/GQ/ Gear Queer

/GQ/ Gear Queer

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Attached: British 1916.jpg (858x536, 162K)

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I really like this image set.

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Dedicated battle belt or stiff belt for holster?

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I like the stiff belt. I like as little on my belt line as possible.

Was assault belt

Probably dedicated battle belt since your set-up isn't made for concealment. However, if you did want it to pull double duty then the stiff belt would work just fine for both.


That was my thinking as well, I don’t like flopping while I run
I’ll look at it user, have some Czech JTACs

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Heavy belts get sweaty as fuck.

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I do live in South Georgia so duly noted friend, rigid belt it is

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stop capitalizing /gq/ it's not capitalized for a reason.

What's that reason?

Im sure it doesn't matter. But if it pleases you i wont capitalize it.

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because you don't capitalize the boards or abriviations of generals on Jow Forums.If it goes between / / then it doesn't get capitalized. people who don't know this are newfags. we have been making threads for well over 6 years now without capitalizing it. Every once in a while some retard decides it's his time to make threads and they always fuck it up.

thanks pham i actually do appreciate it.

Youre a fucking faggot and I sincerely wish I could punch your teeth through your head. I bet your mom still wipes your ass you sniveling pretentious fuck.

If you're just using a holster, I would say just like a riggers belt. But if you're wanting to carry mags/ifag/dump pouch then I would say battle belt. If you go the battle belt route, I recommend the HSGI Suregrip.

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explain your reasoning and why your reaction is so violent. Is something wrong?

Why not both? Buy a Ronin belt.

>Youre a fucking faggot and I sincerely wish I could punch your teeth through your head. I bet your mom still wipes your ass you sniveling pretentious fuck.

This definitely isnt me. Just to be clear.

>some retard

Ehh. Thats more like it. I just want to see this general live on and it didn't seem like anyone else was going to make moves.

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Is it bad that I want to make a crye combat set in wool serge with buttons and other old-timey materials?

I believe you may literally cook.

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why u yellin f a m

I’ve used the HSGI Suregrip, ATS warbelt, Eagle USMC belt, and an LEO nylon duty belt.

I unironically went back to using the ALICE pistol belt. It’s wide and stiff. No floppiness or deformation. It’s also the belt I settled on for deployment. I know it seems outdated as fuck, but it just works for me.

Better carrier

you did fine if it was just ignorance. saves me from having to do it. gg here is a gear layout

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I was thinking about purchasing a pair of 6M2/GSSH-01's for a cheaper alternative to under helmet earpro, does anybody here have any advice/ experience with them? If so, is there a better alternative to Supreme Pro X's?

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i could probably do that.

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They're ass, they don't block out echos or reverb. I had a set and immediately sold them.
Supreme Pro X's are already at the top of the ear pro tree but I prefer comtacs.

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Anyone know if 7.62x39 AK mags will fit in the pouches of the d3crx with the 5.56 kywy inserts? Without the cord retention, the mags fall out easily when loaded so I was hoping the inserts would work. I don't like the bungee cord retention since they are too tight and short for 7.62 AK mags. Love the chest rig, but I feel like I should have gotten something else for AK mags, but I don't really like the chicom rig or the sadf rig. Thanks in advance.

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What are some alternatives that won't burn a hole in my wallet, aside from Impact Sport's?

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i know they work with 5.45 mags for sure. hopefully someone around here has everything to try it out and give you an answer. you also might be able to remold the inserts a big wider if you needed to.

Earmor Opsmen.

Basically the impact sport version of a comms ready headset.

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Are there any helmet adaptors/mesh nets for helmet use?

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Peltor Sports with gel cups? I honestly couldn't tell you because I've had extensive use with cheaper alternatives other than the GSSHs' and after that I went straight to sordins and comtacs.

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I've never had extensive use*

I dunno what if any inserts he uses but there was one trip, Shark i think, who used 762 mags in his.

Anyone else know if these are actually any good? The price point is super low for a coms ready head set.

WTT large ranger green crye cage with oldgen back platebag

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>Earmor Opsmen.
Considering half the promo pics are of Chinese airsofters, I'd say no.

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Order some Russian mag pouches

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Rhodesian Short shorts where?


They seem pretty legit. Very new on the market so not a whole lot of product reviews yet but their social media is filled with high profile shooters using them. I plan on buying a set to try them out.

