Why dont you own an 8 + 1 maverick 88 user?

Why dont you own an 8 + 1 maverick 88 user?

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Too long, 8 shot is fine

>owning a mav


because I'm not poor.

Because 20" mossberg 500/mavericks don't come in 8+1 configuration, MDEfag.

Mine will fit 9 slugs in it but you are right its a 7 + 1

Had one, shit ftf all the time.

Sounds like user error

Because I don't live off of food stamps.

>Why dont you own an 8 + 1 maverick 88 user?
probably cause those dont exist

>laughs in 590

Attached: pyugouy.jpg (412x398, 32K)

Go look it up, not that uncommon. Plus I prefer my 590a1.

Because I Have a Winchester 1300 thats a much better Shotgun.


>ITT: Shotgunlets
Bow before your superior, the Remington Model 10.

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I do.

Uh oh somebody's retarded.

I sold mine since i couldnt use it for sporting shooting

Pretty cool gat shoulda kept it

Because i have a 590A1 cause im not a poorfag

Shotgun's capacities are advertised to include the +1 you retard.

How good is the 88 actually? I don't have any shotguns. I want to fool around with one and it seemed like a good price.

It just werks. I've heard from others that is has issue with ammo that doesn't have a brass rim but I don't buy anything that doesn't have a brass rim so I can't really comment.

Have about 700 rounds through mine and only about 3 failures, all of which were probably ammo related since I tried to put the same shells through an 870 and a 590 with no success.

It is literally a Mossberg 500 with a shitty finish and a cheaper to manufacture safety that's made in Mexico.
Works fine, but looks and feels like a piece of shit.
Good enough for Jow Forums work.

Cause I have a 590

Alright, I'll pick it up then.

They make shells withought brass?

Cuz i own a much nice 80s remington 870 wingmaster

I own a 7+2 benelli m4.

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I don't know, apparently they do. I use the 100 round Federal Target load pack from walmart and it works just fine.

what do you guys use your mav 88s for? you cant use the long barrels because it only fits the shorter mag tubes so you cant really use it to hunt or shoot skeet. Does it just sit in your closet collecting dust?

why are you like this

that is a 7+1 shotgun, you supreme autist

What do you use any of your rifles or handguns for?


I´m torn between a 590A1 or a Supernova.
The SN has the ability to shoot 12/89 Shells, but I hate how it looks and the aftermarket seems kinda lacking compared to the Mossberg.





Can someone tell me about the differences between the Mossberg 500, 590 and Mav 88? All I know is that the maverick is assembled in Mexico and it has the safety somewhere else than the 500/590 (but I still don't know where)


To my knowledge the Mossberg 590 is a version of the 500 with an 8+1 tube, 20in heavy barrel with bayonet lug.
The Maverick 88 is a cheaper version of the 500 with most parts interchangeable except the bolt, trigger and receiver as the Maverick 88 has the safety on the trigger group instead of the back of the receiver. The Barrels, tubes and stocks are interchangeable on both models tho. Both models are made for 2 3/4in and 3in shells.

I thought it was the a1 that had the bayonet lug and 8 tube

Because my shotgun wasn't Made in Mexico and imported over the border on a mule's back.

Any 20 inch 590 has the tube and bayo lug



Because I own an 18.5'' barreled 5+1.

Blasting shit in the woods. I have mine as a PGO for fun with a full stock sitting around if I ever want to change it.

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Because I own a 500 & 590 you cheap ass!

>i paid more so it's better

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>Don’t you mean
He bought quality because I’m not poor.

Because I already own 6 other shotguns.

why do I want that poor fag Maverick?

is it true that remingtons are prone to rust?

Are remington 870 taticals as shitty as the other expresses. want remington not remshit
>inb4 no difference

>he didnt buy a benelli supernova
Fucking poorfag lol

thumb safety is worth the extra money

Because 590 is a bigger number than 88.

Attached: 590ayy1.jpg (4032x2250, 3.04M)


If you are a dumb nigger and don't take care of your guns they will rust

I can't find that fucking wooden honeycomb forend anywhere.

Because I don't hunt birds?

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I'm buying either one of these niggers fir my next shotgun. Did yours come with the retractable stock and mag tube or did you add those separately?

Its commonly referred to as "corn cob" but I got mine from Numrich.


>summerfags and their meme opinions
This is the gayest season of the year

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Excluding hunting birds or snakes a rifle does everything better than a shotgun.

>rifles do a better job of putting 40 .24 caliber holes in somebody with a single pull of the trigger

Dead is dead anonbro. I can kill you with my rifle at the muzzle or at 500m. What's the effective range of 40 .24 caliber projectiles from a 12ga?

Because I own a 30+1 rifle in 7.62x39 which h has at least half the energy of a 12 gauge.

ARs are easier for retards like you to wield due to low recoil, but shotguns are valuable to those who can't easily get 30 round capacity ARs. One round of no.4 or 00 buck in the chest is sure to fell any human walking

>muh engaging point targets at 500m
Much more of a non concern than stopping a threat quickly in the real world. A blast of buckshot creates an expanding cone of destruction as it penetrates and each of those projectiles has a chance of hitting the CNS or a major blood vessel. When it comes to a realistic defensive encounter where you're trying to put an armed pell grant recipient down at 3 AM in your hallway it may very well mean the difference between him having an opportunity to return fire or none at all. That's a pretty big deal. In terms of raw trauma inflicted the 12g is king until you get a good bit north of intermediate rifle rounds, and even then most people wouldn't want to use something like that for HD.

