What weapons do you possess right now?

What weapons do you possess right now?

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Go away FBI/ATF/NSA/FDA, etc.....

all of them
fuck off weeb

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S&W model 17 (that i don't have at home)
argentine mauser 1891 (that i don't have any ammo for)
winchester model 12 1964 slamfire model (magazine tube is dented, can't shove more than 2 rounds in it)
fuk my life

My pants howitzer, which did to OPs mom what seige guns did to Verdun.

CZ P-01
An incomplete AR15 build (still needs sights and/or scope).
Some pump action 22 rifle.
Grandpa's R700 in 7mm Rem Mag
A nugget

lol stay mad.

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>What weapons do you possess right now?
none Mr ATF......please don't shoot my dog

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Just MuhDicc since the boating accident

Look it up yourself CADOJ


none because i live in nyc it fucking blows

My 70lb recurve
Multiple knifes
Air rifle

All I can get in UK without a license and a good reason

oi you got a lioicence for that kn0if

add 1 or 2 and a shitload of knives axes and machetes.

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*hugs* Same here, user, damn the mental gymnastics ya gotta do to own a glorious firearm! T~T

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It's a little gun called a noy-gdb it stands for none of your God Damn business.

A whole bunch of missing boat anchors. Let me know if you see them lying around anywhere.

Leaf detected

>AR and two handguns
Nope, faggot.

Muh dick

>leaf can't own ARs or handguns
Retard detected

I have got 3.6 inches of corded iron...
in my penis

it is my penis

How did you get it into your penis? How do you get it out of your penis?

Am leaf.

My dick

So unimpressive it's legal in cali and NY.