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I suggested the aws and I live in central ky and use a ronin tactics belt(made by aws), basically the same. It may not be as hot as South Georgia here, but it gets into the high 90’s with very high humidity and zero wind until it storms. Maybe the other guy was talking about a large padded battle belt, that’s not how these two piece belts are. You will notice VERY LITTLE difference in heat and sweat between a two piece belt and a simple stiff belt, but you will notice a big difference in having to thread shit on and off compared to having shit permanently on one belt and being able to throw it on top of a Velcro belt you can wear whenever.

Keep me posted.

Where did you get that radio?

Hopefully so, thanks for the input.

Cool, maybe he will grace me with an answer if he sees this.

That is an option, though the main idea behind getting the d3crx was to have a small streamlined rig to clip onto a pc when I got one if I felt like it, or if not, just run the rig. Might just have to suck it up and practice with it more till it feels natural. might be able to get some length of bungee cord and make some diy longer loops.

Thanks guys.

Will do. Instructor Zero seems to like them if that gives you any idea if they are legit or not. Doubt he'd be associated with them if they were garbage earpro.

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Italians haven’t been good at war since Caesar.


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I’m gonna guess you’ll have to use a Haley heavy rig to use x39.

Its most likely a chinese fake like everyone else here.


TRI Replica VHF/UHF. Just a heavier and arguably shittier UV5R

Whats the general consensus of MOLLE FLCs? I've been looking into chest rigs and with that I'm exploring other options.

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Not OP, but Harris sells non-frequency hop/non cypher radios that are civvy obtainable, but I think they are around the $8K mark.

TCA, TRI bodies are a lot worse. Thinking about switching to a dual band XTS but then I'll be stuck with the gay ass peltor PTT.

As somebody who likes the FLC, get an actual issued FLC or a foreign equalvalent like that Russian vest that’s basically the same design. Done get an aftermarket that has those little dangly bits meant for attaching to a belt, or something the padded chests which are a true meme.

A FLC works well for dedicated dismounted where you want to haul a good amount of gear. More than you’d carry in a chest rig. Losing it out properly for this makes it a bit of a pain in the ass for hopping in and out of vehicles all the time. And it of course bulkier than some extremely minimal chest rig or panel.

I'd rather order from Roman than some amateur. Wool serge isn't cheap.

...why? Its heavier, and more pointless than a baofeng and the only reason people buy them is to fully fill the LARP image. Idk why people are so much about an image on here to the point they have to pretend their fake Harris radios are legit, or, even buy them in the first place.

oof ouch my bones. i wasn't offering to do it for you.

They work, but not well. Sorta floppy when running, don't breath all that well in hot weather, and really don't do anything a good chest rig wont. Generally speaking, there is a reason the industry has standardized upon minimalist chest rigs for normal use and larger chest rigs for specialized use. The modern stuff like what Spiritus and Haley are putting out is really impressive, especially in comparison to older gear that accomplishes the same thing. The new concepts of dangler pouches and implementation of swift clips and removable inserts and Velcro PCs is really better than anything we have seen before.

I'm looking for something to run in tandem with a go bag. I was looking at the Spiritus rig and the Haley rig but then i saw how cheap the surplus FLCs were and was thinking about going in that route.

Access to better antennas and PTTs, also it's much more durable. Also it looks cool but again, I'm probably switching to a motorolla to get rid of the weight.

This is the very height of a solider's gear being fashionable

You still have to spend money on pouches. What kind of pouches would you get? Keep in mind flc’s are made for combat infantry loadouts, 8-12 mags, and other shit. The d3cr and microfight are very good compact, simple chestrigs, that work well for conus.(who will probably never need it in the first place)

The 4 brushes this dude carries around to keep all that shit clear.

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An actual FLC breathes well, it’s like 60% mesh on the front, open on the back, and you can fasten the front by buckles to allow some extra chest breathing.

The tactical vest in user’s picture is shitty. The whole thing is solid cloth that isn’t going to breath and the shooter pads on each shoulder will get hot’n’gross.

A FLC does the LBE concept similar to some other harness designs. You can carry a lot more with it with good weight distribution. Good for extra water, even atop carrying a camelback with would almost always be ICW, carrying dedicated canteen or nalgenes has benefits. Chest rigs have gotten popular because of how short durations outside the wire are, and especially for civilian gq’ing. Full on LBEing is unfashionable in the era of the patrol soldier spending a few hours outside and looping back to the FOB, or the direct action soldier kicking down a door and then hopping back into a helicopter. Long durations outside the wire and self sustainment encourage loadbearing setups. Use dictates gear (or it should anyway).

