Dream operatin'

How many of you have shot someone to death in your dreams?
I've shot and killed at least 14 people in dreamland.
Post sleepytime operating stories here.

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>be me in uni calc class
>typical lesson starts
>out of nowhere shots ring out from the hallway
>masked shooter enters the room
>shoots a few people behind me
>trip over a desk and land on him
>start getting hit in the face
>grab pencil near me on floor
>use all of my strength to push it through his eye
Woke up cringing desu

>tank gunner inna desert shithole
>raghead ambush
fear my mighty steel.mp4
>kill unknown amount
>after battle exit tank
>walk among the injured executing them
Why am i like this

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>robbing gas station with acquaintance
>he shoots the cashier even though he was cooperative
>we start to run away
>I think "you know what? Fuck this guy"
>whip out my 9 and shoot him 4 times in the back
I checked his backpack for the cash we stole and it wasn't in there. The rest of the dream was just typical nonsense.

>be in boys bathroom
>there are guns laying everywhere, guys sitting around tables smoking cigarettes
>girl comes in with pistol
>she's upset with one of the guys who cheated on her
>is holding us all at gunpoint
>I grab up a small .32 automatic and magdump into her
>she falls
>I think "wow, I just killed a woman"
>right as I think it, a guy looking at the dead girl says "she's a robot!"
I guess my subconscious didn't want me dealing with the guilt of killing a female.

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How about IRL?

>be me
>On a hunting trip with a bud and his dumbass cunt of a brother
>we wake up to head out to the campsite at 6AM.
>Drive out to pick him up.
>We go to the brother's house.
>Honk for a solid five minutes
>Go inside, door's not locked.
>Cunt is still in bed and there's beer cans everywhere
>after an hour hes finally ready and we all get to going
>First day of the trip is just setting our site up
>Second day, we move to our spot, a little overlook probably a good 50 feet higher than the hill's bottom.
>Sit for a good hour, a deer starts walking toward exactly where we want it
>Cunt Brother goes to shoot it, way too far out right now
>we both tell him to stfu and back off
>he tells us we're both assholes and sits back
>fucking cunt lined up his shot behind us and fired
>had my 1911 out, just looking at it while we wait for any other Bucks to get into a good shotrange
>flinch and squeeze the trigger
>bigtoe.dll has stopped working.

I fucking shot myself.

Well, let's see that toe. Or lack thereof.
Don't be shy.

Isn't that the old header image from Social Matter?

I agree, fuck that guy.

>in your brain a "men's place" is a bathroom


do you know how I know you're a nigger

>somewhere in bosnia in the 90s
>JNA/serbian milita dream was a little hazy and was seeing both
>just over took a bosnian position
>bosnian man standing there surrendering
>shoot him with rifle
>wake up sweating

thats how i had a nightmare about executing someone.

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>be me in a snowy forest
>am clad in some random assortment of furs and shit
>people around my are fighting, like full on warzone
>all of them look like they where ripped straight out of that dicaprio movie with that bear
>have nothing but a Kabar
>Guy comes up to me with a flinlock rifle
>proceeds to miss every fucking shot
>I shank the fuck outta that asshole
>continue to try and kill other people
>kinda follows the same formula. they miss all their shots, then i close the distance and shank them
>end up killing like 5 - 6 before I wake up
>dream was good

Pic related. Trust in your Jow Forumsabars

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Did not kill anyone in this dream, but:
>be in high school
>find shotgun in my locker
>it doesn't belong to me
>it won't fit in my backpack
>I have no idea how it got there
>I have to find a way to get it to my car without anyone noticing

