Nuclear Power and SHTF

What safe guards are in place, if any, for nuclear power plants in the case of a SHTF scenario?
Say there was a socio-economic collapse tomorrow, would they just sit there and eventually turn into another Chernobyl?

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There are no safe guards on nuclear reactors.
If no one shows up for work they just melt down.
If its economic collapse, workers will still show up at least for the first year without pay.
The reactors would have other problems without funding.
For the reactors to melt down you would need a faster event then economic.
Economic events are very slow they take decades to cause collapse.

>if no one where to show up they'd melt down
Let's all laugh at the retard.

>Let's all laugh at the retard.

There is a set of procedures that kick in automatically. Operators will likely SCRAM the reactor shutting off functionality. Then the reactor is built to cool itself to cold shutdown. Once at cold shutdown the reactor will comfortably sit indefinitely.

Outdated map OP. The one in eastern Nebraska has been shut down for a year and a half or so.

>sign up for nukes they said
>there's lots of civilian jobs they said

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I hope you get run over

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Certain reactors are designed for natural circulation in the case of pump failure, but they'll still encounter problems after long periods of time

Funny enough, I read that the Space Coast is possibly one of the best places to be in case of an economic fuckup, because there's a nuke plant in Jupiter, defense firms every ten feet, the fucking space center, and a massive Air Force base. Which has a golf course on it. Because Air Force.

Work at a shipyard my dude

it's not necessarily the nuclear part that entices employers to hire a former nuke, but the whole running/maintaining complex machinery part.

You asked for it, don't complain now.
That auto shut off worked real well for Fukushimia.
You think power plants have minds of their own.
There safety is all a lie, even when a plant is working it can still melt down.
What is 3 mile island.
The robustness of nuclear power will be tested next year with H7N9. Will see how confident you are then of safety.

>There safety is all a lie, even when a plant is working it can still melt down.

There are 452 nuclear reactors on this planet that are producing electricity safely and reliably as we speak.
Suck it up, hippie.

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Wow, congrats, you have won the most retarded post on Jow Forums for the day. Enjoy your prize.

About 7 miles from the Western PA plant. >Tfw my uncle works there and all of my family lives near me
Whole family will be gone

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I have an uncle that works in a plant
I asked him what would happen if no one came back to work and just let shit take its course. He told me that I asked the dumbest fucking question ever.

>tfw I fucked up a green text

I heard you bud I'm near tmi granted fishing there is awesome and you know no more bail out money

I just replicated Chernobyl in the back of my undies reading this retardation.

>If its economic collapse, workers will still show up at least for the first year without pay.

Very few in nuclear power, though.
But if you are a former nuc and can't get a kickass job, you probably stayed in because of your zero people skillls.

Weird syntax, but true.

We need to pump those numbers up, those are rookie numbers.

Alaska aint shaped like that man

You literally have no idea what you're talking about. Why did you even feel the need to make a post?

You'd need severe damage to the reactor
Without a warm body, the automatic loading system would stop and the reactors would grind to a slow halt
>now the storage and waste containment areas
That could really fuck up the local area

Holy fuck, how can you breathe when you're this dumb?

>I have no clue how control rods work

the question is how long will they run?
how long does a reactor run before needing more fizzable fuel

fuel being that reaction limiting factor

>projecting this hard

Damn I live in Illinois and I had no idea we had so many plants. That's awesome

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Unattended they will run out if fuel before over heating and causing a meltdown. The cooling systems run off the power they produce so as long as they are getting hot enough to generate steam and power a turbine, that power will be redistributed and cool it down.

My dad used to work at that plant. Even though everything you said is pretty much true, I don't know how long the plant would keep running in a total economic meltdown. Apparently tensions between the staff and management, and then management and head management is pretty high, and everybody's at everyone's neck. Management likes to make the lives of people who disagree with it a living hell, and everyone not in a high position is treated like crap. Most experienced operators and people not working for contractors have left, being replaced by inexperienced kids just out of school.

