Tempest: New British 6th Gen Fighter


>In July, the UK’s Ministry of Defense announced its new jet will be developed almost exclusively on British soil.

>The military called the jet a sixth-generation fighter, which would put the Brits ahead of today’s fifth-gen crop: the US’s F-35 and F-22, Russia’s Sukhoi Su-57, and China’s Chengdu J-20.

>the British will want to improve upon the F-35’s airworthiness. The fifth-gen fighter is sloth-like and weighty—well, for a fighter jet.

>The Brits will also want to ensure their fighter jet doesn’t become a money pit. Unlike, ahem, the Lockheed F-22 and F-35, both notoriously over budget and behind schedule. The Royal Air Force knows this too well.

>An artificial-intelligence-driven autonomous flight system would allow the aircraft to fly without a pilot on board, coordinating instead with other fighter jets

Looks like we are making Her Majesty's Kingdom great again lads. Fuck you eurocunts and amerifats, God save the Queen!

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when do we feed on the blood of the aryans?

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All that "compared to F-35" is utter bullshit, the MoD, nor the RAF, nor BAE have EVER said that.

It's being designed to fulfill a complementary role. It's not to "make better than". It's a different kind of aircraft.

They haven't said anything negative about the F-35 at all, quite the opposite.

>the UK’s Ministry of Defense announced its new jet will be developed almost exclusively on British soil.
> which would put the Brits ahead of today’s fifth-gen crop: the US’s F-35 and F-22, Russia’s Sukhoi Su-57, and China’s Chengdu J-20.
>the British will want to improve upon the F-35’s airworthiness. The fifth-gen fighter is sloth-like and weighty—well, for a fighter jet.
>The Brits will also want to ensure their fighter jet doesn’t become a money pit. Unlike, ahem, the Lockheed F-22 and F-35, both notoriously over budget and behind schedule. The Royal Air Force knows this too well.
Literally, none of this is true.

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Dear Bongs,
Stop using our aircraft names
t. Hawker

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>Shitting on the F-22 and 35 for being money pits while the UK operates the fucking typhoon.

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Look I'm sorry that the F-35 is an overpriced piece of shit and that America is slipping to irrelevancy and 3rd world status, but you gotta stop being such fucking delusional fanboys. We created the first jet engines and were the leading pioneers of jet planes post-WW2. Accept the fact that Britain can make a better plane than you and grow up.

This doomed project is an but sad example of Russophobia britshits media has spreed this lie, about Russia like small pathetic britshits have announced there fighter project and continued to kill their own citizens with novichok (very much of desperation).

Thankfully our based president has made much effort in improving Relations with Russia.

There is literally nothing wrong with Typhoon.

poor bait

You people are fucking dying of alcoholism and can't even maintain basic infrastructure, you're literally going instinct due to overdrinking and you think you're of any relevance. Your army couldn't invade fucking Georgia and your planes are falling out of the sky. You haven't been a threat since the fucking 80's Vladimir, get real.


I'm British you daft fuck. We are part of F-35 as well. They wouldn't have commited to 138 F-35s if it wasn't as a complement to the Tempest project. It's exactly what F-35/Typhoon is right now.

It took longer to get to IOC than the F-35 did, and all they really got was an F-15E that can pull more G's. It's worse in every way than the F-35.

Mate, the F-35 was a fucking scam that our crooked and lazy politicians gobbled up from Uncle Sam's fat dick. It was a tremendous waste of BRITISH taxpayer's money that could have been put to our own indigenous industry. The Americans only wanted us to cover their overhead costs and share the burden. Now we're paying double the promised cost because of their inefficient and wasteful spending.

>this level of delusion

Because they wanted a F-15E, that can pull more Gs, are you like actually retarded?

