What do you think about verdun? is it worth?

what do you think about verdun? is it worth?
I'm looking for ww1 multiplayer game
inb4 screaming steel

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Considering your only alternative is an absolutely fucking horrendous SJW simulator where everyone is running around with prototype SMG's and semi-automatics it's pretty much all you have.

fun when it first came out but now it's kinda dead and the only people playing are absolute beasts

well thanks for info, so i have to play darkest hour again, fuck..

Verdun is a death simulator and the PTSD is real. You have been warned OP

10/10. Made me wanna get trench foot and get gunned down by machineguns charging a trench.

Some people complain that in most games nothing actually happens. Those people are COD normies who don't know that that's whats supposed to happen. You attack you get machinegunned and repelled, then they attack and get machine gunned and repelled. I wish the player count was higher.

The game is amazing but you're a tad late. Not many players around anymore. If I were you I'd try Tannenberg which is in the Eastern front - same devs so expect similar gameplay experience. I think it's still in development.

Too hard for me to get into.

Honestly I don't thing I've liked video games since the 360 gen. I haven't loved them since the GBA SP pretty sure.

Do you enjoy poking your head up out of a trench and getting it taken off by a sniper before you can even shoulder your rifle to ADS?

How about spawning on your squad leader who is in a bomb crater in the middle of no mans land (cause you've died trying to run up there 6 times already) and then you immediately catch a mortar to the teeth?

What about finally running all the way across no mans land and not actually dying for once. But as soon as your boots hit the deck in the enemy trench you get the message that you're now on the defensive and need to fall back all the way to your trench and only have 10 seconds to do so. So you inevitably catch a bullet in the back for your troubles?

If all of that sounds appealing then fuck yeah! Go get em killer!

i saw some videoes from tannenberg and imo looks just bad, i mean its not so calm and
static like verdun

What, you don't like the Automatico Trench, Hellrigel, or the Fedorov Avtomat?

*screams of a woman from the trenches*

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The fact that a woman can throw a grenade further than 3 yards, even in a video game, amazes me.

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>one minute ago
>start the game
>look for servers
>one server
>with one player
>in the whole game

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try Day of Infamy user, you can pick it up on steam for about 5 bucks if on sale
yes its another ww2 shooter but one of the better ones out there
>no Hud or automatic bullet count so you have to keep track yourself
>you die in about 1 shot which can be bullshit at times but is about what getting shout though the chest would be like

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i'm playing sometimes screaming steel (Doi ww1 mod) but its so weird. There's like 4 maps and half of them is a city so its fucking cqb shit with bolt action rifles, you can imagine how shitty it is

the only mod I use for the game is substituting the default gun sound effects with the gun sound effects from medal of honor allied assault
sometimes I just stand in the corner and shoot the M1 over and over again just to hear it sing

screaming steel

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i odda give this a shot sometime
I love the game and it can't hurt to try something new
and hey, is a free mod so why not?

ST is okay but only on the passchendaele and somme, city maps are fucked up as hell, i just want to camp in the trench and look at my boys with rifles.

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>city so its fucking cqb shit with bolt action rifles
That would actually be really cool, not city per say but CQB in towns like early ww1. Read Rommels infantry attack. It's some good shit, and talks about the troubles with CQB in towns and how his unit got pinned down at the edge of a forest.

I would highly recommend Verdun if you want a traditional trench warfare milsim game but if you want one that has more running and gunning while trying to capture objectives I would recommend Tannenburg, by the same studio, and while Tannenburg seems to be better optimized the Verdun experience is a little more enriching in my opinion.

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It's a decent game but it's a fucking ghost town.

Sums up my experience perfectly. What a shit game it is. At least it was on sale for $5

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Really? There is times were I hop on and get fucked but there's also a lot of times where I can fuck other people, maybe its because i'm on the West coast and half the time my ping is shit.

Has it ever occurred to you that you might be bad?

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I got on it several times over the last 2 months and it seemed absolutely dead desu senpai

Unless this is the newer one

Sad to say it's dead, get Tannenburg, I think that's the newer one

its ok. I really dont like hardcore "realistic" cool kid shooting games were only two guys gets submachine guns or sniper riffles and one guy gets to be the commander and yell at people to shoot at stuff in bushes you can't see and hold point alpha untill you die and respawn until the little box says you ran out of numbers.

>rising storm 2: Vietnam is lame.

From experience in playing CQB Verdun maps melee, grenades, pistols, bayonets, are king, rifles are basically useless.

>rifles are useless

Its sequel, Tannenberg, is much more alive

>"well, maybe because Tannenberg came out not too long ago, verdun's barren!"
>look up player count on steam charts
>tannenberg has lower player numbers than verdun did past few days
A bit melancholy seeing how low those player numbers are.

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Tannenberg has bots not humans, Verdun is more alive

Good WWI Simulator, could be great. But the community is pretty dead compared to what it used to be. Tannenberg is similar but with more open maps as opposed to static trenches, and tannenberg has bots to fill the empty spots so you can at least play. I think the "Squad only" progression killed it. Basically you can only progress if you consistently play with the same 4 man squad all the time. And if those guys arent online, you're back to lvl 1. So if you play alone, you can never progress.


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Tannenberg isn't very good, which sucks because the guns are pretty cool.

Unironically battlefield 1

It's not supposed to be calm and static. It's emulating the Eastern front of the Great War where mass swathes of land were taken and lost over the course of a battle on massive open plains instead of hiding from artillery barrages in holes and occasionally getting gunned down by marksmen and MGs.

