
At Jow ForumsND

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I'm telling ya, if we just modified a couple of virus bombs to simply reverse the aging process the war on adulthood would be over in a matter of weeks.

...we just need to come up with a way to stop reverse aging first before we deploy it otherwise no one will get to enjoy childhood.

>That lice episode
>That episode with the girl vs boy war
This show was k as fuck

all of shows weapon designs were stupid and super creative. I love it.

Attached: razorgun.jpg (1361x907, 86K)

>[No coherent conversation can be had since theres nonstop gunfire in the background 24/7]
>there's also zero animals surrounding the treefort that havent, literally, been shot to pieces
>the surrounding grounds look like verdun
>the tree itself is dead. With the words "faggot" and "nigger" carved in it thousands of times
>all adults in the region are dead. The bodies used as target practice have disintegrated long ago.

Attached: mailgun.jpg (495x401, 27K)

>what the fuck do you mean I have to allow women in my tree fort

i used to try to make the weapons in the show when i was a kid, had our own kids club trying to act like them

My favorite weapon was the two boards held together with a magnet. You could beat the shit out of someone with it.

Just coped a M.U.S.K.E.T for 3 rainbow monkeys, how'd i do?

Attached: M.U.S.K.E.T..jpg (340x271, 18K)

Hory shet I remember this

Women are only allowed if they have a penis.

You got ripped off dumbass. With that you could've got a F.R.A.P.P.E. with those funds.
Let's see those Jow ForumsND operators

this show was amazing bumping for interest

forgot to include my operator profile

Attached: knd.png (899x563, 110K)

Back to Tumblr you go

Back to pleddit you go.
Where do you think you are?

Hey guys, just got back from a mission against the 2x4 banning league. Stopped innocent kids from losing their 2x4 funz, sector T just got a shipment of newly converted S.C.A.M.P.P.s and they kick ass. What's the best weapon in your opinion?

Attached: S.C.A.M.P.P.png (1024x576, 434K)

>Where do you think you are?
Not on /lgbt/

yup best weapon.
Also the show had Acronyms for everything

Attached: S.P.L.A.N.K.E.R.jpg (743x360, 28K)

Attached: gumgunner.jpg (1182x822, 99K)

Traps aren't gay here, newfag.

Fuck me, this really is Jow Forums shit.

Attached: tactical bunny slippers.jpg (590x672, 442K)

ben garrison?

>Body pillows all over the couches
>Cheap shitty vodka fills the snack bar and fridge
>The smell of decades old millsurp lingers throughout the hall ways
>All the weapons have been replaced by bubba’d nuggets and dragon dildos
>The tree fort is, somehow somewhere, always on fire
>All flying armaments have been replaced with Cold War era bombers and pieces of other vehicles stuck together

>First season, you think it's just centered around a singular group of kids
>Then it's revealed it's a global organization with a fucking moonbase

I loved how Jow Forums it went into the show.

I can already imagine it looking like this in fucking Arkansas

This show was my shit when I was a lil' guy.

A rough approximation of what I would've made when I was smaller.

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I love the smell of hot sauce in the morning

Attached: KND_Weapon_''Hot_Sauce_Gun''.jpg (465x360, 21K)

Prove me wrong

your wrong

God this show was the shit when I was growing up.

Attached: 274withScampp.jpg (429x350, 29K)

>tfw you could have been an operative, but you'll never know because you would have been decommissioned at 13

Numbuh 274's name is Chad Dickson
>Chad Dickson

Meme timelines are colliding.


>unless you're a special operative working covert within the teenagers forces

Josh? I remember you, you little bitch. Fuck you. Acting like if you had a communicator in your ear and if i touched it i would die electro shock.
I knew it was bull shit but fuck i didnt want to have to fight you again and get bit again and again.

Well he was the most Chad character in the show.

The weapons to surpass metal gear
Also I am impressed that this kids could produce weapons out of trash that work

Fuckin Chad

They are Jow Forumsommandos in training, prepping themselves to scratch-build guns when the adults/government come to take them away. That's also why they built the moon-base as a remote HQ from which to coordinate worldwide resistance against all the freedom-hating fuckers on earth.

Attached: 180px-B.A.J.O.O.K.A..jpg (180x136, 7K)

Even Jow Forumsids have the right idea attaching lights to their makeshift weaponry.

Attached: Weapons.jpg (478x306, 25K)