Honest thoughts on Ian?

Honest thoughts on Ian?

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He's fine. I don't like him tolerating that 2-B trap faggot, but I don't care for the anti-fa obsessed Jow Forums-retards who make fake images about him either.

Some of his “tests” are pretty stupid. He gives some information videos on some lesser known firearms, but cucks on the genocide of SA farmers. Should’ve kept his political opinions to himself because you’ll always lose support when you open that can.
>inb4 Jow Forums
I’m against the genocide of anyone, and the fact that South Africa is featured on genocide watch, should be enough.

Frankly I was disgusted during the video about French gun laws when he said that the US should emulate France and require a penis inspection before allowing the purchase of Russian surplus rifles.

He's an OK guy. Good firearms related and history content. Doesn't like Jow Forums but I can hardly blame him for that.

The funny part is all the drama over Poltards getting butthurt because he's not as redpilled as they hoped. It's like an ugly Facebook rejection where some thirsty loser starts stalking some chick and making up shit about her being a slut/bitch because how dare she not approve of him.
> Ian is either full 1488 redpilled or a commie.
> How dare he not believe what I believe.
> Must post photoshopped screenshots to prove how right I am!
> If I don't like him, nobody should be allowed to! (Community strike)

you mean daddy

Cultural Marxist.

I hope you burn in California, faggot.

He diddent even have to go full Jow Forums or anything, he could have just acknowledge that SOME whites in South Africa arnt exactly having a great time at the moment.

t. thinks everyone who isnt a litteral neonazi is a marxist