Women get targeted for more sexual assaults. They're weaker. They're smaller. A great equalizer, would be a gun. Yet...

Women get targeted for more sexual assaults. They're weaker. They're smaller. A great equalizer, would be a gun. Yet, they are afraid of them.

In order to stop gun control laws from being passed, we need women on our side.

Attached: CCwomen.jpg (600x400, 129K)

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>a fucking Jericho
>in a fucking Uncle Mike's

You might as well point out that we need AAs and latinos on our side because they're disproportionately the victims of violent crime, homicide, and civil rights infringements. Im not saying it's the wrong way to head in but good fucking luck when we have an entirely polarized 2 party system.
>be fag
>like guns
>have to vote dem because if you vote R you literally cant get married, can be fired for your orientation, want you considered a mental illnmess etc.
>be women
>like guns
>cant vote R because not even somewhat veiled 24/7 sexism and your womb is property of the state
>be black/mexican
>like guns
>have to vote dem unless you want to vote for the guy going on about bad hombres and the urban youth along with lots of other thinly veiled racism who champions voter disenfranchisement and fucking the poor at every chance
The problem is that they agree with the dems on so much that they come to see them as ourguy so why the hell would they blink twice at their lies on guns? even if they know the real deal it doesnt matter to most.

So what you're saying is if you're any of the above you're just a fucking moron with a victim complex that's worried about problems that dont exist.


>republicans dont vote against abortion
>they didnt vote against gay marriage and many didnt espouse approval for conversion therapy or considering homos a mental illness
>many republicans dont use thinly veiled racism
>particularly the elected ones who were exchanging obama monkey charicatures

Be gun
Like gun
Vote gun
Has gun
Can solve problem with gun
Fuck you

Your womb is the property of you, so dont be a complete moron and let yourself get knocked up and then whine to people to rip out your nigger baby.

Gay IS a mental illness, no matter if you're religious totally atheist, faggots are an abnormality that doesnt have anything to do with proper human evolution. Inb4 muh natural population control, yeah theres no actual evidence of this ever, anywhere.

>many republicans dont use thinly veiled racism
You saw a video of like a few assholes or what, this is such a weak argument with no evidence lol.

Obama isnt a monkey because hes a bigger, hes a monkey because hes retarded.

You are now aware that one of the most monkified presidents was Bush jewnoir.

Abnormality isn't an illness you fucking retard. A mental illness by definition has to cause harm to the person experiencing it, or cause direct harm (assault, rape etc.) to others. You can be gay and have a happy, healthy, productive life, just like you can be infertile and have a happy, healthy, productive life. Neither homosexuality or infertility is mental illness even though both end up with no children. The human race's current population increase isn't sustainable long term anyway.

You're only proving his point

A big portion of women are too emotional to safely carry guns.