If only there was a non-larp radio sold that had a thales ptt connector integrated into the frame and whip antenna.

I thought they would be pretty tight on you. I looked at both Spiritus and Haley but their almost cost prohibitive. People say "Buy once cry once." but if a vest can get it done I'm down with that.

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You can pick up a UCP FLC with surplus pouches as a set on eBay for cheap. Paint or dye it to remove mooncamo.

Secret to setting up a FLC is to only put weighted pouches on the bottom (where the camo pattern is). Be very sparing abot putting any weighted pouches on the chest. The MOLLE webbing on the chest is tempting, but don’t do it for more than a lightweight admin item. Don’t stick pistol mags or something up there. Adjust the backstraps so that they all are evenly supporting the vest.

Too many people don’t do this. Much like the people who wear droplegs on their kneecaps and then say all droplegs are bad in all situations, bad setup of gear gives you a bad experience.

Wouldn't I have a smiliar but opposite problem since the mag pouches would most likely be too big being designed for full size rifle round instead of intermediate? Plus I like the set up of the d3crx more. Thanks for the input though. I suppose I can email HSP and ask them about the kywy inserts. Probably should have done that in the first place now that I think of it.

nice leotard faggot

>fucking faggot
>I sincerely wish I could punch your teeth
>I bet your mom still wipes your ass
>sniveling pretentious fuck
No one cares about your soap opera emotions here.

Hey /GQ/ what's the chestrig in this pic?

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do you want to die today motherfucker?

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wanna answer the question?

the fact that zero likes them makes me less inclined to give them the benefit of the doubt

Is there any practical reason to maintain a plate carrier with an attached micro-rig and a separate, larger chest rig system?

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yeah if you dont want to wear armor because you are doing recce shit or backpacking and you want to carry more shit than a micro rig. mission dictates gear.

Spiritus systems micro fight

Can I IR passivate nylon with some sort of treatment?

you can just by treated nylon

But I already have several hundreds of dollars worth of gear that I would rather not trash. Old, high quality stuff that was made before it was a concern. I am also looking to dye some universal pattern stuff to try to defaggotize it. Dye recommendations for nylon gear would also be appreciated.

>wanted to get these yesterday
>in stock
>kinda ehh
>''i'll go look at a local disposal store for something similar tomorrow morning''
>today is tomorrow
>do that
>only Aussie surplus leather boots with a bigass heel
>come home
>out of stock

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Brown rit.

can anybody recommend me a helmet cover for an opscore maritime helmet?
i can only find covers for the regular one.

I don't have a maritime cut helmet but im eyeballing one. Ive been looking for a maritime cover in woodland, cant find one. Im planning on buying a cheap emerson maritime cover, seam rip it, trace/cut the parts on woodland fabric and stich it back together.

It sounds easy in my head but im not a stich wizzard.

Emerson has some maritime cut covers if you are ok with airsoft quality.

Boys, Perroz Designs has you covered

Dont get me wrong they look nice, and id like one, but that seems like a bit much for a helmet cover. Or is this normal price for a helmet cover?

hopefully that's canadian funny money

I've been wearing a USGI riggers belt for my uniform. Grey Ghost's Paladin belt with a cobra buckle is on sale for small people. I'm in a light unit, aka rucks not trucks.

Anyone here hump a ruck with a cobra buckle? Does the waist belt on the ruck interfere with the buckle release? If I get up in weight, will my ruck suspension be uncomfortable cinched down over the buckle compared to the relatively flat riggers belt?

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UCP is tough to save. I had a bunch of FRACUs that I tried to convert to deer harvesting clothing. Didn't work out super well and I ended up trashing all of them.

I ran the FLC as a chest rig with the reversed waist belt for a while. Just went back to the original design and it's honestly pretty good at load carriage if you get the suspension right.

>One buckle
>Made in Africa
or get some actual M43 reproductions.

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Christ almighty that shit's expensive.

The combat pant or the combat shirt cut would probably not work without the stretch fabrics. (I do in fact know of a german guy who makes wool M65 with knit wool "stretch" inserts, but the durability on those would be terrible on a combat garment.) The non-stretch stuff would work... but frankly, wool cargo pants and jackets are not hard to find.

200$+ for a quality chestrig is pretty standard though.

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