Canada General

New here? Want a firearm license? Read this:

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Xth for I want my Brownells and I want it now

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First for / queer for SCHEER /

Canada is gay.

you cannot buy full fun parts

But that’s wrong.

yes you can retard

Are we gonna have this argument every single thread now

who would ship them to canada brainlet

No one they ain't real stop talking.

I want that 10a but I have a kid and a house I want to Reno..

Anyone know how Trudeau is connected to the Bogdanoffs?

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Corrupt Chinks who only care for money
Only our PM.

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Goddamn kids from the res keep shooting at my drones when I try and scout out my local logging roads

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stay off our land wh*Toid

That's fuckin hilarious

user in the last thread who wanted a french Canadian gf.
>Been there, done that.
Bitch was crazy. Fucked like a champ, sucked you dry, but still crazy. Was fun while it lasted, but would not recommend.

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Why do you star out the h in white?

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Anyone ever want to buy airshit just so they can finger fuck a gun they'll never own?

Looked an airsoft mac10 and almost caved.

Just go give them some blankets laced with smallpox

Just get a dewalt

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time to upgrade the drone with some camouflage
you need to make the savages think it's part of the forest, famalam

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Just ordered my SG540

what reserve are you talkin about nay boy?

on the gun?

Bakka, I mean where do I order some. I'm contacting the importer but if anyone knows where they sell some Id like to know.

Guys, I bought something on Wish..

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I kinda want one, but as a left-eye dominant individual, the lack of brass deflector spooks me.

It's "caucasoid", dumbass.

that thing on facebook that steals credit card info?

Its a meme you dip

Wow spot the boomer who can barely navigate the interwebs, wish has 100 million downloads on google play i doubt it steals peoples credit card info

That's fuckin sick but for $1400 screw that.

Giggle switch for "airsoft"?
you're right, it just offers garbage at low prices

>using a CC in your name to buy giggle switches
Bet you think that user shipped it to his house, too

i don't know anymore at this point

Anyone taken the time to contact their MP about Bill c71?

I fuckin hope so.

I live in a hardcore LPC district

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>My local MP is the only green party elec in the country
Yeah they haven't replied to my email


Doesn't matter. Send him an email that takes 2 mins to write at the very least.


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>living in an area so cucked that they elected the fucking greens
perhaps you should move

What fucking city lmao

Greens are preferable to the NDP at least

It's Elizabeth May. Saanich or something you fucking mongoloids.

Does anyone even follow politics?

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Yes, by virtue of having pretty much no effect on Federal politics.

Their firearm policy is decent, and I could grt behind more enviromentalism. Would take a federal green party gov long before a federal NDP gov

Sent him a letter but he's a liberal Indian so I don't think it did much.

No. I'm about to send a letter to Ralph Goodale

I don't even know what to put on it that would sound convincing

Dude on the left looks like a white Jordan Peele.

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Yo, man. It doesn't even need to be convincing.

They just need to be flooded with phone calls, emails, and letters stating people are not happy with the new laws.

so what, do I literally just email my MP "Grug no like C-71. War club not bad." or something?

No need, my MP is Conservative.

When I renew my PAL, do I have to send them the actual PAL card itself?

>$600 for a VZ-24 that has rust on absolutely fucking everything

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Yes there is a need. The party is full of red Tories and others that need to be reminded how we all feel!

No. You keep that.

There is absolutely no law in the book that says gun parts other than receivers and specific named parts are prohibited.

I think UZI magazines are prohibited, and HK trunnions are prohib. Which doesn't make any sense by the way since the SL series of hunting rifles by HK uses an almost exact version of the trunnion used in the G3. SL8/7 are NR.

Slavs, chinks, brits, and the occasional kebab, i'm sure other money grubbing subhumans would too.

Make one yourself. The fucking thing is 14 gauge sheet metal bent into 2 squares. I tried to honestly sit down and simplify it, and the best i can do is full auto only, and remove the stock, and made the bolt 2 pieces.

It's a fucking simple gun friend.

Yep. They're cheaper than a deact paperweight too. I would like to get one of those Tokyo Marui PSG-1's for shits and giggles. Maybe mount it on a gun rack on the back window of my truck and drive around town & see how long it takes for someone to call the queens niggers.

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Mine's a blue Tory.

Probably wouldn't take too long.

