You ever feel bad about owning a gun?

Not like in a "no one should own a gun", way. It is an undeniable human right to own a gun, and I am certainly not for restrictions or "licenses" either.

I guess what I mean is if you ever feel a bit sad owning one, knowing that you live in a world with dead things and people who need such items to survive. It just makes me feel worse about myself, since no matter what I say to myself on the good they have done, I still feel a bit sad others think I am a bad person for having one.

Jow Forums feels thread, I guess. Dump your old greentexts, your stories, even just images that make you feel good inside for a bit.

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I'll take yours off your hand if it weighs too heavy on your wittle soul.

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Accept the world with its flaws and dont try to live outside of reality. Youre doin good. They aint. Feeling bad that youre coming to terms with things they outright deny or ignore is cucked as fuck.

My bad, was gonna dump for start of thread.

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I feel happy, knowing that I have the tools and practice with them to defend myself and others. You should be proud if you're responsible with them and train with them.

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I try to be. It just gets really hard to stay positive about it sometimes.

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It's been confirmed that sharks in all varieties are gay. Every single one.


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Feels pic I saved too long ago.

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Yeah it's sad when you think about all of the crime that happens, all the stupid commies who want to take your guns, and the fact that there will probably be major civil unrest in our lifetimes

But this is reality, and getting sad about reality is better than not recognizing it. Never get rid of your guns or stop practicing with them, we're gonna need you someday

>knowing that you live in a world with dead things and people who need such items to survive.
That's why I got one in the first place.

I've always known there are "bad" people in this world.
I watched a lot of shows and movies, things like unsolved mysteries and platoon, with my family at some very young ages.
Before I was old enough to go to school I understood that there are adults who kill kids.
Weapons to defend ourselves and our family are a reality of the human condition, without going into some philosophical garbage about free will, there are and will be people who commit horrible acts on each other until the human race turns into some bullshit like the Borg from star trek.

>You ever feel bad about owning a gun?
Do you ever feel bad about owning a fork?

Feeling good bad changes nothing. If you want to help them, find a way to do so.

Fuck, no. I love guns. I feel bad for Anons in places where they CAN’T own guns, or for the poorfags who can’t afford one yet.

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I understand where you are coming from, just that these days it seems I get nothing but hate for liking em, and the news continues to report on messed up shit all the time, which just makes me feel like trash.
Of course I won't, you are correct. Kinda seems like this country will blow up soon desu.

Thanks my dude.

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Not sure if troll post, but I always liked sharks. They are really cool, and the time Deepsea user appeared on /tg/ is one of my favorite moments on this site I have witnessed. IDK, they are just cool.

here, friends.

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>makes me feel like trash
Don't let other drag you down.

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>Deepsea user
Who dat?

I'm fine. Self defense isn't the only reason I own guns. It's mainly out of interest and a good hobby.

Did someone say Jow Forums feels?

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Can't even remember what this one is, but it's in my Jow Forumsfeels folder so it's getting posted.

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>one of the last things you find solace in will be banned in your lifetime due to sheer stupidity and you'll only be scrutinized more because of it over time until it finally gets screwed over

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I get buyers remorse almost immediately, then I fall in love with it, then I get bored of it and move on to what I want my next purchase to be, while wishing I hadn't bought my most recent purchase when I could have had X instead

Then I settle down and am pleased with it, but this cycle always happens. Its gotten better the more stuff I cross of my wishlist's though

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Sometimes I feel a little guilty that I habitually collect guns that i rarely shoot.

I often give away cheaper ones to friends/acquaintances that cant afford one themselves. Everyone should be able to defend themselves, even if it's a with a shitty single-shot 16 gauge.

>I guess what I mean is if you ever feel a bit sad owning one, knowing that you live in a world with dead things and people who need such items to survive
No, not at all
Humans are warlike creatures, that's just the way it is. World peace would not only be boring it would also only be enforceable through a totalitarian police state.

I'm not going to post all the talking tank pictures, just some of the better ones.

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No, faggot.

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No. Only badass.

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one of my greatest fears was my pup and I getting attacked by another dog and it fucking happened a few months ago. For all the shitposting I do about cc'ing my stupid ass was unarmed because we went for a walk around my neighborhood and the local shithead house let one of their pits out. I booted that fucker in the mouth but my girl still got bit. Miraculously it only bruised her and the vet said I was extremely lucky, if it was an older pitbull I would have been fucked.
I'll never not carry again, that was the worst feeling, being so vulnerable and that I let her down as her guardian

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This is some next gen high powered autism right here.


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Live my life...

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No, I wake up refreshed to know I live in a nation that allows me the right to own firearms and use those firearms to protect myself and my loved ones.

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You know some stand up people.

That's why there is no god

I can't get them a gun any more than I can give a thirsty kid in Zimbabwe a glass of water. All I can do is be help those around me and be as kind as possible, remember, smiles and good vibes are contagious anons. Anything else, even that really, is mental masturbation.

I do because normally I would want to be using guns for fun and hunting and not worry, but the fact that i need a gun for self defense is kind of sad

Good god I can't handle this right now

I try, man. I try.
Was this dude who posted facts about deep sea fish, links to books and what not, during a thread on leviathans. Was really cool since he answered questions and told wonderful facts.

