Women get targeted for more sexual assaults. They're weaker. They're smaller. A great equalizer, would be a gun. Yet...

Women get targeted for more sexual assaults. They're weaker. They're smaller. A great equalizer, would be a gun. Yet, they are afraid of them.

In order to stop gun control laws from being passed, we need women on our side.

Attached: CCwomen.jpg (600x400, 129K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>a fucking Jericho
>in a fucking Uncle Mike's

You might as well point out that we need AAs and latinos on our side because they're disproportionately the victims of violent crime, homicide, and civil rights infringements. Im not saying it's the wrong way to head in but good fucking luck when we have an entirely polarized 2 party system.
>be fag
>like guns
>have to vote dem because if you vote R you literally cant get married, can be fired for your orientation, want you considered a mental illnmess etc.
>be women
>like guns
>cant vote R because not even somewhat veiled 24/7 sexism and your womb is property of the state
>be black/mexican
>like guns
>have to vote dem unless you want to vote for the guy going on about bad hombres and the urban youth along with lots of other thinly veiled racism who champions voter disenfranchisement and fucking the poor at every chance
The problem is that they agree with the dems on so much that they come to see them as ourguy so why the hell would they blink twice at their lies on guns? even if they know the real deal it doesnt matter to most.

So what you're saying is if you're any of the above you're just a fucking moron with a victim complex that's worried about problems that dont exist.


>republicans dont vote against abortion
>they didnt vote against gay marriage and many didnt espouse approval for conversion therapy or considering homos a mental illness
>many republicans dont use thinly veiled racism
>particularly the elected ones who were exchanging obama monkey charicatures

Be gun
Like gun
Vote gun
Has gun
Can solve problem with gun
Fuck you

Your womb is the property of you, so dont be a complete moron and let yourself get knocked up and then whine to people to rip out your nigger baby.

Gay IS a mental illness, no matter if you're religious totally atheist, faggots are an abnormality that doesnt have anything to do with proper human evolution. Inb4 muh natural population control, yeah theres no actual evidence of this ever, anywhere.

>many republicans dont use thinly veiled racism
You saw a video of like a few assholes or what, this is such a weak argument with no evidence lol.

Obama isnt a monkey because hes a bigger, hes a monkey because hes retarded.

You are now aware that one of the most monkified presidents was Bush jewnoir.

Abnormality isn't an illness you fucking retard. A mental illness by definition has to cause harm to the person experiencing it, or cause direct harm (assault, rape etc.) to others. You can be gay and have a happy, healthy, productive life, just like you can be infertile and have a happy, healthy, productive life. Neither homosexuality or infertility is mental illness even though both end up with no children. The human race's current population increase isn't sustainable long term anyway.

You're only proving his point

A big portion of women are too emotional to safely carry guns.

>The human race's current population increase isn't sustainable long term anyway.
Yes, because clearly the path to a prosperous future is not hitting the replacement rate for native populations and filling the gap with 70 IQ niggers

You know how you prevent the mass breeding of '70 IQ niggers'? Make abortions legal and easy to get. How fucking brainless are you?

>my gf
>not my hand I swear
>had low hormone issues
>acted like a sane and rational human bean
>gets an IUD to regulate the deficiency
>starts acting like a fucking nutter now that her hormones are at an appropriate level
Jesus H. Fuck women are a nightmare.

Mass migration doesn't exist now? There is a clear gap between the west and the majority of Africa and Asia. China and India need to be depopulated, they are causing 99% of the problems for humanity. Climate change, war (in the future), resource overuse, blatant crimes against humanity, etc. We aren't having enough kids, nigger. The Africans don't count completely as humans.

I feel ya user, I would be much more R if I didn't see so many examples of fagbashing on Jow Forums. Not the people who call us fags, but the ones who write paragraphs about how we're degenerate monstrosities who deserve to be lined up against a wall and shot. If seen so much of it that its hard not to believe that it's how vast populations on the Right feel about us.