Nuclear is cleaner and safer than you think. If you’re not Russian and learn from mistakes, then it should be fine. student whose dad worked on these things

>now the storage and waste containment areas
>That could really fuck up the local area
I remember hearing about that on Life after People how the actual danger lies in the cooling pools running dry and setting themself on fire,while the reactor would just shut down.

source - quora:

We discuss this all the time while sitting in the Control Room.
1) Power grid is still intact. Everyone just drops dead. The reactor I work at will continue operating. Power would slowly lower as the fuel is burned. after about 3 weeks, water supplies for the secondary(steam plant) would run out. Add another week, and our Main Feed pumps would trip on low suction pressure. At that point, the Reactor trips/ Turbine trips.
But, at this point, there is no longer any water to feed the Steam Generators (S/G's). The tank that would feed water is empty. Eventually both S/G's boil dry. Reactor(primary) temperature and pressure rises, lifts the Safety Valves, and we start to lose primary inventory. Eventually, pressure will lower far enough for Safety Injection to occur, but the Safety Injection pumps will just run on recirculation until primary pressure drops below shutoff head of the pumps. The Charging pumps, which are positive displacement pumps, will inject water, but not enough to keep the core covered. Boiling in the core will occur, fuel damage will happen, and not very much cooling will occur at all. The fuel will melt, and corium will be produced. If it melts through the vessel, that would actually help! Now the water has a good flow path! Containment pressure will briefly spike, and the Containment Spray System will actuate, and drop pressure. There is going to be a lot of steam/hydrogen production as the water hits the Corium, and as the Corium reacts with the concrete.

Your uncle sounds like a fucking dickhead. Tell him I called him a faggot.

However, Containment Spray and Safety Injection will protect Containment. The Containment building fills up with water, until water level is about 6 feet deep. The Safety Injection system swaps to recirculation mode, and keeps the fuel mass cool. Eventually, the pumps will run out of oil and/or power. They trip off. The Containment building will continue to cool due to losing heat to the environment. Inside Containment, it will rain as steam condenses inside the top of Containment, and rains back down. Containment will hold water for a long, long, time. The Corium will harden and cool down to the point that air cooling will be enough. 99.9% of the radioactivity will be contained.

2) Power Grid goes away. Everyone drops dead. The Main Turbine trips/ Reactor trip.
Emergency Diesel Generators(EDG's) auto start, and in within a minute pumps start feeding water to the steam generators, cooling down the Reactor. The S/G's bleed steam through their safety valves, which helps remove the heat from the Reactor. Within an hour, Reactor pressure lowers enough for Safety Injection to actuate. However, pressure is still high enough that the Safety Injection pumps do not inject. The Charging pumps will inject water, and make up for shrinkage due to primary coolant cooling down ( the water in the Reactor). Within a day, the water going into the Steam Generators is greater than the steam being bled off, and the S/G's start to fill up. This cools the Reactor, even more, and eventually the Safety Injection pumps will start injecting water, and stabilize pressure. Eventually, the S/G's are completely full, and water starts coming out of their safety valves, until the water tank that supplies water to them goes dry. At that point, They are still heat sinks, and continue to cool down the Reactor, until temperature equalizes. Slowly, the Charging Pumps fill the Reactor up, and raise pressure until the Safety Valves for the primary system open which will bleed water out, and dump the water into Containment. Due to the low flowrate of water through the core, the fuel heats up, until boiling occurs. This is because the Charging pumps keep pressure way too high for the Safety Injection pumps to inject.

Within about a week, the EDG's run out of fuel, and all power is lost. The fuel will slowly heat up, until it melts. once it does that, it should melt through the vessel. At that point it will fall into the water that is in Containment. Pressure spikes, and slowly lowers as the Containment building looses heat to the outside air. It will be raining in Containment. If Containment holds, 99.9% of the radioactivity is contained.
Now, these two scenarios are just based on "back of the napkin" math, and 18 years of running this reactor.

Now, let's say you walk away from the Spent Fuel Pool. Cooling is lost. boiling starts to occur in about 72 hours. If the pool was full of fuel, you would start to uncover fuel in about a week, at the earliest. Depending on the age and power history of the fuel bundles, some may rupture and catch fire. This will be bad news. There will be an external release of radioactive particles and gasses. The building will trap most of it, and it will slowly leak out. It is not going to destroy all life, though. Nature will take care of it.

>would they just sit there and eventually turn into another Chernobyl?

I wish...

>mexican reactors

>There are no safe guards on nuclear reactors.

Even the fucking marf plant has safeties fucknut.

>TFW when of those safeties was installed upside down for about a decade and the reactor has detectable neutron radiation outside the final biological shielding.

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*When one of those safeties

Also the fucking thing regularly sets itself on fire.

Wait, it's a test bed for a surface ship powerplant AND a submarine powerplant?
Why wouldn't they separate them, the thing sounds like an accident waiting to happen.

Because it's the navy, and by extension the government. Logic need not apply.