>be me, walking across the carnage of a battlefield
>corpses of men and horses strewn across a wide gently sloping hill
>some dead, some still dying, the battle is over
>in my hands I am carrying three spears, two are my own weapons but the third is a beautiful ornate spear I took from the hands of a man I had just killed, I admire the new spear
>in front of me a man rises up, a man from the enemy army
>he is an old soldier, his hair is grey-turning to white
>he's wounded in the leg but he looks me in the eye
>"Please give me that spear, it belonged to my son. I wish to return it to his family."
>I laugh at the old fool and I hurl my first spear into his body
>the spear takes him in the chest, he grimaces in pain but does not fall
>"Please give me that spear, it belonged to my son. I wish to return it to his family."
>cursing, I throw my second spear into the old man
>he cries out in pain but again he does not fall
>"Please give me that spear, it belonged to my son. I wish to return it to his family."
>at this I heft my last spear, the golden spear I had plundered from the corpse of this man's son, and hurl it into his chest
>when the third spear strikes him, he collapses with a gasp
>he's coughing up blood as I kneel over him, overcome with sudden emotion
>as the old soldier breathes his last I say to him:
>"I swear to you I will return your son's spear to his family."

weird fucking dream that one, one of those ones that you never forget and can remember even the smallest details even years after. I still remember what that old man's face looked like

>some where in the mid-east
>woke up
>I’m in a sand house
>tie to a chair
>can’t see my face, too dark
>a gentleman walks in
>”You know we will know it eventually right?”
>”You’re a man smart general” I replied
>finally gets a good look on my face
>blood coming out of my nose
>purple in some places
>I’m a women for some reason
>wearing a black uniform
>pic related
>another guy walk in
>the General “Ah, Welkin”
>hand shake
>”It’s good to see you, yes, good indeed”
>they both looked at me
>Welkin punches me in the face
>wakes up
>laying on a concrete road
>now I’m a pilot
>stand up
>look behind
>a burning wreckages of a black hawk
>”Damn we broke though already?” said to myself
>*guns shot in a distance*
>”I better get out of here”
>wake up for real this time

This is the weirdest Jow Forums related dreams I ever had, mostly because it has absolutely no context at all

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>Be me inna power armor
>Inna C-17 inna south American shithole
>Start to take off
>Tail of plane explodes and i get knocked out
>Wake up beside a white woman and black guy shooting into the treeline
>Get up and see another plane take off and get shot down by an rpg
>My friends say something but I can't hear them
This was when i was like 10 and black ops was popular. But that doesn't explain the power suits, i think it's because i saw my dad playing fallout 3 all the time. I woke up thinking i was a super cool operator dude though and that was nice.

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>be militia QRF
>Me and brother
>Im packing an A2 with ELBV and he has a Middie 16" carbine with FLC
>Driving down a winding road, T intersection to the right
>right road ends 500 yards down, winds on the crest of a ridge with an old schoolhouse and sparse pine forest with thick morning mists
>Searching for someone
>Shapes in mist
>shapes resemble a sideways crayon outline of Deathclaws
>Shapes don't go down, at all, just flip back and forth like a spinning gallery target
>running out of ammo
>charge schoolhouse under covering fire of brother
>acquire who we were seeking, fall back towards truck, pack in
>He drives backwards while I reach for a spare mag and shoot from window and wake up

>Old Stalker-esque parking lot
>walking towards an old hospital, its front yard is parking and back lot a riverbank
>lot is riddled with burnt out cars and wreckage and debris
>Walk low and search for targets
>fence walls out the dark forest I left from.
>continue through the parking lot
>walk into the candle and firelit hospital, with each floor lined with filthy, armed, tired, generic post apocalyptic NPCs or something
>The air is respectful and somber but I literally just walked in
>make way to a certain room
>see a woman standing by the window surveying the river and city beyond
>she is wearing a hospital gown and has an IV, she is bracing against the IV post
>she turns over her shoulder and looks at me, and I wake up

Recurring dreams are fights or gunfights where I'm too tired to swing/keep eyes open and are just panic.

>This was when i was like 10 and black ops was popular.
>Call of Duty: Black Ops is a first-person shooter video game, developed by Treyarch and published by Activision. It was released worldwide on November 9, 2010
it's about that time isn't it

>there are guns laying everywhere, guys sitting around tables smoking cigarettes
>boys bathroom
Where do you live where public bathrooms are like this and how do I get there?

Fuck user. I didnt come here for these feels

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My gun always jams. What does that mean?