>the only issue in the mind of voters who we want to vote pro gun is already guns
they'd already be voting R then and we wouldn't be having this discussion. this thread is about people who SHOULD be voting pro gun but aren't.
>hang on lemme just go ahead and prove why your complaints about gays, women and coloreds not voting R because Rs hate them is silly by going on a racist homophobic rant
Literally what im talking about. People like you enable the liberals to make gun rights a partisan topic where you're either a racist bigot pro gun person or a progressive socialist antigun person. there is no middle ground, and that's what will kill the 2nd A.

Yeah you're right, I guess the only solution to save humanity is the mass extermination of non-whites. But it's the gays who are mentally ill, not you of course.

Pro-tip: if white people start pumping out 8 kids per couple, white countries will become third world shitholes too.

>I guess the only solution to save humanity is the mass extermination of non-whites.
No. The solution is to leave them in their own countries and not take them into ours. And then reproduce in a healthy manner to grow our population. And then kill them with extreme prejudice when they decide that they need 400 million of their own kind to live in our countries.

>if white people start pumping out 8 kids per couple, white countries will become third world shitholes too.
You do know the replacement rate is 2.5 kids per couple, right? Even 100 years ago people would pop out 6 or 7 kids. 3 to 4 per couple is all we need.

Yeah, infertility is a physical illness, not a mental one retarded homo. Get over it, your brain is broken, faggots have a statistical increase in pedophilia, bestiality, and yes rape. It's a chemical imbalance.

Cept not, libtard

Just because you feel like a retarded victim doesnt mean you are queer.

Women don't want to have to protect themselves, they want to be protected. They want to be raped. It forces their man to prove himself by protecting her, and if he fails or if she doesn't have a man in the first place then she considers the rapist to be hers.

Why the fuck would you want to get married

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You don't own any guns anyway, if you did you would have used them to shoot yourself already.

>mtf trans
>people want to kill me just because I exist
>have guns to protect myself
>politicians who want me to have basic human rights don't want me to be able to protect myself
>politicians who want to protect gun rights want me to be a third-class citizen or want to force me into conversion torture therapy

It sucks

Dont worry, you're very likely to end up offering yourself anyway so no one will have to worry anymore.

It's not actually about getting married, it's about having the right to choose not to.

Im going to ignore homosexuality on this one because I honestly couldn't care but take a look at risky sexual behavior/hookups, drug use and suicide rates amongst gay people. As for Women abortion is not a right and is morally reprehensible. I don't advocate for it being made illegal, but women who get abortions deserve no sympathy for their choice and should not be assisted by the government in any way. Now the last part is proof you've never lived near minorities if you think the Black/Mexican voter base is at all politically conscious enough to have that thought process.

This post and the replies to it perfectly show how the majority of people who want to protect the second amendment are actually the biggest contributor to the killing of the second amendment.

Our very, you sure know how to extrapolate from a joke, I'm sure that gets the whites in the mood for breedinv

Attached: 220pxSamhydetedtalk2070_cropped.png (220x294, 88K)

>Pro-tip: if white people start pumping out 8 kids per couple, white countries will become third world shitholes too
White countries were 3rd world equivalent 1500s-1800s?

I honestly can't even believe how someone can be this stupid

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Latinos are on board, there's a lot of them at the ranges around me.

I know right? The fucking idiot I quoted thinks whites weren't shitting em out by the dozen a little more than a century ago. They think European nations didn't comprise 30% of the world's population a little more than 100 years ago.

Lots of reasons. Just don't marry a thot.

>hang on lemme just ignore your valid points fag nigger women
Oh hey, way to prove my point
>why would homos want the right to get married if they want
>or niggers want to vote lol one vote doesnt really matter
>right to control your body lol whats that
you're deflecting and its both obvious and sad
>considering gays a mental illness needing to be stamped out is ok because they give each other STDs
>i think abortion should be allowed... like totally i hate it and its murder but trust me
>oh, and niggers/spics are subhumans who cant even tell if a candidate is being obviously racist
This is exactly the sort of thing that niggers/spics/womens see and realize you and most other pro 2A voters are full of shit on. you care an awful lot about the second amendmnet but want to actively undermine their place in society. A vote for you is not a vote they'll cast because they have legitimate concerns outside of the 2nda A.