>It was a tremendous waste of BRITISH taxpayer's money that could have been put to our own indigenous industry
Which is why every Lightning contains around 1/5 British content, including a large portion of the software systems. Why are you snaggletoothed shitgobbling bongs so retarded?

it looks like the west is finally starting to hop on the predicted "stealing from the Chinese" bandwagon that was predicted. good to know that the J-20 is such an impressive aircraft that the west themselves are attempting to copy it. however it is going to to be notably inferior to even western counterparts, much less the J-20 and even J-31 due to Britain's distinct lack of aerospace experience, and the notable lag behind the superiority of the Chinese industry.

Exactly, you fucking fatasses are so incompetent that even after spending 400 billion dollars you still need us to finish your shit up. We'd have done better if the other 4/5 was done by us, and under budget too, and now we're forced to pay premium for a over a hundred of these shitheaps. Thanks for drowning us along in your sinking fucking ship amerifat.

>due to Britain's distinct lack of aerospace experience
We've made the best jets in the cold war twat

>disregaurding all tests and mesures and even RAF officials that say that the F-35 is a good aircraft
>being so fucking delusional that you honestly think that NATO cooperation is a bad thing
>forcing your own home built aircraft into a different role than it was supposed to fill because of patriotism
arab-tier tbqh

>Exactly, you fucking fatasses are so incompetent that even after spending 400 billion dollars you still need us to finish your shit up
Do you not understand how a joint project works?
>We'd have done better if the other 4/5 was done by us, and under budget too
Given the history of the UK's other defense programs during the cold war I highly doubt that.
>and now we're forced to pay premium for a over a hundred of these shitheaps
It's actually the most affordable and second best fighter in the world today, and if you knew anything about aircraft you'd agree with me. Unfortunately you're just an Jow Forums retard who should return from whence he came.

you made 3 bombers that filled an outdated role, while the US and russia outclassed you in fighters, interceptors and ICBMs. plus you have had no experience since then with exception of eurofighter (which is inferior to any chinese aircraft in service)
given the UKs distinct lack of experience and quality it is no wonder that you would want to try and copy superior chinese designs, given that they outclass every other nations aircraft in the 21st century. but if you really wanted the best capability you would instead swallow your pride and buy Chinese like any other sensible nation.

give up chinkposter, you don't blend in here, we all notice your posts and laugh at them/you
your country will fail

then again, the brits are extremely prideful and arrogant, even more so than the americans or russians, so its no wonder they would pass up buying the best aircraft on the market (the J-31) in favor of sacrificing their dignity and money to build a poor mans copy.

given how china is the leading world military power and has surpassed even the US and NATO in its military and scientific prowess, id say its not china that is failing.
you will see who is failing when china has superior railguns, hypersonic missiles and quantum radars that render non Chinese stealth useless.

Anyone remember the white CGI render of the Chinese J20 in a hangar that came out in 2008?

This thing looks like a cross between that and that Iranian Qaheer fighter

With which budget do the brits want to develop that thing considering that their whole military is close to collapse due to regular, planless budget cuts?

exactly. they are copying the J-20 because they know Chinese tech is superior.

It'll be stopped from becoming a money piut by using Chinese engines


The raf cant even keep our current planes in the air. Where the fuck is the money coming from, its skint.

start the war, see what happens

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they should just buy the whole aircraft and have better capability.

yes, it will be extremely interesting to see how fast the HMS Queen Elizabeth sinks when struck by a hypersonic anti ship missile.

Only after they've killed you and 6 gojillion of your fellows.

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>An artificial-intelligence-driven autonomous flight system would allow the aircraft to fly without a pilot on board, coordinating instead with other fighter jets
We've seen this played out before

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>shilling china this hard
.001 Renminbi have been deposited into your account

Pierre Sprey is at it again.

ah yes, the famous british arrogance in action. never acknowledging when someone has done better.

