“Oak and iron, guard me well, or else I'm dead, and doomed to hell.”

Sup Jow Forums. Anyone know where I'd get a good strong solid door? My apartment currently has super thin crap doors that I'm pretty sure I could put my fist through...

Attached: criminal-kicking-down-door.jpg (321x499, 130K)

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Steel doors or solid wood with sheet metal plating to prevent kicking through the wood. Reinforce the door jam itself, the hinges, knobs and latches and add a pry-bar shield. Use 3"+ wood screws. For most home invaders they'll give up after a while, or you'll have several minutes forewarning to build a sandbag fort near the entrance and fix bayonets.

You do know there are several categories of shops that sell doors? You could try one of those.

Yeah, but looking for more info...what to avoid, etc.

Construction fag here.
Any metal door is fine. Make sure you use fuckheuge screws to attach the hinges.
The weak point is your door frame and the strike that the latches the door closed.
You are honestly better off just adding an exterior metal security door over the one you already have.
Also, if you have glass windows in your house, it’s a moot point.
Get a big doggo.

Pretty much any solid oak door will be impossible for the average robber to break through, the real issue is the door frame, you gotta reinforce it pretty well.
Doesn't matter if your door is made out of titanium, if the only thing holding it in place is three small hinges with inch long screws and a deadbolt that shit's coming off fast.

>go to a door specialist for a special door
nah, that's just crazy talk

Steel and wood are shit. Fiberglass is stronger and doesn't rot or rust. However, entry doors are required to be solid as per building codes. So I'm not sure what's up with your appartment. Plus all entry doors are 1 3/4" thick, it's an industry standard, unless the building was pre WWII in which case it will have a 1 3/8" thick solid wood door.

custom door, custom door frame, custom locks, latches and hinges, all hardened and reinforced

Literally every single home improvement store sells steel entry doors.

Make sure the frame is up to the task. Most door frames are unbraced white wood 2x4s and the latchplate will splinter out the back of the frame long before the door itself gives, even with a relatively shit door. Deadbolts help with this because they spread the force to a second latchplate if you cant modify the frame.

The other option is getting an outward opening door, they cant be kicked in and require either a jamb spreader or a bigassed prybar.

just get a solid frame, steel doors are a meme sold by big steel.

> not making your own out of solid oak.

what kind of faggot are you?

My building is pre-WWII, and I'm pretty sure the actual doors are too.

The door is 1 3/8" thick at its thickest point, but there are some giant-ass panels that feel about 1/4" thick or so, if that.

Are you seriously asking Jow Forums about where to get a door from?

Attached: Sleepy.gif (500x375, 991K)

Look, this guy clearly needs a high-speed low-drag tactical operator door. Who else is he gonna ask?

Wouldnt a tacitcal door be high drag and low speed?

>My apartment
you think your apartment manager is going to be okay with some nutjob replacing his doors?

Yes, wrote it into my lease because I was unhappy with the weakness of the current ones.

You do know that you don't need to be

Yeah, like Russia
They have D O O R S

Attached: Mercy and Widowmaker.png (1800x1674, 779K)

Welcome to Jow Forums, and now please, go back to r*dd_t, fagot

True. I guess a high speed low drag door would be a screen door.

Just get a sturdy looking door.

is he okay with you reinforcing the door frame, too? How about the walls made of drywall right next to the door frame?

Get a striker plate and use 3in hardened screws to mount it. done.
Meanwhile they just go through your sliding patio door lel

>Also, if you have glass windows in your house, it’s a moot point.
3m security film...

How useful is that? My wife and I are living with my parents while we're looking for a house - and I can't replace the windows but I was looking at the 3M security film as a stopgap.

Yeah, I mean most of the old 'Khruschevkas' in Moscow have them and fuck me, they are tough.

Just keep in mind that there are some people out there who you wan to succeed without it taking all too long time should they try to break down your door.

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>make your house easy to break into just in case fireman have to break in
what kind of stupid fuckery is this?

Just keep in mind id rather burn to death than let some street ape steal my gun collection and harm others with them

really slows down entry, you have to chop through it. remember to run a bead of structural adhesive around the seam to seal it to the window frame.

they can use their fire ladder for that.

Ever tried to knock a hole in a windshield? Same concept, very close to the same product. They pretty much have to completely remove the entire window pane, which is slow and very noisy to do.

They have hydraulic frame spreaders and pneumatic lock-punchers. Plus they have ladders for you apartmentfags so they can get in and out via windows or (with the aid of their super powerful battery saws) pretty much any wall that isn't steel-reinforced concrete.

Not that they'll bother.