You'll all have nobody to blame but yourselves if the dems win and turn the second amendment into nothing but a hollowed out shell of what it was.
>muh based latino meme
where're the polniggers with their infographs when you need them

Non-white detected.

Big shocker, low IQ as well.

>ignores the facts and gets mad at the insults
Libs are so weak.

The Rs are not coming for your gays, your uterus, or your brown people.

The Ds ARE coming for your guns all while opening the gates to people who throw gays off buildings, stone women for being raped, and practice for real slavery.

>ignores the facts
just sad at this point. you really mean to say that the Rs aren't at best subtly against the rights of minorities and this thread doesn't demonstrate the true colors of many 2nd amendment hardliners as the blatant homophobic/sexist/racists that they are? you're blind.

No, they are not against the rights of minorities. You have no evidence they are, you just have victimized feelings that no one takes seriously.

I'm not even a Republican you niggerfaggot, this is Jow Forums you stupid retard female kike jew spic redneck cunt fire water drinking dot forehead slanty eye snowghost.

And I'm not even racist. Welcome.

>the views of Jow Forums are representative of the views of broader society.

Attached: 30 chariots.png (525x384, 317K)

Spotted the phoneposter

based homo poster

Kill yourself you mentally ill subhuman communist.

I think their was a Bojack Horseman episode about this very thing...

Yeah...is that bad?

>Rs arent against the rights of minorities

Considering the Ds have been keeping them on the plantation since LBJ in the 60s and the mass incarceration of Hillary's "super predators", ontop of aborting 1 on 3 of them for the last 20 years in a genocidal campaign that would give Richard Spencer a hardon...the Rs seem to really suck at this minority oppression thing.

Obama didnt get onboard the fagwagon until his second term.

Every D in congress has at one point campaigned on marriage = 1 man, 1 woman at some point in their career.

Including Larry Byrd, a former grand dragon in the KKK and hilldog's mentor.

>voter disenfranchisement
Which hasn't happened in about a century.
>fucking the poor
Expecting people to earn their livings instead of living off the earnings of others is not "fucking" them.

>people want to kill me

The problem is youre an unlikable, insufferable cunt of a person that also happens to insist on being called a woman.

>gay marriage
No such thing. A contradiction in terms.

>have urges that completely defy hundreds of millions of years of evolution
>not a mental illness
Pick one.

>no evidence they are against the rights of minorities
You'd have to be literally more delusional than some MTF tranny to believe this
>mentally ill subhuman communist.
>user proves my point for me episode 506
For the record im actually not a fag, demoncrat, colored, or women. Im just not retarded so i can actually consider things from other peoples points of view. maybe try it some time?
>helping niggers out with more gibmesdats and allowing abortion really shows how much you hate them
Im sure that's how ((they)) see it too.
And when the times are uh changin they know to toe a different line. That's why the fags will vote for them. You think even homos are actually dumb enough to believe mr.grand dragon or hilldog likes them or really believes in their rights? no, what they believe in is them realizing its politically expedient if not necessary to act and vote like they do. They can tell this... by the way they fucking vote.

>urges that completely defy hundreds of millions of years of evolution
Which is why homo animals aren't a thing, and why homos haven't existed for literally that long.

Animals get cancer too. That doesn't make it normal.

>You'd have to be literally more delusional than some MTF tranny to believe this
Well if it's so easy to see, show me some evidence.

You're absolutely right user

Southern strategy

I also think, that, using commas excessively would, definitely cause your sentence to have more of an, impact.

Regardless of if R's are against them in a subtle way, D's are against them in a very blatant way in everything but word.

