Do you agree?

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Other urls found in this thread:

No. It floods the service with people that don't want to be there, and it drags the organization down.

Hell no, every shithead with a pulse can crank out 4 years of mopping floors and get a lifetime supply of bennies for nothing.

I think that everyone should serve the federal government in one way - I'm looking at you road repair and stone breaking.

Shit, I could've loved a young guy work squad to continue to clear out the brush up to the power lines and the cellphone towers out in the countryside.

>hey guys should we create and expand government programs?

Gee golly OP, what do you think?

Attached: 0cd.gif (368x270, 1.47M)

>I think that everyone should serve the federal government in one way
kys yourself

It's hard to believe anybody in the military can be a True Believer.

It worked out well in Starship Troopers

Average Grunt's IQ would improve by about 20 points

Yes, I think there should be a year of mandatory conscription. Not for those reasons though, but so that everyone has a basic knowledge on how to operate as a team and fire a gun.

In fact, my ideal system wouldn't be a military conscription system, but a broader 'disaster response' system. Some people might do firefighting, others do beach lifeguard and boating rescue, others do paramedic and first aid, etc.

>kys yourself
>Kill YourSelf yourself
Everyone point and laugh at the retard.

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Had a similar idea and pitched it to my law professor. In the state of Florida, all senior year HS students should have a mandatory summer taken with the FL national guard where they are taught things like land nav, survival in the wilderness (70% of Florida), plant identification, radio usage, first aid/ first response, basic marksmanship, and weapons familiarization. The program would be called Civil Emergency Response Training (CERT) and would not pre- qualify individuals for military service, but seek to provide the civilian population life saving information that will help keep people safe in the event of natural disaster that frequently plagues this state.
My prof was an obvious liberal but she loved the idea.

A mandatory government service wouldn't be horrible, but it's a lame remedy for the horrible education standards in our country. Public schools should be under federal jurisdiction.

this, tbqh

But I'm with Heinlen, only those who serve get to vote. You want a voice in how our country is run? Serve it. And I mean REALLY serve it doing hard labor/dangerous jobs and doing it well. Do shit work/be lazy as hell, get an Unsatisfactory Performance discharge. No welfare queens or pensions, the only benefit being now you can vote.

That's actually a great idea, but I wouldn't have it count for whether you can vote or not. It would just be a good way to make sure everyone is on the same page in disaster response.

>tfw you kinda wish conscription was a thing in your country just so you could spend two years of your life goofing off with guns up in the middle of nowhere with no actual fear of being deployed

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to everyone that wants mandatory conscription: are you willing to bet your life on someone that doesn't want to be a soldier saving you instead of their own ass?
mandatory conscription is slavery.

>being this new

>Disaster response system
This is actually quite a good idea, why isn't this already a thing?

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Do Finnish conscriptees ever train with Swedes or other scandinavians?

God I hope so, imagine how horrified the Swedes must be seeing the absolute shitshow that is the Finns, especially considering the Swedes have women in their service.

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>Public schools should be under federal jurisdiction.
Common core suck major ass.
t. texasfag

wow that was ironic sorry

Attached: well fugg xDD.jpg (480x360, 16K)

This guy gets it.

All you guys saying you want it are ignorant. Imagine the feds right now telling you or you children to do a job they don't want. All the good jobs will be low on slots so shit is what is left over. Plus wheeling and dealing to avoid dangerous jobs...
Yeah you want it because you think you'll do what you want but reality isn't so sweet. Most service members want it until you tell them they'd be working with people who never wanted to be there and are just a liability more than the average demoralized junior enlisted

Of course a liberal prof would love it. It would be identical to the Chinese commie project where they sent all the students into the farmlands to teach them a thing or two about hard work. I would love to see that professor's face when she was told at gun point to start planting rice.

