My friend is an armorer in the Navy. He told me something kind of interesting, and it makes sense...

My friend is an armorer in the Navy. He told me something kind of interesting, and it makes sense, but I have never heard it before and cant really find anything relating to it online.

He said that when SOCOM/recon guys come to get kitted out before a mission most guys get LMGs or even MMGs of some kind. Thought process behind this, is that if they get found, things have gone horribly wrong and they will very likely be hugely outnumbered, and have to execute a fighting withdrawal. So in a team of like 13 guys, they will have 1 guy delegated to the high power optics and other surveillance/comms gear, 1 guy with a M32MGL with like 60 grenades, 1 guy delegated to sentry removal with a suppressed rifle and 1 magazine of subsonic ammunition, as well as a suppressed handgun, and like 10 guys with MK46s, M240s, and highly modified M60s. In addition to that most of them carry sawed off M79s with a few 40mm grenades, and literal rucksacks full of nothing but ammo belts and MREs. They also apparently get a shitload of "go pills" they usually give to pilots which is basically meth and they can stay awake and sharp for days. So if they get found out and take contact, they can lay down so much firepower the enemy will think they are going after a platoon sized element instead of like 10 dudes. Kinda makes sense to me, but what does Jow Forums think? Is my buddy full of shit?

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Probably full of shit

My dad who works at Nintendo says you're lying. All spec ops have honey badgers and carry thermite breaching charges and frag grenades.

No. Small teams go proportionally heavy compared to a line soldier, but holy fuck you’ve been sold a line.

Sounds like some bullshit but I have read (don't remember where but it was legit) that in Vietnam era LRRPs they went really heavy on m79s and spare grenades.
There are pictures of HSLD fireteams floating around so just look at what they are carrying.

Sounds like a bunch of factual tidbits that have all been melted together into a block of utter shit. The whole sentry removal thing comes down to a extra upper and a few mags stowed in someones pack, not a dedicated rifle and pistol. The M79 pirate gun thing happens, but it was never commonplace and has been mostly supplanted by M320s.
>M240s, and highly modified M60s
Unlikely, more like Mk48 if they wanted that kind of thing. Serious doubt that any US SOF use either of these unmounted, Brits have done though.

>My friend is a X in the Y. He told me X.

sounds pretty cool.
i want some of those mres and some of those go pills

I've personally witnessed Rangers from 2nd and 3rd Batt carry Mk48 on nighttime raids in 2013. Nothing to the ratio that OP is describing, just regular infantry platoon mix, but they carried them nonetheless.

yes its true everything to the last detail is completly true i can confirm this im an ex navy seal with over 300 confirmed kills etc

Thank you for your cervix

My friend is an apple in the apple field. He told me apple.

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I watch SEAL Team, it's not true, they all use HK416s.

This exact thread has been posted before multiple times. Fuck off.

It's true. The proof is in the put-in.

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To some extent it might have some truth to it. From what I've seen at least they prioritize heavy volumes of fire in small squads

Ah yes OP, I too have seen 13 hours the bengazi story.

I swear there is like 1 or 2 complete faggots on this board that keep posting pasta for (You)'s. It really lowers the overall quality of the place they do it so much.

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>they can lay down so much firepower the enemy will think they are going after a platoon sized element
a single truck mounted Dushka popping up plumes of dirt around them would silenvce all 10 of those gunlets

Good evidence there's truth to what OP's friend might have said

Is there such a thing as a stealth kill irl? Bringing a suppressed rifle with a mag full of subsonic rounds, is this for realzie?

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>The proof is in the put-in.
>in the put-in.
are you retarded?

seems legit, i would trust anything a pot-bellied boomer buddy in a hunting&fishing shop that happens to sell some $2,000 ruger .308 rifles tells me

why arent they using slavshit for "plausible deniability" when leaving spent casings everywehre

Huh, haven't seen this pasta in a while.

For not alerting a different enemy force a couple hundred meters or klicks away? Sure, suppressed weapons can help. For not alerting another sentry or the rest of the guy's squad? No they're gonna hear it no matter what.

Okay no but in a real question, how come HK23s are often pictured with offset forward grips?

Would any benefit this offers extend to other platforms?

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Yeah, it doesn't get in the way of the bipod.

if the grip was straight under the gun you couldnt fold the bipod in

that looks like a jammomatic and i would refuse to carry that garbage in battle if i was a SF soldier

Every belt fed is a jamomatic.

I’ve seen people IRL do it with SAWs. Just a way to hold it for shooting on the move.

Your friend is a liar and you’d be an idiot to believe him.

They actually carry three for every platoon, I know Ranger School was teaching two. I assume that’s the normal mix.

>somebody hasn’t used a 240 without blanks
The thing runs like an energizer bunny.


Also the go pills aren’t meth but usually modafinil anymore.

>The proof is in the put-in

Wow retards really are a diamond dozen around here huh

Yep. I welded up a pintle to a Mk-19 mount and had a whole 40mm can full of one long belt. Something like 2400 rounds on tap in my turret. Never jammed. Shit was so cash. It did light on fire once but I just kept shooting to put it out.

Thanks guys! I'm super glad to have actually learned something

because they're not cia niggers doing glow in the dark shit that needs deniability.

My dad, who also works for Nintendo, can confirm on this.

Sounds epic


See: MG42/MG3

It's a G3, which is a pretty reliable rifle

It's a joke

MG-3s are only reliable in long bursts. Anything shorter than a 2 second burst runs the risk of jamming the weapon. MG-42s I've never shot, but from what I've seen of people shooting them this doesn't seem like an issue.

case and point

The hk21/23 run like raped apes.

lol bullshit.

>like 60 grenades

>60 grenades
lol whut

What's the guy on the right carrying on the side of his body?

PKM feeds like no tomorrow, you would only get a jam if a round fails. Too bad the ruskies produce the rounds, otherwise that thing would never stop

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>censored water bottles

Why is that dude allowed to wear a blue jumper?

Fingerprints on the bottle brugh

It would 100% get jammed in all your folds of fat & bandolier of twinkie bars you fucking autist.

Literally the welrod lads. Look it up, they still make versions today iirc.

Or the de lisle British carbine

>they still make versions today iirc.
If you're talking about the B&T pistol, its for horse euthanasia not sentry removal.
>Or the de lisle British carbine
Hasn't seen use in several decades and not as quiet as it is meme'd as.

this is why you buy finnish ammo