So Jow Forums will you become a mercenary in the future bush war?

So Jow Forums will you become a mercenary in the future bush war?

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I'm not gonna go die for a bunch of Eurpopoors.


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Disregard, I suck cocks.

if the pay is good and if my side has air superiority, yes.
also if it actually happens.

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How does one actually get into mercenary work?

Depends how soon I happens

wheres the tweet or article?

My body is ready

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Nothing more I'd love to do was immensly butthurt I never say combat and Im a decent shot and in good shape. But honestly I'd have no idea about joining and would be to paranoid that I'd just end up getting scammed and left to rot in Africa

Have combat experience from being in the military.
A friend or family member refers you for PMC work.
No you can't do operator shit without having served. No law enforcement doesn't count.

what if your "combat" experience is being a POG Fobbit fixing helicopters?

>Implying helicopters don't need to be fixed in a war

>implying I want to go to South Africa to fix helicopters instead of fight the niggerment

no. I'm waiting for Civil War 2.

Wrong but OK

That was made obvious by your unwillingness to kill niggers

I'll become a masturbationary in the future lady-bush war. Pic related will be every woman by the time I'm done.

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Where do I sign up?

>wings are mounted at the bottom of the fuselage
someone is lazy

Valuable skillset, you should get a better rate of pay than the generic trigger pullers, especially if you can also work on other vehicles/systems.

I'll be a Merc in the next suburban war, better conditions and better food

>Not becoming a Hind crew chief and discovering whose a nog and whose a well disciplined nog

Why not the boys on the ground need air support nigger

>implying fixing valuable helicopters isn't fighting the niggerment

What if we made Civil War 2 into a proxy civil war that we fought in South Africa, thereby saving the Boers and the Union in one stroke?

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THey are Europeans though. They have no business being in Africa. Just as Africans have no business being in Europe.

Right now it's quite difficult if you don't have military experience.

But back during the Rhodesian war, they were literally putting out ads in gun magazines and taking anybody willing to come and fight. It's safe to assume that if South Africa collapses, things will be similar.

Ignores the point because he is a nigger lover.

Shit man, I don't even give a fuck about half the politics going on over there but if college fails me I know what I'll be doing.

All of Africa is rightful European clay

Keep in mind, the white mercenaries in Rhodesia were defeated and among those who survived, many were unwelcome to return to their home countries.

>things will be similar
The ANC has brainwashed most if not all the negro mongs over the promise of a better life and free shit if they take from whitey.
It will be heavily one sided and people will just flee, not fight

So be it. If the cause is righteous and my brethren from my motherland fail to see it as such, my conviction to what I deem a worthy cause is not lessened in merit for their obscured judgement. My soul can rest easy knowing I held the line where others would gladly forefiet ground for the sake of comfort and conformity.

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How much of my pay can I take in underage, white pussy and do I get a FAL?

You don't want to make a Jow Forums haven as a lifeboat in case it never happens?

get the fuck out of here degenerate.


he's right you know

fuck off pedo, you get the bullet too

Maybe I asked the wrong question, what's the AoC in SA? It being Africa I imagine it's probably 14, that's good enough for me.

Just checked, it's 16.

Better yet, take the Boer and replace our niggers and communists with them. Free one-way tickets to Africa instead of welfare when?

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Then I'll make Outer Heaven

Pedos get hanged

White people are safe in South Africa, white genocide is a alt right myth made up by white supremact Donald Trump


Bait or not, pedophiles will be systematically cordoned and castrated. You sick fucks will find that the day and age of (((progressive societal norms))) are quickly coming to an end.

I wonder if there is a way to hide your identity when working as a merc? Can't you just tell the state department that you're living int Italy or some place while your fighting. They don't keep tabs on ex-pats do they?

No, I'm gonna be a shut-in with an android sex doll, like 90% of the other men.

This guy gets it.

Agree. I would be willing to take an extended trip to another African country and hop a couple borders to fight for SA.

Wrong. The groups I've been researching that help you find work are looking for primarily SF these days, not interested in infantry even with years of tours except under very specific circumstances. It's much easier to get work for a company if you have skills they need, everyone's a fucking trigger puller they don't need those.

>implykng that's how history has ever worked

If you were France maybe

I am France

Yeah I wrote it wrong, I meant it like if you were referring to Africa as France because France is slowly turning into Africa 2.0? Whatever

I'm in Paris right now can confirm