The yurocuck's crippling inferiority complex strikes again

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When the F-22 escapes their memory

>people are taking this pro-Chinese bait thread seriously

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Personally, I’m a fan of British aerospace and would love to see them design something new.
However, OP reeks of inferiority complex and a lack of aircraft knowledge. Probably isn’t even British.
Don’t ruin it for those of us who actually enjoy aircraft, dumbass.

Are you stupid?

>Calling the F-35 expensive when you took part in the Eurofighter program

Where did I call the Typhoon shit outside of the hypocrisy of going after the JSF or F-22 for the same issues the Typhoon had?

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>the absolute state of chink delusion
We don't even need to start a war with you, you will defeat yourselves with starvation, like always

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Hawker typhoon -> hawker tempest
Eurofighter typhoon -> new tempest

Weird how its literally the same naming scheme.

USA is using Lightning II at this point. Astonishing lack of creativity.

be as delusional and child like as you wish it still doesnt change the fact that the US and europes time is over, and will never be again.
china has surpassed both the US and the UK in power and scientific advancement, making them the new leaders of the world. hopefully, this will lead to an end of the subjugation of humbler nations that has been going on for centuries. under the Chinese advancement, science will no longer go towards war and exploitative acts and will be funding space exploration and infrastructure projects across the globe.

HMS QE has advanced plasma electric reactive armor chinese missiles stand no chance

the HMS QE doesnt even have a full airwing (lol) much less any form of armor. hypersonics will send that thing to the bottom of the sea for testing purposes and NATO cant do a thing about it.

Lol, as if the chinese aren't militarizing the south china sea...

protecting your property is bad how? i suppose you arrogant americans forget that the world doesnt belong to you.

you can't own something that has never been yours.

I'm sorry but the quantum computer run electric reactive plasma armor has already in a single stroke rendered all russian chinese missile and railgun tech obsolete. you just have to deal with it. Your betters have seceded in a return to imperial form. I imagine you will be returning hongkong out of acknowledgment of your inferiority soon lad.

Agreed the chinese and russians at this point can only kick in despair at the hundreds of TRILLIONS they have wasted on useless railgun and hypersonic missile tech.

it always has been. always will be. your faulty education system must not tell you that.

you really are pathetic arent you? stop pretending you can beat china. it wont go well for you. give in and let your people live better lives under chinas benevolent rule.

Still not as aesthetic as the original.

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>benevolent moral empire
Stop stealing our imperial concepts you sneaky thief we invented that in the 19th century and you can't have it.

Your missiles do nothing now, same as your mind which does nothing but steal.

of course, all you can do when you are confronted with chinese superiority is kick and scream.


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Stop projecting booty boy I already said china and Russia can do naught but kick and scream over their useless little missiles. even now you can do little but steal, thief.

china is an empire of thieves

>posting propaganda pieces meant to deflect from the reality of Chinese superiority
every metric shows that china is more innovative and industrial than the west.

those "useless little missiles" have been said even by western officials to be more dangerous than anything the west has produced. they can do nothing but cower in fear of the PLAN.

Kek, cope harder, Chang.

A clever ruse by our most skilled advisers and politicians that has clearly fooled you. :^)

much like how you have been coping this whole thread? face it. the west is done.
crying like a baby is not a ruse, and the fact that you are desperately trying to copy the Chinese proves that you know you are beat.

You joke, arrogant imperialist, but our benevolent homeland is forever secured through the power of our defensive escalators. They will swallow up any arrogant invaders that dares to again step foot in the middle kingdom.

>crying like a baby is not a ruse
the thieving Chinese are clearly unable to act as they cannot steal it. hahahaha

Our plasma armor has made us invincible to your puny missiles you stand no chance

ah yes, the plasma armor that does not exist? lets hope the PLAN dont go through with the plan to sink your ships one by one to test their missiles.

>Chinese govt claims something
>"Why wourd we ever rie?"
>The west is doomed
Tell me more, Admiral Ching "128 VLS Cells" Chong.

it is installed on ships and will soon be on many more. Your missile stand no ghost of a chance

not everyone is a western liar. besides, the evidence is clear.

sure it is. lets see how useful your pretend armor is when a EMdrive chinese submarine fires a hypersonic missile at your ships and sinks them.