I once had the cops called on me for wearing an anti-nazi symbol nearly a decade ago. They're so fucking stupid that they thought I was a nazi. I'm not even the least bit white.

Attached: Anti-nazi.png (500x500, 10K)

Years ago there was a biker dude in Kelowna who used to throw his trigger locked shotgun over his shoulder and ride his hog to the range. He liked to see how far he could get before he was pulled over. I think 2 km was his shortest.

When does Arms East request pal info? Do they require scanned copies of it?

Make an account and you enter it in. For NR all you need is the PAL number and they don't need a scanned copy. I don't know about R, they might need a range and scan.

I don't remember giving them my pal # when I made my account.
ontario has no range membership requirements, friend

>I don't know about R, they might need a range and scan.
I can't speak for Arms East, but I've bought an R-firearm online before, and they didn't need a scan, just my PAL#.

If the vendor has any doubts about validity, they can literally phone the Canadian Firearms Program and verify it with them. Hell, they already have to do that for Restricted sales.

>ontario has no range membership requirements, friend
That very well may be, but a lot of Canadian firearms vendor will ask for it by default, and some might even prevent you from sending them information unless all fields are filled in.

When that happens, you can just write "N/A - Ontario Resident" as the name of your range.

FOC asked me when I purchased a restricted in person. I said looking and had no issues acquiring said firearm

ok hows this:

>I am writing to voice my concern about Bill C-71 which addresses Firearms legislation in Canada. It is the belief of myself and many other Canadians that Bill C-71 will not accomplish its intended goal of reducing or eliminating gun violence in Canada, as such violence is usually committed by criminals who do not obey laws in the first place.

>All that Bill C-71 accomplishes is to introduce more red tape on law-abiding PAL holders who, as the RCMP are intimately aware, are Canada's most trusted citizens. Such legislation is useless for combating gun crime when it only affects people who already obey the law to the letter, even more so than Canadians who do not own PALs.

>Bill C-71 proposes restricting and paving the way for future bans of certain firearms in Canada, owned by tens of thousands of Canadian citizens. Ironically, legislation such as this creates more criminals than it puts behind bars, as some Canadians could go from being lawful citizens to possessing prohibited devices overnight.

>As such, Bill C-71 should be opposed, and instead the government's efforts should be focused on devoting more resources to law enforcement officers and getting tougher on gangs, which are the true source of the most violent crimes in Canada.

>Thank you,
>A concerned Constituent.

take note that I am currently drunk

Honestly, that's more than enough, it's not like they read these things anyway.

This. Keep it as short, and to the point as possible

Why are there no wk180c unboxing/ reviews on youtube?

i eliminated the two middle paragraphs so it just says the standard line of "it doesnt stop criminalls nd makes it hard for normal people"

ther i did my part but now cant go to lgs tomorrow because i forgot its long weekedn

Hey guys, is it still possible to buy uncucked folding knives in Canada?

If I remember correctly, as of last year, it became illegal to *import* them. But that has no effect on the ones that have already made it into Canada, right?


It's actually cheaper now.

Doesn't fucking matter.

The more people that speak out the better.

Why, because it's old stock?

>Doesn't fucking matter.
Okay, I guess I won't be writing anything, then.

Knowing my luck it would blow up in my face or I'd get vanned in two seconds.

I have a family and baww baww baww. Not gonna risk it now.

Great. Thank you for helping the cause

Don't be an idiot.

If they all receive letters about an issue they take notice and mention to the higher up's.

It must've been so yes. Because they were mostly going on quick sale earlier for this week.

Can I write to them about the muslims ruining this country?

Is there an easy way to tell which folding knife is cucked or uncucked? The only thing I have going for me is maybe the copyright year on the packaging.


Just make sure it's not hate speech.

There you have it folks. A drunk guy took just two minutes to write an email to his MP. You literally have no excuse.

>there are people out there who still believe MPs give a fuck about anything beyond votes


Do you mean counterfeit you idiot

How the fuck do you think they receive votes?

Is this thread full of retards tonight?

By the vast majority of districts voting for the same party for decades on end regardless of the policy.

Uh, no, that is far from what I was talking about.

Newer folding knives are a pain in the ass to unfold because of recently enacted import laws. I'm looking for a knife that doesn't have this artificial problem.

I plan on selling my guns and voting NDP next election, that's my excuse.

If I buy a new endura it'll be harder to unfold than my 8 year old one?