Yeah everyone thinks it's great until they're the ones being told to do some shit work because it's suddenly THE LAW

We have mandatory service here in Norway, and have had it more or less continously since before WW1. Used to be less than extremely popular back when 3 out of 4 males actually had to put on a uniform for a year; mostly in the armed forces but also a few in civil defense. That was then. Now we have mandatory service for both women and men, but the armed forces have shrunk in size and getting in to serve have become a privilege and only for those in the best physical and mental shape and with the strongest motivation, while everyone else are free to move on with their lives.

Holy fuck no, I attended schools in China until I turned 11, where I am taught to behave like a mindless drone among 60 other drones in the same group, blindly taking orders without questions, everyone getting hazed together and detentions and forced meaningless labor such as copying the school conduct code X number of times, all because one guy or two fucked up the slightest shit or when the adults in charge showed up to work with a stick up their ass. Individual class rooms would have literal good boi points as a whole group and when one guy fucks up that means the whole group gets more punished. They call it encouragement to strengthen bonds among the group and work together, then I came to America and learned I might actually be a human being with rights and to be forced to experience that shit again I might just fucking kill everyone and then myself.

Everyone point and laugh at the retard.

>I think that everyone should serve the federal government
>I think there should be a year of mandatory conscription
>My prof was an obvious liberal but she loved the idea.
>Public schools should be under federal jurisdiction.
>That's actually a great idea
>This is actually quite a good idea

When did you all realize you were communists?

There does exist more on the spectrum of beliefs than ancap and communist.

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Service guarantees citizenship. Would you like to know more?

That's as may be, but that shit is straight-up communism. Everyone forced to serve the state? The state controls education? There's no way to spin that so it isn't communism.

>country does one thing associated with communism
>welp whole country is now commie
Damn, I wish I was dumb as you, life must be more fun?

>how to create massively entrenched special interest groups and rampant lobbying/outright corruption

That isn't communism, communism is something that is well defined, state controlled education and mandatory service to the state are not part of that definition.

>somehow mandatory government-appointed jobs in services of the state in exchange for government-appointed gibs isn't communism, just because we also do other things that might not be communism.
Not having ALL the communist programs doesn't make your communist programs any less communist.

Usually military service is used as a deterrent against invasions from larger forces. Very rarely does it serve the state, or benefit it economically, in a way which wouldn't be better served with a professional volunteer force. Notable exception would be a place like Eritrea. Military service also exists in all kinds of economic systems, and even in the absence of them.

Saying it's communist is like saying the colour red is communist. It leads to silly situations where the Republican Party is apparently communist.

Those are literally Planks #8 and #10 of the Communist Manifesto.

>Usually military service is used as a deterrent against invasions from larger forces. Very rarely does it serve the state, or benefit it economically, in a way which wouldn't be better served with a professional volunteer force.
You can't possibly believe this.

>you have ticked off one box on the communist bingo card
>your whole country is now communism
I don't think there's a brainlet reaction image fitting enough out there for you.

>wanting to be brainwashed

It's true, so yeah.

Point to where I said or even implied "whole country". I'll wait.

big facts.

>"I think everyone should be forced to work hard labor and military service for the government" says user, never served, yelled at by anyone other than parents, or forced to do anything really, might or might nor have guns or a job, sitting at home mashing keyboard dreaming about being productive.

>Fuck doing nice things for society, everyone should be dicks all the time

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Have you looked at all at modern geopolitics? You honestly think the United States military is just deterring invasion? You don't think the constant overseas action has a primarily economic motive? What rock are you living under?

Lmao, mandatory state service would be great a la TVA 2: Electric Boogaloo. People piss and moan about shitty infrastructure so put them on a work crew for a year after HS. Cities need people scraping gum off the ground and washing buildings.

>conscription = doing nice things for "society"
>non-conscription = fuck everyone but me
What a strange world you must live in.

...United States doesn't make people do military service.

>Usually military service is used as a deterrent against invasions from larger forces.
You didn't say "mandatory", so that's moving the goalposts. The point is that the state has a great deal to gain economically from having a military, and forcing people to join said armies can serve those ends.

