Jow Forums subjugates the sun

It's summer and, surprise, the sun has turned traitor on us again.
>it's fucking hot
>the sun is tanning us, trying to turn us into niggers so cops shoot us
>the sun is constantly betraying us. In the winter the cunt leaves to let us freeze
>it hurts my fucking eyes to look at
How can we teach this traitorous sun of a bitch a lesson? We need to launch an offensive against the sun. Which of you brave Jow Forumsommandos will help us end the sun's tyranny? How can we stop the sun? I need options.

Attached: a9b.png (1680x947, 982K)

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I've tried shooting at the sun by the way. That obviously didn't work and now my eyes hurt.

Fuck the sun. Self bump.

Hey newfriend. Everyone knows nobody here goes outside.

You have to go outside just to get to the range at least? Oh wait you probably don't have any guns. Nevermind. This thread isn't for you it's for people who have the means to defend themselves, please leave.

We're going to let the sun win?

aight den


I dont think even creedmor will touch the sun. Maybe 338 lapua?

Guess i should've named this thread Jow Forums lets the sun punk them.