Literal slave owners were democrats, KKK were democrats. Democratic governors have been in charge of cities largely comprised of blacks for decades and they've done nothing but to promote keeping them uneducated and impoverished and do nothing to try to assist in keeping black families together but give them more welfare if they aren't married. Kids are often enough brought up by a mother who usually only passed high school because the system can't fail all the people that it needs to because they can't have 28 year old people in high school still and local and regional gang influence.

Wow those D's really care about that voter block they treat like slaves and say nice things to every two years when they need their votes. Maybe in another 50 years they'll be better off by supporting their slave masters instead of the decrease in living conditions and opportunities they've experienced by supporting D's these last 50 years.

>southern strategy
Something that was only really going on up to the 70s and ever since has been used as an excuse for some kind if racial subversion evidence today.

Protip, it isnt, show me some real examples of it going on, show me indisputable evidence.

>Depending on laws to live your life
Sweetie, we need to talk

Strong, white men who understand how the world works don't care, and they're 100% right not to. The societies *we* (>inb4 not you) built had a very specific formula for success.

Basically, if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

You proved the point of my post and more user.

Its worse than a trans who posts honestly about it you fucking snake.

Nah. Women generally are stupid as fuck. Letting them vote and drive was a big mistake. We should take a page from the Saudi niggas tho I think they now let them drive.

>taking personal responsibility

It’s not about needs, it’s about atitude. Most woman are raised from birth that men must not hurt them and if they are inconvenienced men must help them. This does not lead to woman who consider the possibility that they should be defending themselves.
Also woman will often consider the emotional cost of killing/injuring someone not the consequence of inaction.
See above idiots complaining about abortion for some reason.
> it’s our body, you want the government to control our wombs.
>> nope you can to what you like, birth control, not having sex, or have unprotected sex. Then you are responsible for the results.
> Pay for my abortion.
>> no
> Reeeee, you are oppressing woman.

t’not all woman
> O fuck off, the majority of ppl you own and carry are men, all the woman who I know who do carry have been taught to carry by their boyfriends/husbands.

>Pro-tip: if white people start pumping out 8 kids per couple, white countries will become third world shitholes too.
you mean like when early america was settled and built

Attached: 84C471FF-CCAB-48C1-ABFE-00AC1BED8B86.jpg (203x250, 6K)

oh hi Jow Forums

Idk but give me some ideas for carrying when I'm wearing my leggings besides a hip holster like your picture there.

>gay couple and lesbian couple do the turkey baster tango so they can have babbies
What now, motherfucker? Also
>appeal to nature
Please try again

Attached: 1530505978647.gif (250x231, 875K)

You mean when infant and child mortality rates were still high? When they were literally settling a continent that was full of abundant natural resources and hardly any people?

>have 8 kids so 4 or 5 will survive
>have 4 or 5 kids with an almost guaranteed chance of them living to adulthood
hmm this is a fucking conundrum

>be african
>live on the most resource abundant continent in the planet
>live in mud huts to this day

>be european
>live in literally the 2 least hospital continent in the world
>send people from your shit content to take the resources of richer contents

yes we are just like the third world countries we invaded and turned into 1st world countries


I have no idea what you're trying to say here
>user posts saying how if wytpepo have lots of children, western countries would become shit holes too
>you reply with the implication that it would be fine, since that's what people did during the colonial period
>I reply by pointing out that they had high infant mortality, and those that did survive grew up in a land full of untapped resources and living space
But I have no idea what your post means, can you explain?

You have no right to spoil the marriage with your disgusting pedarast AIDS ridden hands you filthy homo. Its the sacred tie between a man and woman.

>Its the sacred tie between a man and woman.
As is an exchange of livestock, grain, children and land. Did you have an ass traded at your wedding? If not then you're a hopeless cog of an ancient machine that revels in its position. The machine will be long abandoned while you beg and beg for a cog to turn. No cog will turn user.

Cancer is something that is systematically killed for the health of the main body. Do you want to systematically kill all gay people in the world user? Go ahead and say what you mean, if you have the balls, or the inner courage to voice that opinion.