The fuck are you implying, all the people in this thread be like "yeah all these OTHER PEOPLE should be forced to do x y and z that'd be kinda nice" without thinking what would happen if such things were to actually be enforced. Then when something like happens and people wonder "how could this have happened, I wanted to shoot guns not picking up cans, it must not be real conscscription this is bullshit you can't make me a criminal for not picking up that can"

>Very rarely does it serve the state, or benefit it economically, in a way which wouldn't be better served with a professional volunteer force.
>a professional volunteer force
Maybe read the whole paragraph, it's pretty clear what I was talking about.

Do a 1-2 year bit for the good of society, preferably not in the military, instead doing something actually productive for society.

>a professional volunteer force
I see; I read that differently than you intended it. The term "professional volunteer force" can refer to other things, and I forgot that most folks don't mean that when they talk about them. I was looking at a broader context than you intended.

>Do a 1-2 year bit for the good of society
>instead doing something actually productive for society.
Wait; which one are you suggesting is the good thing? The thing "for the good of society", or the thing "actually productive for society. The "instead" indicates that they're mutually exclusive. Is productivity not good?

That's leaving aside the collectivist problems with even defining what is "good" or "productive" for whatever definition of "society" you're using.

Yeah, and sometimes with NATO

Conscription should only be used when your country is at risk of being invaded. So while a country like Israel has a valid reason for it being surrounded by countries that hate them, the United States has no excuse for it

There is another valid reason as well. The combined mass of 18 year olds in USA is vast. The cost of just the logistics of sorting through them all even just to pick out the 10 best per cent is terrible. Much easier to just ask for volunteers, because even then you will have more people than you actually need. And that's not even going into the political cost of sending out a conscript army to fight for McDonalds and Coca Cola's entry into a new market.

Yes, boot camp does teach things to people, mainly about pain very early on and in a very systematic way, have in mind, the military has been perfecting this machine that converts peasants into soldiers for thousands of years.

But that's it, they don't teach you values in boot camp, that's something you do by yourself, they teach you how to do your job as a soldier and that includes what PT standards are required and what technical training you need to know, they are not there to fix fuck ups for society but for the military, which is absolutely different, and I would say that fuck ups are rather weeded out in the first month or so and the only thing that are left are the adequate profiles and the profiles that are willing to change.

When people talk about this stuff, is mostly about exposing some teens to some real stress and forcing them to be a bit more social with groups they might not asociate with and more independent from their families, which in our modern world might be a good idea since the NEET thing didn't happen precisely on it's own, but even if that is true, the military is not the solution, in the best case is a small patch and most kids would be just waiting for their service to be over to become a fuck up again, but also resenting their time there.

Now, if we are talking about mandatory service to create a huge reserve of people just in case there is a war coming then probably yes, which is the actual whole point of mandatory service not doing what the parents didn't.

>for the good of society
Yes Im sure the ones in charge wont misuse this every single second of the day.
"Why are we clearing this land?"
Then two years later cookie cutter housing goes up without paying for your labor.

Jow Forums bitches and moans about the NSA having control of our data.
"Hey guys let's let them have control of our bodies as well."
Excellent cognitive dissonance.

K user time to mandate you go work on a highway with a pickaxe for a few months with govt provided meals and living. You have no idea how shitty that is even though it was done in the US already and is controversial even still if you talk about it. You clearly didn't serve either or you'd know how abysmally retarded the govt is with treating folks. And right now it's volunteers who begrudgingly abide, wait until it's conscripts who were forced to be there

Everything ever done has been done for the good of society.

But user, I'm not.

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That concept existed under a 100% voluntary military.

>not being pro mandatory civil service to make everyone starts hating the federal government

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A pretty sensible idea tbqh.

>Do Finnish conscriptees ever train with Swedes or other muslims?

Govt only gets smaller after revolutions usually so nty

Service shouldn't be mandatory, but service guarantees citizenship.

