Any input on 9mm conceal carry $300 or less? Been researching and shopping for a few weeks, narrowed down to Taurus g2c or S&W shield. I know I know its a Taurus but they are getting really good reviews. I held both at the gun show and both feel great and are same size.
I am leaning towards Taurus because of capacity, 12+1, vs shield 8+1. Crazy how they are the same size with that capacity diff but they are. I also want a manual safety which they both offer.
>. I know I know its a Taurus but they are getting really good reviews. handled the pt 111 g2 (which is the G2c now i guess) and inspected, seemed fine to me and reviews say fine
Ethan Stewart
Taurus has better QC and design than Glock currently. Sad, but that's reality.
Jose Mitchell
the Shield is just solid. I bought my second recently.
also... I'm Jewish. Fuck storm fags.
Joseph Brown
>also... I'm Jewish post menorah as proof
Josiah Jackson
>Should I buy a gun from a Brazilian company most famously known for its shoddy workmanship, nonexistent quality control, terrible customer service, and at-times outright dangerous firearms? >Or should I buy a gun from Smith and fucking Wesson, one of the last American gun makers that isn't either circling the drain or already in the sewer?