MP5 or MPX which should I buy I will be putting a binary trigger in

MP5 or MPX which should I buy I will be putting a binary trigger in.

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>not using a non binary trigger.

Attached: Die CIS Scum.gif (339x267, 2.33M)

Fuck atlantic. Get the zenith. Yeah it's turk shit, but it's turk shit made on HK machinery. Closet to the real thing that you can get.

Pakistani Ordnance Factory or Zenith, both are good, but Zenith is finished a little bit nicer.
POF will function as well as Zenith though.

Pretty sure atlantic sells the zenith unless I am missing something to your or the op's post.

I actually like the shitty mil paint of the POF. There's something about gussied up stamped guns that turn me off

I'm not shitting on POF,I'm merely saying that Zenith puts more effort into production of a nicer product,but the functionality of the POF guns is great.

I've only ever seen the omega on atlantic. Haven't checked in a while. I'll get back to you

they do

Get the Zenith. Better finish than the POF, HK machinery. Mine's great

Attached: Heckler&Koch.jpg (2419x2777, 2.48M)

Just checked they do have Zenith, not sure when they added it though I saw them on there a few months back when I was considering am MP5 clone.