How tight should a "decent shot's" group be at 25 yards with a pistol?
How tight should a "decent shot's" group be at 25 yards with a pistol?
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in the black
If you're grouping isn't within the recycle symbol don't bother posting.
>if you are grouping isn't within literal world record don't bother posting
t. You
What caliber?
Is it a sub compact or a full blown 8" barrel?
Yes, it matters.
First day?
Not him but will add to this
>are you actually at 25 yards and slowfire?
Because answers range from "if you are new if you are mostly on the paper you are beating the average" to "draw a smiley face faggot".
Handguns are tough to shoot and 25 yards is about 1/3 to 1/4 as far as a handgun can reasonable be pushed out.
I suck pretty had so keeping it in the ringed part of a B27 with anything but my 22 with a red dot seems ok to me..
This is true.
Most handgun ranges start at 7 yards.
Sounds like you need practice but it is good to be honest about what you can do. Git gud with your HD/CC piece because it is what matters.
Practice point shooting at 7-15 yards then push it out as far as you can walking it on to the target.