Why does nobody care about Korean war when Vietnam war and WW2 get so much attention?

Why does nobody care about Korean war when Vietnam war and WW2 get so much attention?

Attached: korean war.png (1280x685, 233K)

it was relatively short and small in scope, allowing then-recent WW2 to eclipse it
it didnt have as much coverage as the vietnam war, so it didnt bounce around the media as much or inspire so much backlash in the public

because objectively America lost and when the freedom power of the world loses well I guess it kind of get swept under the rug.

because it's not over user

because America lost that one.

I guess the Indians were just doing the needful for both sides.

People are fed up with you creating this thread all the time. Stop, and maybe people will start caring

clearly he got you to reply

Because they didn't let McArthur nuke China.

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though mcarthur was not good military leader, his idea of nuking gook land was brilliant. fuck truman

Truly, we're living in the worst timeline.

Because US and UN were baddies there. South Korean leadership was straight up puppet dictatorship with people who served under Japanese occupation still in power. Commies in that time were on peak of popularity, and Korean commies were fucking war heroes. No jokes here, you wish you could operate how they did.
So, later, in a war between DRPK and ROK there were US, UN, USSR and China. And not a single of that participant had a straight up goal to "win" Korean war. Poor Koreans were prisoners of political manipulation of global powers and in general it was very ugly, bloody and messy.

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>implying NK wasn’t a puppet for USSR and China
>implying NK was in the right when they attacked first
>implying commies are ever in the right

Good grief lad.

>attacked first
It's a "I know shit about Korean War" indicator. In 1949 alone ~1800 skirmishes and incidents on the border happened. "Little" incidents with tanks, artillery and aviation support, yep. Most of them were initiated by South, because Syngman Rhee thought that war was good reason for Americans to stay and support him.

Cuz the good guys won and the forces for international Jewry and imperialism lost.

Too many European soldiers died there. If there is more than one flag waving over the battle grounds, the American public gets confused. That's not even a Korean War thing. Check out movies about WW2 and see how many Allies soldiers are showing up fighting side by side with Americans. Even D-DAY!


Because the Korean War was still technically just a "police action"and is overhsadowed by DUBYA DUBYA TOW THE BIG ONE which happened just a few years prior and the absolute shitshow that was Vietnam which started a few years later.

the korean war never ended.
it been getting press the whole time since.

how did we lose? our goal was the defense of south Korea and we succeeded with that

t. brainlet

let me guess you think the US won every war because some nebulous objectives that were never announced were met