But only tthe Russians vote in US elecetions


bill wurtz

This. You use the law to discipline those without a character oriented towards pursuing excellence. But those with the spirit of excellence will volunteer themselves for hardships and sacrifice knowing that they are earning the privilege of participating in society.

>works for feds
>legally makes machine gun
>”oh shit, another lake”

Not miltary service, but some sort of federal boy/girl scouts that is mandatory every summer and rolls in The Civilian Markmanship Program as a part of the Civil Defense Corps placed under authority of homeland security would help unite Americans.

Basically have basic outdoor and urban survival training, first aid, cooking, gun saftey, shooting and gun maintenance.

As the kids get closer to adulthood, girls have volunteer at the hospital/clinics while boys have to volunteer in EMT, or forestry service.

dis really made me think

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>have to volunteer

>Shit, I could've loved a young guy work squad
we get it user, you want to be gangbanged by twinks

mandatory military service nations already have this system.
conscripts get sorted out into the various departments, including admin, civil service etc etc

It's not volunteering if you get forced to do something. There's a reason countries don't do this any more.

Highschool should be merged with the various arms of the military,

>Firearms/marksman classes
>Physical Education for about 1/4-1/3 of every day
>Sports used as a scouting tool to find the students with the best leadership ability and for team building
>students can be learning how to fly aircraft when they're 15 for highschool credit
>specialization into various roles based on aptitude tests
>finally get some of the Military Industrial Complex money going toward education
>perfect place to employ well adjusted veterans as instructors

put the disruptive ones into different programs while you direct the promising candidates to various specializations they will enjoy or excel at

no bennies for non-combat, enlistment merely grants voting rights and a paycheque

their taxes already do

it's my hope that the youth will see it this way too.

Dangerous jobs should be volunteer only / highly paid, most or all of the heel draggers will be driving trucks or carrying gear


The system would try to encourage as much individualism and competition as possible, your childhood sounds like hell

shut up and carry your tax burden "citizen"

You're forced to go to school (home or otherwise) or the government will come to your home and take you away from your parents. We're just going to offer some cool and exciting elective courses for students to select. Of course there will always be the option to abstain from any kind of militaristic practices if you want you prospects in that category to dwindle.

you mean by planting their bodies in front of a screen impotently? Aren't you already registered for the draft? If you would protest a draft then what's to stop the same thing from the theoretically mobilized conscripts?

not what pic related says

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Where can I take the test in your pic?
should be the right one

>100% An-Cap / Bleeding Heart Libertarian / Minarchism
Legalised nuclear missiles for kindergartners!

I was once in sweden, somewhere in internet there is one mention of that joint exercise.
Arty spotting is boring and because of that I was extremely bad at it.

Sounds like a great way to skim the best and brightest into a ridiculously oversized military and away from sectors that they might actually be useful. If the plan was to turn the education system into some sort of Songun hellscape, it would be a great success.

Put a few hammers and sickles on this plan and paint it red and every communist leader in history would be stroking his dick to it.

>The system would try to encourage as much individualism and competition as possible


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>60% An-Cap / Classical Liberalism
>67% Liberal Democracy


dumb poster

Everyone laugh and point at the newfag

Mandatory service for ability to vote and run for office

>75% Kemalism
Yeah, seems about right.

T. nonserve
Actual education is important believe it or not.

Like me fucking your mother.

Much like how evolution deniers take their kids out of science classes, some kids can be pulled out of these classes if their parrents want.

Hell, technically school is mandatory, if a kid under 18 is walking around by themselves around town duringschool hours, police will check them out.

Home schooling exist.

No one is holding a gun to your head to participate, but this is needed to make gun saftey and basic competency common place.

Our school system has failed the past two generstions and won't survive the next.

This thread is about "conscription" as a social contract between the state and the citizen.

Your okay with military conscription for foreign wars, but against domestic federal zocual service jobs and survival training?

>Unironically thinks "Juche" would work in the US
Into the trash it goes