That's embarrassing

>Skatter gat general.
I’m looking to pick up a gun for dove season. Thinking BPS or a Winchester punk (forgot the name). Anyone have pros/cons for each?

I have mine. It’s great.

Because I own an 8+1 590A1

Because I own an 870

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My ar 15 cant shoot 15 bucket pellets in one trigger pull. I wouldnt go to my shotgun for home defense first but i enjoy the recoil of magnum buckshot and slugs are cool too

>top folder
wow you bought the face shredder, gg

Because I'm not poor

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I had a winchester sxp and it was horrible and i blew up the barrel someone shooting bucketshot with the proper choke. They are made in turkey, and fuck turkey. Bps used to be really great and propably still is.

>im not poor i payed an extra hundo to move the safety

Sam Hyde is the one true savior of our generation.

Pay for his patreon/gumroad or perish

>inb4 thread turns into Howa v Maverick argument

There's a reason that mil/leo cqb teams only use shotguns for breaching...It's because they suck ass for everything else.

Yes. Post 2006 (((freedom group))) you dumb nigger. Anything older, especially antique Remington is GOAt.

>9 shots
>hunting birds
Oh no. The summerfag is retarded

>Its commonly referred to as "corn cob"
Except it isn't. It's called a "rat tail". The link you posted even says so. A "corn cob" would have vertical lines intersecting the horizontal ones.
>But it explains why retards can't ever find them, because they refer to them as "corn cob" fore ends.

Yeah, but I'm
>that guy
that uses an M24/47 in 8mm Mauser for home defense. I just trust it to defend my life and my ability ti defend me and mine with it much more than my weird-ass shotgun at the moment. If I get a decent pump, that'll probably change though.

People larping about muh HD shotgun just don't get it that they could have bought ammo for their rifle with that money, still had a HD gun(their rifle) that would also be useful for things other than shooting at HD distances. It's the difference between people whose hobby is shooting versus shopping. A shooter buys a gun and then goes to shoot it alot. A shopper just keeps buying guns he shoots very little. Shoppers also buy stupid shit like boresight lasers, mag loaders and other shit that is totally unnecessary.

>lives innaneigborhood
>is only 20
>has money to buy what I want
>has pic related
>uses shotgun for HD because it won’t overpenetrate into my neighbors bedroom like my VZ or PTR
>5.56 has won’t knock a nigger down in one shot

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Ladies and gentlemen I give you....the shopper...A stack of garbage instead of one quality gun and ample range time.

Same user as your first reply. Also
>boresight lasers are useless
You’ve never had to zero a scope yourself then. I’d be willing to wager I spend more on ammo in a given week than you, and I go to the range every Sunday after church. Anyone who avidly shells against using a shotgun for home defense either
A) doesn’t even actually own any guns
Or B) doesn’t have neighbors
It’s one thing to use a rifle or pistol for HD if that’s all you got, but that doesn’t make it the best thing to use.

>lack of ample time at a range
Every Sunday and average 300-500 rounds a trip. I buy what I like and can buy ammo just as easily

>You’ve never had to zero a scope yourself then.

OMFG how did anyone zero an optic before laser boresighters AMIRIGHTGAIS?

>Every Sunday and average 300-500 rounds a trip. I buy what I like and can buy ammo just as easily

>Has no optics.

Sure. okay. You're a for real gunfighter user. I believe you now.

Shoppers are like 80% of the gun buying community so don't think I don't appreciate you guys for holding up the market and paying for product development while us shooters cherry pick only the good shit. I'm still gonna shitpost though.

I’d also like to point out
>SP2 flare pistol, average $400-450
>Sabre defense AR, no longer produced, average $1k-$1.5k
>Remington Model 10, 5 digit serial police service
None of those are trash and the only two cheap guns there are the mosin and mossberg 500, both which are gifts. >has no optics
I don’t store them together shit for brains. Post what you have noguns

Attached: image.jpg (4032x3024, 2.14M)

>>SP2 flare pistol, average $400-450
>>Sabre defense AR, no longer produced, average $1k-$1.5k
>>Remington Model 10, 5 digit serial police service


omfg are you serious right now? I have plastic buckets that are more useful than a $400 flare pistol. You think you're making a case for how well off you are when all you're doing is proving my point that shoppers buy dumb shit.

>my optics are in my other picture I didn't post.

You don't have to sell me man I'm positive you have bought a stack of crappy optics. It's what shoppers do.

>still posts no guns
Go back to your containment site m8

I don't see why you're so mad bro there's nothing wrong with being a shopper if that's your thing. If there were only shooters then there'd be like 5 guns on the market and they would be really expensive. Shoppers are the lube that greases the way for shooters to shoot. Thank you for your cervix.

>t. Noguns
>t. Nevershoots
Go back

Shoppers post pics to seek approval from other shoppers. Shooters just shoot and shitpost. Both shooters and shoppers are important to the ecosystem that is Jow Forums.

>t. Noguns
>t. Nevershoots