One user says he's gay and the entire thread becomes a pro-Eugenics argument of whats natural or not. I'm ashamed Jow Forums. The pure and Inalienable right of firearms has become the same government line of who you agree with or who you don't. The right to bear arms will splinter over who's gay, or a woman, or who's a legal immigrant. We'll all splinter and die.

I have no problem with the gays, but I cry every day knowing somone else took your rightful place in the gas chamber.

I'm the same person Fuckface, so talk to me man to man.


Attached: hehehe.png (561x105, 10K)

>I have no problem with the gays, but I cry every day knowing somone else took your rightful place in the gas chamber

Attached: 629.gif (452x308, 3.33M)

>talk to me man to man

That's why I insultes you saying it's a travesty you still draw breath.

Jesus, the left cant just meme, they cant even read memes.

If you let your political hangups get in the way of a rightful American to access his rights, then I don't care if you're left or right. You're a shitty person user.

I knew I wouldn't get a reply from you. You're too much of a bitch to back up your shitty opinions.

>have to vote dem because if you vote R you literally cant get married, can be fired for your orientation, want you considered a mental illnmess etc.

This is a somewhat valid complaint, but nothing keeps you from voting R. If your only issue with Republicans is >but my homo degeneracy won't be accepted by them. Just realize most don't give a fuck about your private life if you keep your private life PRIVATE.

>cant vote R because not even somewhat veiled 24/7 sexism and your womb is property of the state

muh sexism despite absolutely no evidence this is actually a thing that happens with every single quantitative study on the matter showing society is actually biased towards women. And the notion that government preventing you infringing upon the life of another human being somehow implying they own your womb is the equivalent of saying the government owns everyone's bodies because you can't just go around killing random people.

>have to vote dem unless you want to vote for the guy going on about bad hombres and the urban youth along with lots of other thinly veiled racism who champions voter disenfranchisement and fucking the poor at every chance

Just vote locally for republicans that aren't raging ethno nationalists and don't vote for president. Or stop being a retarded retardo and vote libertarian.

You do understand this is the same Jow Forums that was happy when Google started to block gun videos and Reddit started to take brass exchanges down.

Jow Forums is so far right, it jacks itself to sleep hoping a high powered executive will come to fuck it's girlfriend.

imagine being this braindead. leftists must not even realize how dumb they are

niggers only vote for someone if they are nigger or promise legalized weed.

blacks vote for any politician who makes sense and cares about jobs and the middle class. lots of blacks voted for trump for this reason and look at all the growth in jobs and economy that has benefited them.

also millions of unskilled mexicans flooding the nation illegally every year does not help lower socioeconomic citizens of america in any way. the flood of workers depresses wages and increases job competition. how can poor blacks work at mcdonalds or walmart or the weed store when mexicans are flooding in happy to do that job for $3/hour

Good Lord. That entire post. Also:
>womb is property of the state
You know you could have your womb removed if you wanted too? The issue only arises when someone else is living in your womb.

"From 2008 to 2012, the emigration rate fell from 6.4 migrants per 1,000 residents to 3.3 migrants. It ticked up slightly in 2015 to 3.6 migrants per 1,000 residents. The emigration rate refers to emigrants leaving Mexico regardless of their destination, although most head to the United States."

You mean the problem that is solving itself?

The absolute state of samefags

Attached: Come Again.png (1345x621, 104K)

>we need AAs and latinos on our side
I agree with the Anti-Air but, Latinos? That seems kind of extreme

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if the religiontards didn't want the government to fuck with their """sacred""" institutions the shouldn't have asked for tax breaks

You do understand that marriage is just a tiny version of the relationship between God and Man, which sounds gay.

Also, Eve was made from Adam's rib, also super gay.
As a religiontard, I can confirm this.

>be gay
>vote R because economics and guns
>let the haters hate cause they'll turn into gutless chickenshits if they knew you have more guns than them

also everything you listed is just fear mongering, majority of republicans want people to have a sense of personal responsibility and none of those "oppressed" groups that you listed don't want anything to do with personal responsibility.

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Why not just vote Libertarian, the Republicans are trying to sell off our rights anyways?