>No yuo rie, impewiarist!

would not work. plasma armor destroys the missile. it's basic science in Britain. You wouldn't be likely to understand.

Are they gonna give it the same diesel motor thats in that carrier of theirs?

>a fucking step
Christ bongs. Will it ever stop.

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>scientific advancement
kek okay chink, stealing tech from other countries wont get on top. your academics are shit tier and your schools breed dishonesty.

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>tfw the chinks get cocky and get in a war with the west.

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yes, the chanse to humiliate americans by sinking their entire fleet and sending all of the servicemen on board to the bottom of the ocean would be wonderful.

It must be nice to have a dream.

>Modern Britain
>Capable of doing anything other than hiding money for russian and saudi criminals


Bloody hell

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I’m sorry that some of you guys have to share an island with this retard.

Also, the Tempest won’t be ready until 2035 at the earliest so I don’t see much reason to compare it to anything right now. Call me when the prototype flies.

God I cant wait to kill billions of you bug people.

>>An artificial-intelligence-driven autonomous flight system would allow the aircraft to fly without a pilot on board, coordinating instead with other fighter jets
>Looks like we are making Her Majesty's Kingdom great again lads. Fuck you eurocunts and amerifats, God save the Queen!

so basically, the UK is so fucking cucked that it will no longer trust its own military pilots with weaponized warplanes

thats rich, a brit complaining of how his tax dollars are being spent on non indigenous industry

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>The military called the jet a sixth-generation fighter, which would put the Brits ahead of today’s fifth-gen crop
Just because you call it sixth gen doesn't automatically make it better than 5th gen.
>The fifth-gen fighter is sloth-like and weighty—well, for a fighter jet.
lol no. the F-22 and F-35 dance circles around 4th gens.
>want to ensure their fighter jet doesn’t become a money pit
good luck with that
>An artificial-intelligence-driven autonomous flight system would allow the aircraft to fly without a pilot on board, coordinating instead with other fighter jets
Oh so it'll be useless in an actual conflict
How's life in the moscow botfarm?

>British Aerospace """"knowhow""""""
How do you expect a country that can't even figure out toothbrushes to build a whole 6th gen fighter?

At least the mutts and putniks can claim independent capability. Not really sure what gingivitis island can offer the world.

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EDI was a cute and did nothing wrong. Tinman wingman when?

>implying this will reach production within the next 30 years
>implying once it's actually out it will compete with the upengined F-35s P&W are working on

the west is done. your people are uneducated, lazy, and barbaric. always have been. you subjgate and exploit humbler nations for resources you could have easily gotten in your own land if you werent so lazy and uneducated. but now thats over. china is going to turn all of your nations into sattelite states and bring peace their newer generations, while leaving the old thinking in the dust. the trash that is western "culture" is going to be cleaned up and destroyed by china, so that the atrocities the west commits that litters history can no longer occur.

Oh they have everythign they could ever possibly need, and in the unlikely case that there's some small and mostly insignificant detail they don't quite feel like developing themselves then there's isn't a country on the face of the planet that wouldn't shart itself with joy if given the privilege of handing them it on a silver platter. Or at least that's what the Brexit negotiations suggest the English think about all of this.

There are so many layers of unironic and ironic and unironic ironic chinkposting I don't know what is what anymore.

*fizzlepop berrytwist

All part of an ancient Chinese strategem to divide and confuse the enemy

Layers and layers of deception

This demonstration is exactly Iran tier, but the video presentation is what really makes it sad. How Britain has fallen. You can see the speaker desperately trying to build feels, the music, and - fiberglass mockup with a second hand undercarriage cost in the 100k range. Slightly more substance than a movie prop.

Shitty bong f22 copy, nothing special here

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