The only reason FALs arent used as much as the g3 is because poorfag countries could afford the g3. FALs have completely modern ergos and controls compared to the fucky (but admittedly fun) manual of arms of the g3, and when in good repair are just as reliable. G3s are just cheaper and can handle use by braindead niggers who never clean their rifles more. Theyre the hi points of battle rifles and the FAL is like a high power in comparison
Are you the OCS guy I met earlier this week?
Did you wash out already?
No, the FAL is obsolescent, just like the M14.
It doesn't use a bolt that locks into a barrel extension, so it misses the advantage that AR-10s and AR-18 based designs have. The receiver is a pressure-bearing component that has to mate bolt to barrel, so it needs to be machined out of hardened steel which makes them expensive to manufacture.
>but they're just too poor
Unit cost is a factor in the decision making to adopt, use or replace a weapon system. If you're using more man-hours and wearing out more tooling per gun made, it is a down-side and one that becomes an even bigger deal during a war.
Using an AR-style locking system also makes it much easier to manufacture rifles with a consistently high accuracy potential. This is partially because the receiver is less of a factor and also because the multi-lug rotating bolt has better repeatability in locking from shot to shot.
This is also another major downside of the FAL, the tipping bolt operation. It simply gets in the way of the accuracy potential.
Accuracy is not a problem with the FAL as a battle rifle because they were all built to shoot roughly 3-4 MOA at the time, which it can do just fine. But today BRs have remained relevant by being pushed into the role of DMRs. An AR-10 does this brilliantly, a G3 can do it pretty well, an M14 requires some kludging but a FAL struggles substantially with being accurized.
If it can't be adapted into that role, it's just an extra powerful medium range combat rifle, where the weight and recoil leave it lacking compared to assault rifles.
So what's it good for? It's a fun range gun, it's fun for innawoods, it's fun for Rhodie LARPing, but a country would be retarded for adopting it as a front line service rifle today.
The G3 has aged much better.
It's dirt cheap and EZ to manufacture which is good.
It's neglect resistant, which is good.
It's part of a vast family of weapon systems, which is excellent.
AND it can be a DMR.
Now to qualify this, I own an M1A and I love it. I like the wood, I like the feel. It's accurate enough for me to enjoy it on the range and carry it innawoods.
I'm under no delusions though. It's obsolete. It's no surprise that they are no longer being manufactured, adopted or used in large numbers by any major military force. They are used by the US as DMRs but only because they happened to have them and even in that role the M110 (an AR-10) is taking over, as well it should.
But I like my M1A, I'm not a military force so it doesn't need to be perfect for me to subjectively like it and enjoy shooting it.
Likewise, if you like the FAL buy it and love it. Just don't be under the delusion that it's still the best BR of all time and everything else is shit in comparison.
The FAL was a piece of shit back in its day, even more so now.
sub MOA
Pic rails
doesn't shoot brass a mile/mangle it so you can reload if you want
lighter recoil
probably more reliable maybe
Every semi-automatic 308 with a detachable magazine is around 1,000 dollars. It's been like this for years.
One of these peeps is right. Hint for which one. I had a FAL, STG58, but traded it off. Great and fun rifle but.....
>front sight on upper receiver
>rear sight on lower receiver
>two halves are solid together, just mai autism
>scope mounted dust cover that is going to be difficult to keep zero or not jiggle
Literally any AR
I'm a fal fag for the looks but the g3 definitely has some advantages over it.