It’s kinda hard to get a WWI game to work. Hence the lack of games. You have to limit snipers, LMGs, SMGs, etc. or you lose the character. But there’s a tendency for the limits to turn into a game with 4 shooters and 36 targets.
The Verdun progression system is dumb. It does have the limited personal progression with load outs, but most clas load outs were either alright>slightly better>slightly different or unplayable>good>why?. Modern shooters need a good progression system to keep people playing.
I think if I were designing a WWI game I’d use perks, giving the player 2 or 3 personal perks, 1 or 2 that affect the squad, and maybe one that affects the team. I’d probably randomize elements. So when the attacker changes random players would have the option to respawn as appropriate classes, say snipers and machine gunners for the defender and subgunners and grenadiers for the attacker. I’d also add a pre-match randomly determined “commander” for each side who could alter the match using a point buy system with more options unlocked at level up. Examples would be changing weather or time of day, adding barbed wire and mines, ordering an opening bombardment, getting air support, and placing fixed machine guns.

Rising Storm 2 is the most casual military shooter Trip Wire has made, and honestly I'm not complaining about it. Everyone gets at least a machine gun in RS2 except the Australians but it's realistic cause all Aussies are gay.
I would agree with your point in Red Orchestra 2. The machine guns and semi autos were ridiculously OP and those guaranteed you a positive KDR no matter what.
Here's a good tip for playing RS2 Nam, mute the commander and any other try hard faggot and just have fun killing gooks playing your own way.

>be me
>be on argonne
>be tommies
>germans attack with all grenadiers
>everyone dies
>trench now full of germans
>entente players all spawn with Sho Shos, Lewis's, BARs and Shotties
>germans all mysteriously shot to death
>repeat cycle for 20 minutes
>total casualty report
>approx 1200
man I wish the mods hadnt cocked up with the jump and shoot pinpoint BS and got rid of it asap instead of keeping it as long as they did for a few spergs

It’s a rough diamond. The gameplay is genuinely fun when there are enough players and no negrofield normalfags whining about arty and graphics. There is some good banter from time to time from regulars and nobody uses VOIP so I don’t have to hear whiny low-t faggots harping about rushing B like in RS/RO. It definitely still has problems and is dead compared to other games, though.

All of this talk of niche games reminds me that you need to be playing Mount and Blade Napoleonic Wars

the new game is tannenburg, both are good games but the playerbase isn't there I rarely play anymore. the games I still play are day of infamy, red orchestra 2, and squad.

I love verdun and was part of the tannenburg but ya everyone is right about them being empty nowadays.
you can get games in the evenings though so it isnt completely unplayable.

The answer ofc is rpg elements, classes that level up permanently but slower, anf bots. Stalker still has a permanent general in vg because of those elements.

don't let people here fool you, the "good" players are usually blatant hackers who can somehow dome multiple people from across no man's land with a sawed off enfield with just a pixel of your head poking out of the trench in under 5 seconds
when you get a legit game it's pretty fun and intense though, and like says, they usually happen in the evening here in the US
>Napoleonic Wars
undoubtedly one of my favorite multiplayer games of all time, I don't remember a time I didn't have it installed and popped into bot survival for some casual black powder combat

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Well there's a good amount playing but yeah all fucking pros

T H I S. So much hacking it's ridiculous.

All of those elements seem worth exploring however
>randomly determined “commander"
is a recipe for suck. RO2 tried that with randomly assigned squad leaders which, at least when I was playing it months ago, fucked over the Vietnamese side because the SL has to be not functionally retarded to remember to dig tunnels, which meant on average 4/6 squads were fucked up because of scrubs randomly being assigned to SL.
If the commander was randomly assigned and they did important stuff like the fixed MGs, barbed wire, and mines like you said, which is a neat idea don't get me wrong, it would not work out well.

Fucking love it, play with a squad to unlock the neat shite, 600mm mortar or double barrage. If its your time to go over the trench you die ptfo and die agian, if its theirs you get kills. Way better than negrofield 1

And that's the difference between BF1 and the rest: the SJWs figured out that games also have to be fun, so they stuck in stuff that make an FPS fun.

Agreed. Verdun was always full of sketchy clan stack fuckers.

Holdfast is pretty fun for that Napoleonic itch. Shame that Riflemen are fucking crutches and ruin fun.

Verdun and tannenburg are fun, but they aren't always instant reward like bf1.

My idea wasn’t to make it an actual class or in-match position. All that would be handled before the match starts as a way to add variety to maps.

Am I the only one who played the Battlefield 1918 mod for Battlefield 1942?
Now THAT was a true WW1 FPS...

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-Pretty realistic.
-Interesting classes.
-Gameplay is fun and immersive.
-The leveling system was fucking retarded last time I played, and was tied to what period kit your guy was wearing. This part bothered me more than the weapon/gas restrictions. Especially if you were a Poilu whose uniform changed from an adrian helmet and bleu horizon to a red kepi and red pants because your squadmate disconned.
-No one plays anymore.

i did for a bit, i miss bf1942, there will never be a game like it, the star wars mod and desert storm were the shit.

Darkest hour is fucking garbage though

either we're just getting old or vidya has become noticably worse over the years, i tend to think its the former because old games are still fun for me and there are a few newer games that are really good.

Why is everyone constantly team killing in doi and insurgency? I just joined a match in insurgency, and ten seconds into the game I was killed by some jackass on my team. Even when they're not shooting directly at you, they just spray at random shit the second the game starts. Every. Single. Game.

Tfw I've done this shit
It's not hard, you literally just have to get good and prey on retards

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fuck zab

someday we should get into a game together and get some Jow Forums action into verdun

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Verdun would have been so much more better if it was cute anime girls.

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file name

honestly I'm done with it, with so many l337 sn1p3rs in a dying game you can't machine-gun 200 people in a match anymore

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Literally this. Scopes are for pussies. Learn what is a head and what isnt a rock.