I didn't get a screencap, but I wrote down what book he recommended. I'll try and find it if you like.
Yes, please.
That is often what keeps me up at night. I have little else in life left, and these days more and more goes away.

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I grew up shooting, think lessons on gun safety at age 3 and mid-single digits for the first shots then walking around unsupervised with a .22 at 11, so have a very different sense when considering my ownership.
I associate it more with getting along and spending time with like minded people (plinking/hunting time with friends and family) and, more strongly, the focus and mindset required to safely and skillfully handle a potentially lethal yet useful tool toward the purpose of directing a tiny piece of metal using a controlled explosions and often crude sighting systems out to a target that can be quite far from oneself.
Honestly more of a tool and a challenge.
If anyone fucks around hard enough to actually require me to shoot them for my safety or that of others, that is on them.

The world being a rough place is another issue all it's own and more the fault of survival and mankind's condition in general. Owning guns is just useful tool to consider in that in addition to the hobbyist/sporting aspect.

I sound like a fudd there so should add I own a fuckpile of ars n' shit.

I would since I'm somewhat of a pacifist but I have way too much fun shooting them to give a fuck.

It sucks that people use them to do horrible things that's for sure. It also sucks that we live in a world where all the worst people already have them and the solution that most people want it to take them away from the people least likely to do anything bad with them.

I often wonder why they look so fucking sexy. I mean look at this shit. Was there a reason to make the magwell so fucking sleak like that? Like a hand built sports car? Why can't they make them look all gay and stupid and shit, so no one will want them?

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>I often wonder why they look so fucking sexy.
The engineering and art behind guns is reason enough to own them.
>Why can't they make them look all gay and stupid and shit, so no one will want them?
Swiss tried didn't work, pic related.

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Looks good enough for the Rebel Scum I hunt

I needed this thread op. Thank you.

I needed it as well, I am just glad others on Jow Forums know what I am talking about and decided to post here. It feels like everyone irl doesn't get me at all.

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Most people are retarded so just hide your powerlevel

Only open up to those you already know are chill

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>allows me the right

Who cares what nogunz commie fucks think?

>allows me the right to own firearms

How did we let it come to this?

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Maybe he's Canadian or something.

Of course not, I'm not some bleeding heart faggot who needs to justify why I own something because some other faggot decided to be the biggest faggot of all and shoot up some people.
I own guns, I like guns, I'm not going to go on psychotic killing spree with them; that's that.

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Stop watching domestic news. You have nothing to gain from it except stress.

I'm ahooy the world gave us inperfection for us to toil over, existence is meaningless without struggle and something to strive for. Similar reason why rich people always kill themselves

You talk like someone who has never been to war, or never seen true malevolence or a truly insidious person.
You speak like a sheltered marshmallow that has never experienced the world.
You're naive.

You need to fix that.

You feel bad because you are soft.
You feel bad because you have not faced the monster within you.
You are weak and people that are strong smell it on you like an iraqi shithole.

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Not OP, but I was reflecting on this as I was cleaning my guns yesterday.
I heard people walking past my apartment door as I cleaned them, and thought: "my neighbors would probably freak the fuck out if they knew I had these weapons just mere feet away from them".
It made me realize the power I have. This is not something you just surrender because some politician or some patronizing teenagers said cringeworthy things about you.
Do not trivialize the power we as gun owners have. The power you as an armed individual have. Let them shame you and even demonize you; but do not let them have power over you.
I mean nobody harm and will never start a fight (sorry to any glowies or journalists reading this thread). But this moment of tasting my power level... exhilarating.

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When I'm stoned, yeah.

inside each of us is an absolute monster.
we are capable of absolute treachery and on some level EVERYONE would enjoy it.

You have to realise this and come to terms with it.
If you think you are a nice guy or harmless, you are naive and weak.

I feel remorse that so many people are brainwashed into "GUNS R EVIL" mentality

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i stopped watching the news years ago. it's all designed to make you feel bad for being free. close your heart to the devil and open it to Christ. the same can be said for closing your heart to grabbers/defeatists and opening your heart to your internet friends and current or future range buddies.
: ) stay strong friend.

they want to demonize guns just like smoking so even if it isn't illegal you will be ostrasized for it. never close your heart to new gun enthusiasts. they want you to feel bad. but don't. be happy.

When I was younger I felt the same way. As a jaded young adult, guns make me feel better now. Theyre the biggest "fuck you" to evil in the world and accepting conflict as a part of life is accepting being a man. Don't get me wrong, I wish we could live a conflict free life of happy animu fun times like japari park pre-cerulean infestation and have no need to struggle but thats not the real world. The real world is full of fucking evil and instead of crumpling under it you need to take a stand against it for your own self interest and take pride in that struggle. We are products of evolution, of conflict, and we will never be separated from that no matter how many attempts at utopia are made (and in fact, most of the evil in the world are cowards trying to make that impossible utopia happen). Fighting is a part of every living thing's existence and you should celebrate the fact that humans are able to make tools that help us fight better so that we can spend less time in conflict and more time at peace, building ourselves up and procreating. Guns are what stand between you being happy and you being killed, and its just a fact that sometime someones or something is gonna try to kill you.

lmao why the fuck would I?

fuck off, kike