How do you deal with the fact that Grabbers personally want to kill you for owning guns? They keep blubbering about muh common sense gun reform, but we all know it's bullshit. It gets grueling, knowing that my very existence is intolerable to no shortage of people out there.
How do you deal with the fact that Grabbers personally want to kill you for owning guns...
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I don't care what normalfags think.
Just like dealing with the fact the universe doesn't care you exist or even notice you
sometimes i even forget that nothing matters and that the universe itself will eventually die
By talking to them and learning that the belligerent retards are an extreme minority, and that most of the people who want gun control are fairly moderate, only wanting things like UBC or memestock ban.
Oh, so you're gay.
Now you know how women, minorities, lgbtq, etc. feel when dealing with the alt right
kill all normies, thats how m8
>personally want to kill you for owning guns
Yet no matter how much you show how their desires are ineffective they still will vote for the maximum gun control policy because they ultimately do not care at all if guns can be bought by civilians.
On top of that, if you can convert even just 1 out of the 10 you know, there's a bean family being processed right now that will birth 20 new citizens total who will vote 70% for maximum gun control. And that's a positive estimate.
that's why we deport the beans and kill the leftists - at which point it doesn't matter anymore because no one cares and no one wants to try to enforce laws that get you killed.